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单词 brave/not brave
释义 brave/not brave1 not afraid when you are in a dangerous or frightening situation2 not afraid to do possibly dangerous things3 not afraid to do something new and different4 the ability to behave bravely5 to be brave enough to do something6 not brave7 to decide not to do something because you are too frightenedrelated wordssee alsoconfident/not confident,frightened/frightening,1. not afraid when you are in a dangerous or frightening situation 处于危险或吓人的情况下而不惧怕 brave /breɪv/ [adjective] someone who is brave does not show that they are afraid in a frightening situation or when they have to do something dangerous, painful, or unpleasant 勇敢的,无畏的 you have to be very brave to be a fireman. 你得非常勇敢才能当消防员。 a brave rescue attempt 一次英勇的营救行动 no matter how hard i tried to be brave and strong, i couldn't stop myself from crying. 不论我多么努力地想显得勇敢坚强,我还是忍不住哭了出来。 i wasn't sure if i was being brave or stupid. 我不清楚当时我算是勇敢还是愚蠢。it is brave of somebody to do something it was very brave of you to tell her the truth. 你真勇敢,把实情告诉了她。be brave used to tell someone to behave bravely 勇敢一点 come on, be brave. just grit your teeth and it will all be over in no time. 加油,勇敢一些。你只要咬紧牙关,很快就会挺过去的。 bravely [adverb] most of the soldiers who fought so bravely in the war were no older than twenty. 战争中英勇作战的士兵大部分还不到20岁。 courageous /kəˈreɪdʒəs/ [adjective] especially written someone who is courageous behaves very bravely, often for a long period, and especially when they are fighting for something they believe in or suffering great pain 【尤书面】勇敢的,无畏的 after a courageous struggle against cancer, garcia died at the age of thirty. 加西亚与癌症进行了一番顽强的搏斗后,于30岁时去世。 few will forget her courageous stand against inequality and injustice. 很少有人会忘记她反对不平等和不公正现象的坚定无畏的立场。 but for the actions of a few courageous individuals, we might all have died. 要不是那几位勇士奋不顾身,也许我们已全部丧命了。 courageously [adverb] this was a triumph for all those who had courageously demanded reform. 这对于所有曾勇敢地要求改革的人来说是一个胜利。 heroic /hɪˈrəʊɪk/ [adjective] extremely brave and admired by a lot of people 英勇的;英雄般的 amy johnson is famous for her heroic solo flight from britain to australia in 1930. 艾米·约翰逊于1930年从英国单独驾机飞到澳大利亚,这英勇的举动使她声名远扬。 although the nationalists put up heroic resistance, the revolt was crushed in three days. 尽管民族主义者奋勇抵抗,但起义仍在三天内被镇压下去。 the film is a warm tribute to the heroic pilots of c division. 这部影片热烈赞扬c师的那些英勇的飞行员。 heroism /ˈherəʊɪzəm/ [uncountable noun] heroic behaviour 英勇,大无畏精神 nelson's heroism in battle won him many honours. 纳尔逊在战斗中的英勇行为使他赢得了许多荣誉。 hero/heroine /ˈhɪərəʊ, ˈherəʊɪn/ [countable noun] someone who does something extremely brave and is admired by a lot of people. use hero about a man or a woman, use heroine about a woman 英雄/女英雄[hero可指男性或女性,heroine则指女性] a famous world war two hero, he later became a u.s. senator. 他是二战时期一位著名的战斗英雄,后来成为美国参议员。 don't try to be a hero. you'll only get hurt. 别逞英雄,你会受伤的。 a heroine of the resistance 抵抗运动中的女英雄2. not afraid to do possibly dangerous things 不怕做可能危险的事情 daring /ˈdeərɪŋ/ [adjective] not afraid of taking risks or doing dangerous things, or involving a lot of risks 勇敢的,大胆的,敢于冒险的 he would often do very foolish things just to prove how daring he was. 他为了证明自己胆大,常做出一些很愚蠢的事情。 three inmates fled the prison in a daring tunnel escape. 三名囚犯大胆地从地道越狱,成功地逃脱了。 it is a particularly daring stunt, involving being tied up and suspended in mid-air. 这是个非常大胆的特技动作,包括被捆绑后悬在半空之中。 adventurous /ədˈventʃərəs/ [adjective] someone who is adventurous enjoys going to new places and having new, possibly dangerous experiences 爱冒险的,有冒险精神的 the higher slopes are for the more adventurous skier. 