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单词 downgrade
释义 downgrade /daʊngreɪd/ verb [transitive] (economics 经济学; finance 金融) to give sth a lower grade, value or status 降级;降低(价值或地位)◆they have now downgraded the group's credit rating (= the group is now less likely to pay its debts). 他们现在已经降低了这个集团的信用评级。◆the share price fell after analysts downgraded the stock. 在分析员降低了对该股票的评级以后,股价下跌了。◆the bank has downgraded its forecast for economic growth. 英格兰银行调低了其对经济增长的预测。 (hr 人力资源) to give sb a less important job; to make a job less important 使降级;使降职◆they plan to make six managers redundant and downgrade three others. 他们计划解雇六名经理,另外三名经理将被降职。◆some jobs had gradually been downgraded from skilled to semi-skilled. 某些工种已逐步从熟练工种降格为了半熟练工种。  ➡  demote ▸ downgrade /daʊngreɪd/ noun [countable] ◆a credit-rating downgrade could increase borrowing costs for the company. 信用评级的下降将增加公司的借款成本。◆a downgrade from aaa to a 从 aaa 降格为 a ▸ downgrading /daʊngreɪdɪŋ/ noun [uncountable, countable]  ➡  upgrade ☞ downgrade☞ downgradedowngrade/ˌdaʊnˈgreɪd ||; ˈdaυnˌgred/verb [t] downgrade sb/sth (from sth) (to sth) to reduce sb/sth to a lower level or position of importance 把…降级: ◇tom's been downgraded from manager to assistant manager. 汤姆从经理降为副经理。 downgradesee ⇨ important 9 down·grade /`danˏgred; ˈdaʊnɡreɪd/v [t]to give someone a less important job or make something seem less important 使[某人]降职,使[某物]降级:◇scott may be downgraded to assistant manager. 斯科特可能被降职去做副经理。




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