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单词 guilt
释义 guilt noun¹ 1feeling感觉adjective | ... of guilt | verb + guilt | guilt + verb | guilt + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤➤intense, overwhelming, terrible, tremendous强烈的/无法抗拒的/可怕的/极度的负罪感➤lingering挥之不去的负罪感➤sexual性犯罪(意识)➤catholic, jewish, etc.天主教徒、犹太人等的负罪感➤liberal, middle-class, white (all disapproving) 自由主义者的/中产阶级的/白人的负罪感◆these actions are merely intended to assuage white liberal guilt.这些举动只是为减轻白人自由主义的负罪感而已。➤collective, personal集体的/个人的负罪感◆they feel a sense of collective guilt for the holocaust.他们对纳粹大屠杀都有一种集体负罪感。➤survivor幸存者的负罪感... of guilt➤pang, twinge一阵内疚verb + guilt➤bear, carry怀有内疚;承受负罪感◆it helped him bear the guilt he felt.这有助于他承受负罪感。➤be consumed with, be driven by, be haunted by, be overwhelmed with, be racked with, experience, feel, suffer被内疚吞噬;受负罪感驱使;内疚感挥之不去;被负罪感压垮;受负罪感困扰;经受负罪感;感到良心不安;承受良心不安◆i knew that the next day i would be consumed with guilt.我知道第二天我会充满负罪感。◆you needn't feel any guilt about me.你用不着因为我而内疚。➤alleviate, assuage, ease减轻内疚感◆talking to her helped to assuage my guilt.和她交谈减轻了我的负罪感。guilt + verb➤overwhelm sb, wash over sb负罪感把某人压垮/突然向某人袭来▸➤consume sb, weigh down on sb, weigh on sb负罪感吞噬某人;内疚感压在某人心头guilt + noun➤complex负疚情结▸➤feelings负罪感➤trip (= things you say in order to make sb feel guilty about sth) 让人内疚的责备◆she was trying to lay a guilt trip on me.她想方设法说些让我感到内疚的话。preposition➤guilt about, guilt at, guilt over对于⋯的负罪感◆he had no feelings of guilt over what he had done.他对自己的所作所为毫不感到内疚。phrases➤a burden of guilt负罪感◆the burden of guilt that she carried with her她所承受的良心谴责➤a feeling of guilt, a sense of guilt罪恶感guilt noun² 2fact of having broken a law/done sth wrong犯罪;做错事verb + guilt | guilt + verb | phrases verb + guilt➤admit, confess认罪;坦白罪行➤deny否认犯罪◆many of the accused would deny their guilt to the magistrates.许多被告会在地方法官面前否认自己有罪。➤determine, establish, prove定罪;确定有罪;证明有罪◆it might be difficult to prove his guilt.要证明他的罪行可能很难。guilt + verb➤lie罪在⋯◆there is no doubt as to where the guilt lies.罪责在哪一方面是毫无疑问的。phrases➤an admission of guilt承认有错◆i took his silence as an admission of guilt.我认为他沉默就是承认自己有错。➤proof of guilt罪证 guilt nounguilt ♦︎ shame ♦︎ regret ♦︎ remorse ♦︎ repentancethese are all words for the state of feeling sorry, stupid or sad because of sth that you have done or not done.这些词均表示内疚、悔恨、羞愧。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆guilt / shame / regret / remorse at sth◆guilt / regret / remorse over sth◆guilt / regret about sth◆regret / remorse / repentance for sth◆to do sth without guilt / shame / regret / remorse / repentance◆deep shame / regret / remorse◆genuine regret / remorse / repentance◆to feel (no) guilt / shame / regret / remorse◆to have no shame / regret / remorse◆to show regret / remorse / repentance◆a pang / stab of guilt / regret / remorse■ guilt [uncountable] the unhappy feelings caused by knowing or thinking that you have done sth wrong内疚;悔恨◆she had feelings of guilt about leaving her children and going to work.她为自己离开孩子去工作而感到内疚。◆many survivors were left with a sense of guilt.许多幸存者都感到内疚。 ➡ see also guilty → sorry ■ shame [uncountable] the feelings of guilt, sadness and embarrassment that you have because of sth wrong or stupid that you have done羞耻;羞愧;惭愧◆his face burned with shame.他的脸因羞愧而发烫。◆she hung her head in shame.她羞愧地低下了头。◆i would die of shame if she ever found out.要是她发现了,我会羞愧死的。◆to my shame (= i feel shame that) i refused to listen to her side of the story.让我感到惭愧的是,我拒绝听她对事情的解释。ⓘ in formal language shame can also be the ability to feel shame at sth you have done; this meaning is only used in questions and negative sentences.在正式用语中,shame 还可指羞耻心、羞愧感。此义仅用于疑问句和否定句◆have you no shame?