较高的斜坡是供更爱冒险的滑雪者使用的。 she was naturally adventurous and loved the wild landscape of colombia with all its beauty and danger. 她天生爱冒险,非常喜欢哥伦比亚既绮丽又险峻的天然景致。 fearless /ˈfɪəʳləs/ [adjective] not at all afraid of doing dangerous things, so that other people admire you 无畏的;勇敢的 the comanches were great and fearless warriors. 科曼切族印第安人都是英勇善战、无所畏惧的勇士。 her fearless opposition to the military dictatorship has won admiration from around the world. 她大胆反抗军事独裁统治,这使她赢得了各国人民的钦佩。 fearlessly [adverb] he dived fearlessly into the sea, ignoring the rocks below. 他不顾下面有礁石,勇敢无畏地跃入海中。 fearlessness [uncountable noun] it is essential that bullfighters give an impression of fearlessness. 斗牛士给观众留下一个英勇的印象,这非常重要。 daredevil /ˈdeəʳdevəl/ [countable noun] someone who enjoys doing extremely dangerous things and taking a lot of risks 喜欢冒险的人;鲁莽大胆的人 world famous daredevil evel knievel will attempt to cross the grand canyon on a rocket-powered motorcycle. 因胆子大而闻名世界的埃维尔·尼维尔将尝试骑在一部火箭驱动的摩托车上飞跃大峡谷。 daredevil [adjective only before noun] many consider ormer locklear to have been the greatest of all daredevil pilots. 许多人认为奥默·洛克利尔是最伟大的勇敢无畏的飞行员。3. not afraid to do something new and different 对于做新奇和与众不同之事不感到害怕的 daring /ˈdeərɪŋ/ [adjective] not afraid to do something new and unusual that many people will find shocking 大胆的,敢于创新的 when she was young, everybody thought my grandmother was terribly daring because she smoked. 我祖母年轻时,大家都觉得她的胆子特别大,因为她吸烟。 a daring new production of ‘hamlet’ 新制作的别具一格的《哈姆雷特》 adventurous /ədˈventʃərəs/ [adjective] someone who is adventurous enjoys trying new things or taking risks 爱冒险的 i'm not very adventurous when it comes to trying new food. 说到尝试新食物,我不怎么有冒险精神。 le corbusier was the most adventurous architect of modern times, always experimenting with new forms and structures. 勒科巴西尔是当代最敢于创新的建筑师,他总是在探索新的形式与结构。 bold /bəʊld/ [adjective] not afraid of taking risks, saying what you think and making difficult decisions 敢作敢为的;大胆的;果敢的 what we need is a strong leader, someone who is bold enough to make tough decisions. 我们需要一位强有力的领导人,一个敢作艰难决定的人。 he was one of the boldest and most innovative composers of his day. 他是当时最具胆识、最富创新精神的作曲家之一。 boldly [adverb] overcoming her instinctive shyness, she boldly stepped forward to speak to the crowd. 她克服了自己羞怯的性格,大胆地走上前去和大家讲话。4. the ability to behave bravely 勇敢行事的能力 courage /ˈkʌrɪdʒǁˈkɜːr-/ [uncountable noun] the ability to behave bravely when you are in danger, suffering illness, or pain, or when other people are opposing you 勇敢;勇气;胆量 she showed great courage during her long illness. 她在长期的病患中,表现出巨大的勇气。 nelson mandela will be remembered for his courage and integrity in the struggle against apartheid. 人们将会记住纳尔逊·曼德拉在反对种族隔离的斗争中所表现出来的勇气和正直。take courage need courage 需要勇气 driving again after his accident must have taken a lot of courage. 他出事之后再驾车一定鼓起了很大的勇气。 bravery /ˈbreɪvəri/ [uncountable noun] the ability to behave bravely in a dangerous situation, for example during a war 勇敢,勇气 after the war, my uncle was awarded a medal for bravery. 战后,我叔叔因英勇作战获授一枚奖章。 gina surprised us all with her bravery and endurance. 基娜的勇气和耐力令我们都感到吃惊。 it was an act of the utmost bravery and disregard for personal safety. 这行动需要极大的勇气,并把个人安危置之度外。 guts /gʌts/ [plural noun] informal the ability and determination to do something difficult or dangerous that other people are afraid to do 【非正式】勇气,胆量;决心 i don't think he can possibly win, but you've got to admire his guts. 我觉得他不可能赢,但你不得不佩服他的勇气。have guts whatever else you may say about sally, she certainly has guts. 不管你对萨莉还有什么其他评价,她确实很有胆量。