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单词 equilibrium
释义 equilibrium /iːkwɪlɪbriəm; ek-/ (also market equilibrium) noun [uncountable; singular] (economics 经济学) a situation in which the amount of particular goods or services that people want to buy (demand) at a particular price equals the amount that businesses want to supply ( supply) 供求平衡,均衡(在某一价格水平上的某种商品或服务的需求量等于供应量)◆he believes that the steel market is reaching an equilibrium. 他认为钢铁市场正达到供求均衡。◆the market is in equilibrium. 该市场处于供求均衡状态。◆the equilibrium rate of employment (= the supply of work and the demand for work are equal) 均衡就业率(工作的供求相等)  ➡  picture at supply and demand ◇ partial equilibrium ☞ equilibriumequilibrium/ˌi:kwɪˈlɪbriəm;ˌek-||; ˌikwəˈlɪbrɪəm/noun[u] [sing] 1. a state of balance, especially between forces or influences that are working in opposite ways 均衡;平衡: ◇the point at which the solid and the liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point. 固体和液体可以平衡共存的温度叫做冰点。 2. a calm state of mind and a balance of emotions (心态)平静 equilibriumsee ⇨ equal/not equal 6 e·qui·lib·ri·um /ˏikwə`lɪbrɪəm; ˌiːkwɪˈlɪbriəm/n [u] 1. [singular 单数,u] a balance between opposing forces, influences etc [敌对的力量、影响等的]均衡,平衡:◇the supply and the demand for money must be kept in equilibrium. 货币的供需必须保持平衡。 2. [u] a calm state of mind [心绪的]平静,安宁




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