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单词 bee
释义 bee noun¹ 1flying insect飞虫adjective | ... of bees | verb + bee | bee + verb | bee + noun adjective➤bumble (usually bumblebee) , honey, killer大黄蜂;蜜蜂;非洲杀人蜜蜂▸➤queen, worker蜂王;工蜂▸➤angry发怒的蜜蜂◆he was stung by thousands of angry bees.他被数千只发怒的蜜蜂蜇了。... of bees➤swarm一群蜂verb + bee➤attract吸引蜜蜂◆lavender attracts bees.薰衣草很招蜜蜂。bee + verb➤buzz, hum蜜蜂嗡嗡叫◆a bee buzzed in my ear.一只蜜蜂在我耳边嗡嗡叫。➤sting (sb)蜜蜂蜇(某人)▸➤fly, swarm蜜蜂飞;蜜蜂成群飞行◆the bees swarmed around the hive.一群蜜蜂在蜂巢周围飞来飞去。➤pollinate sth蜜蜂给⋯传授花粉◆butterflies, flies, and bees pollinate flowers.蝴蝶、苍蝇和蜜蜂都传授花粉。bee + noun➤hive (usually beehive) 蜂巢▸➤sting蜜蜂的螫针▸➤keeper (usually bee-keeper) 养蜂人bee noun² 2 (name) meeting in a group集会adjective➤quilting, spelling缝被聚会;拼单词比赛bee/bi: ||; bi/noun [c] a black and yellow insect that lives in large groups and that makes a sweet substance that we eat (honey) 蜜蜂 a large number of bees together is a swarm. bees buzz or hum when they make a noise. they may sting if they are angry. look also at beehive and bumblebee. 蜂群叫做swarm。蜜蜂发出嗡嗡声叫bzz或hum。蜜蜂被惹怒时会蜇人(sting)。另参看beehive及bumblebee。 ☞picture at honeycomb 见honeycomb插图 bee /bi; biː/n [c]a black and yellow flying insect that makes honey 蜜蜂




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