it takes guts to do something you need guts to do something 做某事需要勇气 it took guts and determination to overcome such a severe handicap. 要克服如此严重的残疾需要勇气和决心。 nerve /nɜːʳv/ [uncountable noun] the ability to remain calm and confident in a dangerous, difficult, or frightening situation 镇定;勇气;胆量 in a scary situation like that you need someone with plenty of nerve. 在那种可怕的情况下,你需要的是有胆量的人。 after a three day siege the kidnapper's nerve failed and he gave himself up to the police. 被围困三天之后,绑匪变得胆怯,向警方自首。it takes a lot of nerve to do something you need a lot of nerve to do something 做某事需要很大的勇气 it takes a lot of nerve to report a colleague for sexual harassment. 举报同事的性骚扰行为需要很大的勇气。5. to be brave enough to do something 有足够的勇气做某事 be brave enough to do something /biː ˌbreɪv ɪnʌf tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] none of the other people were brave enough to stand up to him. 其他人没有一个敢于站出来反对他。 maybe if you were brave enough to ask her out she'd go to a movie with you. 也许如果你有勇气约她出去的话,她会和你去看电影的。 anyone brave enough to get this far would then find an electrified fence blocking their way. 有胆量来到这么远的人将发现一道通电的栅栏挡住了他们的去路。 dare /deəʳ/ [intransitive verb not in progressive] to be brave enough to do something that is dangerous or that you are afraid of doing -- used in questions, negatives, and sentences beginning with ‘if’ 敢于[用于疑问句、否定句和以“if”开头的句子] my sister used to steal things from stores, but i would never dare. 我姐姐以前常在商店里偷东西,但我从来不敢。not dare (to) do something no one dared to go into the old house at night. 没有人敢在晚上走进那幢老房子。 she was so high up now that she didn't dare look down. 她现处在这么高的地方,都不敢往下看了。dare do something dare we take this decision without consulting the prime minister? 我们敢不与首相商议就作这个决定吗? have the guts to do something /hæv ðə ˌgʌts tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to be brave enough to do something unpleasant or difficult that other people are afraid to do 【口】有胆量做某事 spoken i know he made a mistake, but at least he had the guts to admit it! 我知道他犯了错误,但至少他有勇气承认! sarah's the only one who has the guts to speak her mind. 萨拉是唯一一个敢讲心里话的人。 have the nerve to do something /hæv ðə ˌnɜːʳv tə ˈduː something/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to be calm and confident enough to do something that is frightening or dangerous 有勇气做某事 not many people have the nerve to stand up and speak in front of a large audience. 不是很多人都有勇气站在一大群人面前讲话的。 i can't believe he had the nerve to show up at the party after what he said about janet. 他这么说珍妮特的坏话后竟然还敢来参加聚会,我简直不敢相信。 find/get up/pluck up the courage to do something /ˌfaɪnd, ˌget ʌp, ˌplʌk ʌp ðə ˌkʌrɪdʒ tə ˈduː something ǁ-ˌkɜːr-/ [verb phrase] to force yourself to be brave and do something that you are afraid of doing, after thinking about it for a long time 鼓起勇气做某事 i eventually plucked up the courage to tell my parents that i was going to go and live in canada. 我终于鼓起勇气告诉父母,我打算去加拿大定居。 david loves julie but he can't get up enough courage to ask her to marry him. 戴维很爱朱莉,但他鼓不起勇气向她求婚。6. not brave 不勇敢的 cowardly /ˈkaʊəʳdli/ [adjective] not brave 胆小的;懦弱的 he was too cowardly to say what he meant. 他太懦弱,不敢讲心里话。 it was a cowardly attack on unarmed civilians. 这是对手无寸铁的平民怯懦的攻击。 nato today condemned the incident, calling it a senseless and cowardly act. 北约组织今天谴责了该事件,称其是毫无意义和懦弱的行为。 cowardice /ˈkaʊəʳdɪs, ˈkaʊəʳdəs/ [uncountable noun] cowardly behaviour 胆小,懦弱 the movie is a true account of the only american soldier to be shot for cowardice since the civil war. 这部影片讲的是美国内战开始后唯一一名因胆怯而被枪毙的士兵的真实故事。 coward /ˈkaʊəʳd/ [countable noun] someone who is not brave enough to do something dangerous or unpleasant that they should do 胆小鬼;懦夫 he called me a coward, because i wouldn't fight. 