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单词 intimacy
释义 intimacy nounadjective | verb + intimacy | intimacy + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤genuine, real, true真正的亲密▸➤close, deep, great极为亲密▸➤emotional, physical, sexual感情上的亲近;亲热行为;性行为verb + intimacy➤be capable of能够亲密相处◆she isn't capable of real intimacy.她不会跟他人真正亲密相处。➤achieve, experience建立/经历亲密关系◆the artist's ability to achieve intimacy with his subjects艺术家充分理解其创作主题的能力➤enjoy (formal) 有亲密关系◆he enjoys an intimacy with the president.他与总裁过从甚密。➤create, foster, promote建立/培养/推动密切关系▸➤develop发展密切关系intimacy + verb➤develop亲密关系发展◆gradually, a deep emotional intimacy developed between them.他们之间的感情日渐亲密。preposition➤intimacy between⋯之间的密切关系◆the intimacy created between student and teacher师生之间建立的亲密关系➤intimacy with与⋯的密切关系◆a writer must develop an intimacy with the subject at hand.作家必须充分掌握创作的主题。phrases➤fear of intimacy对亲密关系的惧怕◆he was prevented from declaring his love by his fear of intimacy.他因为惧怕与他人的亲密关系而不能表达自己的爱意。➤a feeling of intimacy, a sense of intimacy亲密感◆the room had a peaceful sense of intimacy about it.房间里洋溢着祥和的亲密氛围。intimacy /ɪntɪməsi/ [uncountable, singular] the state of having a close personal relationship with sb亲密;密切;关系密切◆the old intimacy between them had gone for ever.他们之间从前的亲密已经一去不复返了。◆i sensed a close intimacy between them.我感觉他们之间关系很亲密。▸ intimate adjective◆intimate friends密友◆we're not on intimate terms with our neighbours.我们和邻居甚少来往。note 辨析 friendship or intimacy? friendship is by far the most frequent and general word in this group. intimacy has a stronger meaning, and is used to describe the relationship between very good friends, or between people who are connected romantically, for example boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife. * friendship 是这组词中最常见、最通用的。intimacy 语义更强,指很亲密的朋友关系,或指男女之间的爱恋关系,如情侣或夫妻。intimacy/ˈɪntɪməsi ||; ˈɪntəməsɪ/noun [u] the state of having a close personal relationship with sb 亲密: ◇their intimacy grew over the years. 这些年来他们的关系越来越亲密。 intimacyn [u]




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