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单词 bowl
释义 bowl nounadjective | verb + bowl | bowl + verb | preposition adjective➤deep, shallow深碗;浅碗▸➤empty, full空碗;盛满东西的碗▸➤ceramic, china, crystal, cut-glass, earthenware, enamel, glass陶瓷碗;瓷碗;水晶碗;雕花玻璃碗;陶碗;搪瓷碗;玻璃碗➤food饭碗▸➤cereal, dessert, pudding, salad, soup麦片粥碗;甜食碗;布丁碗;色拉碗;汤碗➤fruit, punch (usually punchbowl) , sugar水果碗;潘趣酒大碗;糖钵➤water水碗◆i refilled the dog's water bowl.我给狗的水碗重新加满了水。➤mixing, serving搅拌用的碗;上菜碗▸➤washing-up (bre) 洗涤盆◆a washing-up bowl full of dirty dishes盛满脏碟子的洗涤盆➤finger (= for washing your fingers at the table) 洗手指的钵◆i put down the chicken bone and rinsed my fingers in the finger bowl.我放下鸡骨头,在洗指钵里洗了洗手指。➤begging (figurative) 讨饭碗◆the school is always having to get out the begging bowl for books and basic equipment.这所学校总是不得不伸手讨要图书和基本设施。➤goldfish金鱼缸▸➤lavatory, toilet抽水马桶verb + bowl➤fill, pour (sb), pour sth into装满碗;(给某人)把碗倒满;把⋯倒进碗里◆he poured himself a bowl of soup.他给自己倒了一碗汤。➤empty将碗倒空➤eat吃碗里的东西◆i ate a bowl of cereal.我喝了一碗麦片粥。bowl + verb➤contain sth, hold sth碗里盛有⋯◆a bowl containing flour装着面粉的碗◆this bowl holds about four pints.这只碗大约能盛 4 品脱。➤overflow碗满溢出来◆the bowl was overflowing.碗里的水溢了。preposition➤from a/the bowl从碗里◆i helped myself to an apple from the bowl.我从碗里给自己拿了个苹果。◆the cat drank some milk from the bowl.猫喝了些碗里的牛奶。➤out of a/the bowl从碗里◆the boy was drinking milk out of a bowl.那个男孩正在喝碗里的牛奶。➤in a/the bowl, into a/the bowl在碗里;到碗里◆mix the ingredients in a deep bowl.在深碗里搅拌这些原料。◆sieve the flour into a bowl.把面粉筛到碗里。➤bowl of一碗⋯◆a bowl of cherries一碗樱桃 bowl [countable] (often in compounds常构成复合词) a deep round container with a wide open top, used especially for holding food or liquid; the food or liquid in a bowl碗;钵;盆;一碗(食物或液体)◆a salad / fruit / sugar bowl沙拉碗;水果盆;糖钵◆a washing-up bowl洗碗碟用的盆◆a bowl of soup一碗汤bowl¹/bəʊl ||; bol/noun[c] 1. a deep round dish without a lid that is used for holding food or liquid 碗;钵: ◇a soup bowl 汤碗 2. the amount of sth that is in a bowl 一碗或一钵的量: ◇i usually have a bowl of cereal for breakfast. 我早饭通常吃一碗麦片粥。 3. a large plastic container that is used for washing dishes, washing clothes, etc (用来洗碗碟、衣服等的)大塑料盆 bowl²/bəʊl ||; bol/verb [i,t] (in cricket) to throw the ball in the direction of the person with the bat (板球)向击球手投球 bowl sb over 1. to knock sb down when you are moving quickly 撞倒;击倒 2. to surprise sb very much in a pleasant way 给人惊喜: ◇i was absolutely bowled over by the beautiful scenery. 那美景真令我惊叹。 bowlsee ⇨ throw 2☞ bowl¹☞ bowl²




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