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单词 decline
释义 decline nounadjective | verb + decline | decline + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤catastrophic, considerable, dramatic, drastic, large, major, marked, massive, serious, severe, significant, substantial灾难性衰退;大幅减少;急剧下降;大规模衰退;显著下降;严重的滑坡;相当规模的下降;巨大的衰退➤precipitous, sharp, steep急剧下降➤rapid, sudden快速/突然下降▸➤gentle, modest, slight温和下降;适度的下降;轻微下跌➤gradual, slow逐渐/缓慢下降▸➤continuing, progressive, steady, sustained持续的衰退;逐渐的下降;稳步的下降◆a steady decline in manufacturing制造业的持续衰退➤general, long-term, overall总体/长期/全面衰退▸➤absolute, inevitable, inexorable, irreversible, terminal绝对的衰退;不可避免的下跌;无法改变的衰败;不可逆转的衰退;无可挽回的衰败◆an industry in terminal decline一蹶不振的工业➤economic, industrial, moral, political, urban经济哀退;工业衰退;道德沦丧;政治衰退;城市衰落◆the moral decline of the nation这个民族的道德沦丧➤mental, physical智力/体力下降➤population, price人口减少;价格下降▸➤national民族衰落➤seasonal季节性下降➤age-related与年龄相关的下降verb + decline➤experience, fall into, go into, suffer经历衰落;陷入衰落;开始衰败;衰落◆the cloth trade went into gradual decline.布匹贸易逐渐衰落。➤cause, lead to引起衰退;导致衰退◆the increased price of gold led to the decline of his business.黄金价格上涨导致他的生意下滑。➤arrest, halt, stem, stop阻止衰退;止住下滑◆we must halt this decline in standards.我们一定要阻止水准的下滑。➤slow减缓下滑▸➤prevent预防下滑▸➤reverse扭转下挫➤offset抵消下滑▸➤accelerate, hasten加速下滑▸➤see, witness见证下滑◆we have seen a sharp decline in educational standards over recent years.近年我们目睹了教育水平的急剧下滑。➤lament哀叹衰落◆they lament the decline of old-fashioned communities.他们哀叹老式社区的衰落。decline + verb➤occur衰退发生◆most of the decline occurred in the 1990s.大多数衰退发生在 20 世纪 90 年代。➤begin衰退开始preposition➤in decline在下降◆the industry is still in decline.该产业仍在走下坡路。➤on the decline在衰退中◆his career has been on the decline for some years now.他事业下滑已经有些年头了。➤decline in在⋯方面的下降◆a steep decline in sales销售额的陡降➤decline of⋯的衰退◆the decline of small farming communities小农业社区的衰退phrases➤the decline and fall of sth⋯的衰退◆the decline and fall of a great civilization伟大文明的衰落decline verb¹ 1become smaller/weaker缩小;减弱adverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤considerably, dramatically, drastically, markedly, sharply, significantly, steeply, substantially大幅下降;骤降;急剧减少;明显衰退◆the economy has declined sharply in recent years.近几年经济急剧下滑。➤somewhat有所下滑▸➤a little, slightly, etc.有点儿/略有减少▸➤fast, quickly, rapidly快速下降;迅速衰退◆the market for these products is declining fast.这些产品的市场正在迅速萎缩。➤steadily稳步下降▸➤gradually, slowly逐渐下降;缓慢下滑▸➤further进一步下降preposition➤by减少⋯◆profits declined by 6% this year.今年利润减少了 6%。➤from, to从⋯下降;下降到⋯◆the number of full-time staff has declined from 300 to just 50.全职员工的数量从 300 人下降到区区 50 人。phrases➤decline in importance, numbers, size, etc.重要性、数量、规模等下降◆this section of the market has slowly declined in importance.这部份市场的重要性已慢慢下降。decline verb² 2refuse拒绝下降adverb➤politely, respectfully客气地/礼貌地拒绝decline /dɪklaɪn/ noun [countable, usually singular; uncountable] a process or period of becoming weaker, smaller or less good 衰退;减少;下降◆the country suffered a sharp decline in exports. 这个国家的出口量急剧下降。◆she has failed to reverse the company's decline. 她一直未能扭转公司业绩下降的情况。◆the rate of decline is now slowing. 下降速度正在减缓。◆the currency has been in decline since the 1980s. 自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,这货币一直在贬值。  ➡  picture at product life cycle ⨁ a dramatic / rapid / sharp / steep decline骤然/迅速/急剧/陡然下降 ⨁ a gradual / slight / slow decline逐渐/略有/缓慢下降 ⨁ a continued / continuing / steady decline不断/持续/稳步下降 ⨁ to halt / reverse / stop / suffer a decline停止/扭转/终止/遭受衰退 decline /dɪklaɪn/ verb [intransitive] to become weaker, smaller or less good 衰退;减少;下降◆the number of tourists to the resort declined by 10% last year. 