因为我不愿打架,他就叫我胆小鬼。 perhaps i should have turned back but i didn't want to be known as a quitter and a coward. 也许我本应该折返,但我不愿被人看作是个半途而废的懦夫。be a coward about something she knew she was an awful coward about going to the dentist. 她知道自己不敢去看牙医是非常怯懦的。 spineless /ˈspaɪnləs/ [adjective] someone who is spineless is too weak to say what they really think because they are afraid of what might happen or what other people might say -- use this to show disapproval 没有骨气的;软弱的 don't be spineless -- you have to stand up to people like that. 别这么软弱—面对那种人你得挺身而出。 the president has been accused of being spineless in the face of naked aggression. 面对敌人赤裸裸的侵略,总统被指责表现得懦弱不堪。 wimp /wɪmp/ [countable noun] informal someone who is afraid to do something you want them to do or think they should do, so that you think they are annoying or do not respect them - often used humorously 【非正式】软弱无用的人[常为幽默用法] don't be such a wimp, simon. tell her you want to break up. 别那么窝囊,西蒙。去告诉她你要和她分手。 because they don't risk money, corporate financiers are considered wimps by traders. 公司金融家不肯拿钱去冒险,所以被商人视为胆小鬼。7. to decide not to do something because you are too frightened 因害怕而决定不做某事 lose your nerve /ˌluːz jɔːʳ ˈnɜːʳv/ [verb phrase] to suddenly lose the confidence and calmness that you need in order to do something dangerous or frightening [突然间]失去勇气 dan wanted to ask his boss for a day off but he lost his nerve at the last minute. 丹原想向老板请一天假,但他最后一刻失去了勇气。 i stood at the top of the ski-slope for a minute then lost my nerve. 我在滑雪坡坡顶站了片刻,突然失去了往下滑的勇气。 not dare /nɒt ˈdeəʳ/ [verb phrase] to not be brave enough to do something because you are afraid of what might happen if you do it 不敢 not dare do something the older boys used to bully me but i didn't dare complain. 那些大一点的男孩子以前总是欺负我,但我又不敢说什么。not dare to do something billy stood on top of the rock, not daring to jump down. 比利站在岩石顶端,但不敢往下跳。not dare i wanted to ask dad for the money but i didn't dare. 我想问爸爸要钱但不敢开口。 chicken out/wimp out /ˌtʃɪkɪn ˈaʊt, ˌtʃɪkən ˈaʊt, ˌwɪmp ˈaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] spoken informal to not be brave enough to do something that you intended to do or said you would do 【口,非正式】临阵退缩,打退堂鼓 i was supposed to make the introductory speech, but i chickened out at the last minute. 本来应该由我来致开场白,但我在最后一刻打了退堂鼓。chicken/wimp out of doing something she chickened out of telling her father that she and david were going to live together. 她最终不敢告诉父亲她打算与戴维同居。 not have the guts /nɒt hæv ðə ˈgʌts/ [verb phrase not in progressive] spoken to not be brave enough to do something that people think you should do 【口】没有胆量,没有勇气 he wouldn't have the guts to say that to me. 他可没胆量对我说这话。 i planned to ask my boss for a raise but in the end i didn't have the guts. 我原打算要求老板给我加薪,但最终还是没勇气说出口。not have the guts to do something peg has done all the things i never had the guts to try. 佩格把我从来不敢做的事情都做到了。be without/lack guts joe's a weak character, without guts or ambition. 乔是个懦夫,既没胆量又无雄心壮志。 she's intelligent enough, but she lacks guts. 她很聪明,但缺乏胆量。 not have the nerve /nɒt hæv ðə ˈnɜːʳv/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to not be brave or confident enough to do something because you think it is too difficult, dangerous or embarrassing [因过于困难、危险或尴尬而]没有勇气 i'd love to quit my job and go back to college but i don't have the nerve. 我很想辞了工作回大学读书,可就是不敢这么做。not have the nerve to do something he doesn't have the nerve to tell the boss what he really thinks of her. 他不敢告诉老板自己对她的真实看法。




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