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单词 beat²
释义 beat²n 1. [c] one of a series of regular movements, sounds, or hitting actions [连续敲打的]一击,敲击(声):◇a heart beat 心跳声◇the slow beat of a drum 缓慢的敲鼓声 2 a) [singular 单数] the pattern of strong-sounding musical notes that are repeated in a piece of music [音乐的]节拍,拍子:◇the song has a beat you can dance to. 跟着这首歌的节拍可以跳舞。 b) [c] one of the notes in this pattern 一个节拍 3. [singular 单数] the area of a town or city etc that a police officer is responsible for [警察的]巡逻路线:◇on the beat we need more police on the beat. 我们需要更多警察巡逻。




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