去年这个度假胜地的游客人数减少了 10%。◆the group has been hit by declining sales. 这个集团遭受了销售量下降的打击。  ➡  see note at increase ⨁ to decline dramatically / sharply / steeply急剧下降 ⨁ to decline gradually / slowly / steadily逐渐地/缓慢地/稳步地下降 ☞ decline☞ decline☞ increases and decreasesdecline /dɪklaɪn/ [intransitive] (rather formal, especially written) to become lower or less in level, number, size, strength or importance(水平、数量、大小、强度或重要性)减少,下降,衰退◆the number of tourists visiting the resort declined by 10% last year.去年到这个胜地旅游的人数减少了 10%。◆manufacturing industry has slowly declined in importance.制造业已慢慢变得不如从前那么重要了。opp increase → rise  ➡ see also decline → reduction noun decline [countable, usually singular, uncountable] a continuous reduction that happens in the number, value or quality of sth; the process of a place, tradition or institution gradually becoming less important or coming to an end(数量、价值或质量的)减少,下降;(地方、传统或机构的)衰落,衰退◆these measures have failed to reverse the country's economic decline.这些措施未能扭转该国的经济衰退。◆his book charts the decline and fall of a great civilization.他在书中记载了一个伟大文明的衰亡。◆the town fell into (a) decline (= started to be less busy, important, etc.) after the mine closed.这个镇在矿井关闭后开始衰落。◆industry in britain has been in decline since the 1970s.英国工业自 20 世纪 70 年代以来一直在走下坡路。opp rise → increase noun  ➡ see also decline → fall verb 1 , decline → worsen verb decline [transitive, intransitive] (formal) to say politely that you do not want to accept or do sth谢绝;婉拒◆their spokesman declined to comment on the allegations.他们的发言人拒绝对这些指控加以评论。◆we politely declined her invitation.我们礼貌地谢绝了她的邀请。opp accept → take 5 decline /dɪklaɪn/ [intransitive] (rather formal) to become weaker下降;衰弱;衰退◆support for the party continues to decline.对该党的支持持续下降。◆her health was declining rapidly.她的健康状况迅速恶化。ⓘ in this meaning decline is used to talk about sb's health, the economic strength of a country, area or industry, or support for sb/sth. collocates include health, economy, industry, fortunes, prosperity, support and popularity. there is a closely related meaning of decline, 'to become lower in level or number'.表达此义时,decline 指某人的健康状况恶化,某国家、地区或某行业的经济衰退,或对某人、某事的支持下降。搭配词有 health、economy、industry、fortunes、prosperity、support 和 popularity。decline 的另一相关含义是“水平或数量减少”。  ➡ see also decline → reduction noun decline¹/dɪˈklaɪn ||; dɪˈklaɪn/verb1. [i] to become weaker, smaller or less good 变弱;变小;衰退: ◇declining profits 不断减少的利润◇the standard of education has declined in this country. 这个国家的教育水平下降了。 2. [i,t] (formal 正式) to refuse, usually politely 婉拒;(礼貌地)拒绝: ◇thank you for the invitation but i'm afraid i have to decline. 谢谢你的邀请,但很抱歉,我不得不推辞。 3. [i,t] (grammar语法) if a noun, an adjective or a pronoun declines, it has different forms according to whether it is the subject or the object of a verb, whether it is in the singular or plural, etc. when you decline a noun, etc, you list these forms. 使(名词、形容词或代词)发生词尾变化 decline²/dɪˈklaɪn ||; dɪˈklaɪn/noun [c,u] (a) decline (in sth) a process or period of becoming weaker, smaller or less good 衰弱;消减;衰退 [c] ◇a decline in sales 销售额下降: ◇as an industrial power, the country is in decline. 这个工业强国现正处于衰退期。 declinesee ⇨ less 5 ⇨ refuse 1 ⇨ reject 1     • • •• ⇨ go down/decline☞ decline¹☞ decline²




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