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单词 cultivated
释义 cultivated adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be有教养adverb➤highly非常有修养◆a highly cultivated woman一位举止非常文雅的女士➤carefully, deliberately精心塑造的/刻意显得有教养的◆a carefully cultivated image一个精心塑造的有教养的形象cultivated/ˈkʌltɪveɪtɪd ||; ˈkʌltəˌvetɪd/adj1. well educated, with good manners 有教养的;有修养的;高雅的 2. (used about land) used for growing plants for food or to sell (指土地)用于耕种的 3. (used about plants) grown on a farm, not wild (指植物)种植的,非野生的 cul·ti·vat·ed /`kʌltəˏvetɪd; ˈkʌltɪveɪtɪd/adj 1. someone who is cultivated is intelligent and knows a lot about art, literature etc [人]有素养的,有教养的:◇a cultivated man 有教养的人 2. used for growing crops 耕种的,耕作的:◇cultivated land 耕地




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