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单词 bow¹
释义 bow¹ /ba; baʊ/v 1. [i,t] to bend your head or the top part of your body forward, often as a sign of respect 鞠躬:◇he bowed respectfully to the king. 他向国王躬身行礼。◇the actors bowed and left the stage. 演员们鞠躬谢幕后离开了舞台。 2. [i] to bend or curve 弯下; 弯曲,成曲线:◇trees bowing in the wind 被风吹弯的树bow outto decide not to do something any longer (从…)退出,退场; 辞职:◇+ of gunnell is bowing out of athletics at the end of the year. 贡内尔年底要从运动场上退役。bow to sb/sthto finally agree to do something that other people want you to do 向…让步; 屈服于…:◇once again, the government has had to bow to the wishes of the people. 政府不得不又一次屈从了人民的愿望。




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