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单词 deliberate
释义 deliberate adjectivedeliberate ♦︎ intended ♦︎ conscious ♦︎ intentional ♦︎ wilful ♦︎ calculated ♦︎ premeditated ♦︎ purposefulthese words all describe an action which is done on purpose, is planned in advance or aims to achieve sth.这些词均表示某个行为是故意的、事先计划好的或有目的的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a deliberate / a conscious / an intentional / a wilful / a calculated / a premeditated / a purposeful act◆a deliberate / an intended / a conscious / an intentional / a calculated / a purposeful action◆deliberate / conscious / wilful neglect◆deliberate / intentional / wilful cruelty◆deliberate / conscious / calculated attempts / manipulation■ deliberate done on purpose rather than by accident蓄意的;故意的;存心的◆the speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government.该发言蓄意使政府难堪。◆the emphasis on europe was quite deliberate.对欧洲的强调是故意而为。opp accidental → accident ▸ deliberately adverb◆she was accused of deliberately misleading parliament.她被指控蓄意误导议会。◆her tone was deliberately insulting.她的语气带有故意侮辱的意味。opp accidentally → accident ■ intended [only before noun] that you are trying to achieve or reach意欲达到的;预期的;预定的◆the bullet missed its intended target.子弹没有击中预定目标。◆the intended victims were selected because they seemed vulnerable.选这些人下手是因为他们看起来容易得手。opp unintended → unconscious  ➡ see also intend → intend ■ conscious (of actions or feelings) deliberate or controlled, with the person doing it being fully aware of what they are doing(行为或感情)有意的,刻意的,慎重的◆she made a conscious decision to spend more time with her family.她着意要多花些时间与家人相处。◆i made a conscious effort to get there on time.我刻意要让自己准时到达那里。opp unconscious , subconscious → unconscious ▸ consciously adverb◆i never really consciously set out to be a war photographer.我从未真正刻意想做一名战地摄影师。◆whether consciously or unconsciously, you made a choice.不管有意还是无意,你已经作出了选择。opp unconsciously → unconscious ■ intentional (rather formal) deliberate蓄意的;故意的;存心的◆i'm sorry i left you off the list-it wasn't intentional.很抱歉没有把你列入名单,我不是有意的。◆she felt she was a victim of intentional discrimination.她觉得自己遭到蓄意歧视。opp unintentional → unconscious ▸ intentionally adverb◆he'd never intentionally hurt anyone.他从来不会故意伤害任何人。◆intentionally or not, police procedures may be biased.不管故意与否,警方的办案程序可能有成见。opp unintentionally → unconscious note 辨析 deliberate or intentional?there is no real difference in meaning between these words, but intentional is less frequent and more formal and has a narrower range of collocates.这两个词在含义上没有实质差别,但 intentional 使用频率较低,更为正式,搭配范围也更窄一些。■ wilful (especially bre) (name usually willful) [usually before noun] (formal, disapproving or law法律) (of a bad or harmful action) done on purpose, even though the person doing it knows that it is wrong(不好或有害的行为)故意的,有意的,成心的◆he was charged with wilful damage to property.他被控犯了蓄意破坏财产罪。▸ wilfully adverb◆they were charged with wilfully neglecting their children.他们被指控故意对孩子疏于照管。■ calculated [usually before noun] carefully planned to get what you want精心策划的;蓄意的◆it was either a ridiculous mistake or a calculated insult.这不是愚蠢错误就是蓄意侮辱。◆he took a calculated risk (= a risk that you decide is worth taking even though you know it might have bad results).他甘冒风险,因为他觉得值。ⓘ calculated is often used to talk about sth a person does that deliberately causes harm to others. * calculated 常指故意做伤害别人的事情。■ premeditated /priːmedɪteɪtɪd/ (often disapproving) (of a crime or bad action) planned in advance(犯罪或不良行为)事先策划的,预谋的◆the killing had not been premeditated.这次杀人并非是预谋的。◆this was a callous, premeditated attack on a defenceless young man.这是对一个手无寸铁的青年的蓄意残害。 opp unpremeditated ⓘ unpremeditated crimes are not planned in advance. * unpremeditated 表示所指的犯罪并非预谋的、非事先策划的。■ purposeful acting with a clear aim and with determination有目的的;坚毅的;果断的◆she looked purposeful and determined.她看上去胸有成竹,意志坚定。◆he approached each task in the same purposeful manner.他以同样坚定的态度应对每一项任务。▸ purposefully adverb◆edward strode purposefully towards the door.爱德华迈着坚定的步伐朝门口走去。deliberate /dɪlɪbəreɪt/ [intransitive] (rather formal) to think about or discuss sth carefully, usually before making a decision(常指在作决定前)仔细考虑,认真讨论,反复思考◆the jury deliberated for five days before finding him guilty.陪审团认真讨论了五天才裁定他有罪。ⓘ deliberate is mainly used when a group of people, such as a jury in court, think about and discuss sth together because they have to make a decision. * deliberate 主要用于指一组人,如陪审团,因为需要作出决定,共同思考并讨论某事。deliberatedone on purpose rather than by accident蓄意的;故意的;存心的◆the speech was a deliberate attempt to embarrass the government.该发言蓄意使政府难堪。◆the emphasis on europe was quite deliberate.对欧洲的强调是故意而为。opp accidental → accident ▸ deliberately adverb◆she was accused of deliberately misleading parliament.她被指控蓄意误导议会。◆her tone was deliberately insulting.她的语气带有故意侮辱的意味。opp accidentally → accident deliberate¹/dɪˈlɪbərət ||; dɪˈlɪbərɪt/adj1. done on purpose; planned 故意的;蓄意的: ◇was it an accident or was it deliberate? 那是偶然的还是故意的? [syn] intentional 同义词为intentional 2. done slowly and carefully, without hurrying 从容而谨慎的: ◇she spoke in a calm, deliberate voice. 她以平静而从容的声调说话。 deliberate²/dəˈlɪbəreɪt ||; dɪˈlɪbəˌret/verb [i,t] (formal 正式) to think about or discuss sth fully before making a decision 仔细考虑;深入商讨;商议: ◇the judges deliberated for an hour before announcing the winner. 评判员商议了一个小时才宣布优胜者。 deliberatesee ⇨ deliberately 2☞ deliberate¹☞ deliberate²




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