你就不知道羞耻吗?opp pride → satisfaction  ➡ see also shame → embarrass verb , ashamed → sorry , shameless , unashamed → cool adj. note 辨析 guilt or shame?you feel guilt when you have done sth that you believe to be wrong, and it does not matter whether other people know about it or not; you usually only feel shame when other people know that you have done sth wrong or stupid and you feel that you have lost their respect. * guilt 指做错事自己感到的内疚,与他人是否知晓无关; shame 通常仅指自己做了错事或蠢事给别人知道了而感到的羞愧◆he could not live with the guilt of knowing it was all his fault.他知道这全是自己的错,这种罪恶感让他受不了。◆he could not live with the shame of other people knowing the truth.其他人知道了真相,他羞愧得无地自容。■ regret /rɪgret/ [uncountable, countable] a feeling of being sorry about sth that you have done or not done懊悔;遗憾;失望◆the police offered no expression of regret at his wrongful arrest.对于错误地逮捕他一事,警方没有表示遗憾。ⓘ you can also use regret when you are sad or disappointed about sth that you have done or not done or chances that you have missed. * regret 亦可指对所做或未做之事,或错过机会而感到的遗憾或失望。  ➡ see also regret → grief noun , regret → apologize verb ■ remorse /rɪmɔːs; name rɪmɔːrs/ [uncountable] (rather formal, especially written) the feeling of being extremely sorry because of sth wrong or bad that you have done懊悔;深深的遗憾;自责◆i felt guilty and full of remorse.我感到内疚,满是懊悔。◆he was filled with remorse for not believing her.他因为没有相信她而自责不已。ⓘ if sb shows no remorse for a crime they have committed, they are likely to receive a stronger punishment in court. * show no remorse 指对所犯罪行未表现出懊悔,这或将在法庭上受到更重的处罚。■ repentance /rɪpentəns/ [uncountable] (formal, ) the fact of showing that you are sorry for sth wrong that you have done悔悟;悔过;忏悔◆he shows no sign of repentance.他毫无悔意。◆sins are wiped out by sincere repentance.罪恶通过真诚的忏悔消除了。▸ repent verb [intransitive, transitive] ◆she had repented of what she had done.她对自己所做的事悔悟了。◆he came to repent his hasty decision.他开始后悔自己的草率决定。guilt [uncountable] (rather formal, especially written) the fact that sb has done sth illegal; blame or responsibility for sth wrong or bad that has happened犯罪;罪责;责任;罪过◆his guilt was proved beyond all doubt by the prosecution.他的罪行已被原告证实确凿无疑。◆do you think this statement amounts to an admission of guilt?你认为这份声明是否等于承认犯错?ⓘ people typically admit their own guilt, or establish or prove sb else's guilt. * admit 与 guilt 搭配指承认自己有罪,establish 或 prove 与 guilt 搭配指证实别人有罪。 opp innocence → innocent  ➡ see also guilty → guilty guilt [uncountable] the unhappy feelings caused by knowing or thinking that you have done sth wrong内疚;悔恨◆she had feelings of guilt about leaving her children and going to work.她为自己离开孩子去工作而感到内疚。◆many survivors were left with a sense of guilt.许多幸存者都感到内疚。 ➡ see also guilty → sorry guilt/gɪlt ||; gɪlt/noun [u]: 1. guilt (about/at sth) the bad feeling that you have when you know that you have done sth wrong 内疚;自责: ◇i sometimes had a sense of guilt about not spending more time with my children. 我没有花更多的时间跟孩子们在一起,有时候觉得很内疚。 2. the fact of having broken a law 犯罪;有罪: ◇we took his refusal to answer questions as an admission of guilt. 他拒绝回答问题,我们把这看作是他承认有罪。 [opp] innocence 反义词为innocence 3. the responsibility for doing sth wrong or for sth bad that has happened; the blame for sth 责任;罪责: ◇it's difficult to say whether the guilt lies with the parents or the children. 是父母不对还是孩子不对,这个很难说。 guiltsee ⇨ guilty 7 guilt /gɪlt; ɡɪlt/n 1. [u] a strong feeling of shame and sadness that you have when you have done something wrong 内疚,自责:◇feeling/sense of guilt martha felt a great sense of guilt about ending the relationship. 玛莎因为分手而深感内疚。 2. when someone has broken a law 犯罪,有罪:◇the jury was sure of the defendant's guilt. 陪审团肯定被告有罪。 3. when someone is responsible for something bad that has happened; fault 责任,罪责; 过失→ opposite 反义词 innocence




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