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单词 amaze
释义 amaze verbadverb | verb + amaze adverb➤really真让人惊奇◆his skill as a dancer really amazed me.他的舞蹈技艺真让我惊叹。➤still仍然让人吃惊◆it still amazes me that people are willing to pay money for modern art.人们竟然愿意花钱欣赏现代艺术,这依然让我吃惊。verb + amaze➤continue to, never cease to, never fail to继续让人惊讶;使人惊异不已;依然让人惊叹◆it never ceases to amaze me what some people will do for money.有些人为了钱什么都干得出来,这令我惊异不已。 amaze [transitive] to surprise sb very much使惊奇;使惊愕;使惊诧◆just the huge size of the place amazed her.仅那地方之大就使她十分惊奇。◆what amazes me is how long she managed to hide it from us.使我惊诧的是,她竟然能瞒了我们那么久。 ➡ see also amazing → amazing ▸ amazed adjective◆an amazed silence惊愕得哑然无声◆i was amazed at her knowledge of french literature.她的法国文学知识之丰富使我大为惊奇。◆she was amazed how little he had changed.她惊诧的是他竟然没怎么变样。▸ amazement noun [uncountable] ◆to my amazement, he was able to recite the whole poem from memory.让我惊奇的是,他能把这首诗从头至尾背诵出来。◆she looked at him in amazement.她惊愕地望着他。amaze/əˈmeɪz ||; əˈmez/verb [t] to surprise sb very much; to be difficult for sb to believe 令人惊奇;令人难以置信: ◇sometimes your behaviour amazes me! 有时候你的举动令我感到惊奇!◇it amazes me that anyone could be so stupid! 真是难以置信,竟有人这么笨! amazesee ⇨ surprised/surprising 4 a·maze /ə`mez; əˈmeɪz/v [t]to make someone feel very surprised 使[某人]惊愕[惊奇]:◇kay amazed her friends by saying she was getting married. 凯说她要结婚了,令朋友们感到很惊奇。




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