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单词 active
释义 active adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be活跃▸➤become变得活跃▸➤keep (sb), remain, stay(使某人)保持/仍然/依然活跃◆try to keep active in the cold weather.天冷时要尽量多活动。adverb➤extremely, fairly, very, etc.极其/相当/非常活跃▸➤highly十分活跃◆a highly active volcano十分活跃的火山➤increasingly越来越活跃▸➤mentally, physically思维/身手敏捷◆it's important to remain mentally active after retirement.退休后保持敏捷的思维是十分重要的。➤sexually定期有性行为的◆by the age of 18, 65% of teenagers report being sexually active.65% 的青少年报称 18 岁之前已定期有性行为。➤economically, politically经济上活跃的;政治上积极的◆when did you first become politically active?你是什么时候开始投身政治的?preposition➤against对⋯起作用◆drugs that are active against cancers对治疗癌症有效的药物➤in在⋯方面表现积极◆she has been active in local politics for some years.她数年来一直活跃于当地政坛。active /æktɪv/ adjective1.making a determined effort and not leaving sth to happen by itself 积极的◆playing an active role in the board of the company 在公司董事会里扮演积极的角色2. [not before noun] (about a company) doing a particular type of business; operating in a particular place (指公司)从事于…的,活跃于…的◆the bank is active in raising finances for public agencies. 这银行为公共机构筹措资金很积极。◆the company is active in more than 60 countries. 这公司活跃于 60 多个国家。3. operating or working; being used 现行的;活跃的;使用中的◆the company has several million active customer accounts. 这公司现有数百万位活跃的客户。4.doing sth frequently; having a lot of activity 交易频繁的◆the company has been extremely active recently, with several major acquisitions. 这公司最近极为活跃,进行了几项大规模的收购活动。 (finance 金融) if shares, bonds, etc. or a market is active, there is a lot of buying and selling (股票、债券或市场)活跃的◆stock prices closed lower in active trading on the london stock exchange. 在伦敦股票交易所,股票买卖活跃,以低价收盘。 (finance 金融) used to describe a way of investing in which shares, bonds, etc. are bought and sold according to changes in value 积极型(指根据价值变化进行股票、债券等买卖的一种投资方式)◆active fund management 积极型基金管理7. (it 信息技术) being used at a particular time 作用中的;使用中的;活动的◆ pressing the ‘cmd’ and ‘w’ keys together closes the active window. 同时按“ cmd ”和“ w ”键关闭当前窗口。  ➡  inactive , passive ☞ active active adjectiveactive ♦︎ in operation ♦︎ in force ♦︎ in action ♦︎ up and running ♦︎ operationalthese words all describe sb/sth being able to do, or doing, the activity or work that is typical for them.这些词均表示发挥功效或起作用。■ active doing sth regularly; functioning; having or causing a chemical effect定期进行的;起作用的;起化学作用的◆these animals are active only at night.这些动物只在夜间活动。◆numbers of sexually active teenagers have continued to rise.有性行为的青少年人数持续增加。◆the virus is still active in the blood.病毒仍然在血液中起作用。◆what is the active ingredient in aspirin?阿司匹林中的有效成分是什么? opp inactive ⓘ inactive describes sb/sth that is not doing anything, is not in use or not working or has no effect. * inactive 指不活动的、不使用的、不起作用的◆some animals are inactive during the daytime.有些动物白天不活动。◆an inactive drug / disease失效的药物;非活动性疾病■ in operation -->idiom (rather formal) (of a system) working, being used or having an effect(系统)工作中,使用中,有效◆the system needs to be in operation for six months before it can be assessed.此系统须运行六个月后才能对它进行评估。◆temporary traffic controls are in operation on new road.新路正实施临时交通管制。ⓘ when a system comes into operation it starts working or having an effect. * come into operation 表示开始运行或开始生效◆the new rules come into operation from next week.新规定下周开始生效。when you put sth into operation you start using it or make it start working. * put sth into operation 表示开始使用或启动◆it's time to put our plan into operation.该是执行我们计划的时候了。  ➡ see also operate → organize , operate → work verb 3 ■ in force -->idiom(of a law or rule) being used(法律或规定)有效力,实施中◆the new regulations are now in force.新规定现已生效。ⓘ when a law or rule comes/enters into force it starts being used. * come/enter into force 表示法律或规定开始实施◆when do the new regulations come into force?新规定何时开始执行?when you bring sth into force you make a law or rule start being used. * bring sth into force 表示使法律或规定开始生效◆they are hoping to bring the new legislation into force by the end of the year.他们希望在年底前实施新法。■ in action idiom(of a person or thing) doing the activity or work that is typical for them(人或物)在活动中,运转中◆i've yet to see all the players in action.我还得看所有参赛者实地比赛。■ up and running -->idiom(of a system, for example a computer system) working; being used(系统,如计算机系统)在运转,在使用中◆by that time the new system should be up and running.到那时,新系统应该已经运转起来了。ⓘ up and running is usually used to talk about sth starting to work or be used after a period of development. * up and running 通常指经过一段时间的研发后开始运转或使用。  ➡ see also run → work verb 3 ■ operational [not usually before noun] (rather formal) ready to be used; in use可使用;在使用中◆the new airport should be fully operational by the end of the year.新机场应该在年底前全面投入运营。ⓘ operational is very often used in the phrase fully operational. * operational 经常用于短语 fully operational 中。  ➡ see also operate → work verb 3 activedoing sth regularly; functioning; having or causing a chemical effect定期进行的;起作用的;起化学作用的◆these animals are active only at night.这些动物只在夜间活动。◆numbers of sexually active teenagers have continued to rise.有性行为的青少年人数持续增加。◆the virus is still active in the blood.病毒仍然在血液中起作用。◆what is the active ingredient in aspirin?阿司匹林中的有效成分是什么? opp inactive ⓘ inactive describes sb/sth that is not doing anything, is not in use or not working or has no effect. * inactive 指不活动的、不使用的、不起作用的◆some animals are inactive during the daytime.有些动物白天不活动。◆an inactive drug / disease失效的药物;非活动性疾病 active (rather formal) giving a lot of time or attention to sth; making a determined effort and not leaving sth to happen by itself忙于;积极的◆they were both politically active.他们两人在政治上都很积极。◆she takes an active part in school life.她积极参加学校活动。◆the parents were active in campaigning against cuts to the education budget.学生家长积极参加反对削减教育预算的活动。◆they took active steps to prevent the spread of the disease.他们采取积极措施,防止疾病蔓延。 opp inactive , passive ⓘ the opposite of active in this meaning is inactive or passive.表达此义时,active 的反义词是 inactive 或 passive◆the area has a large, but politically inactive population.该地区人口虽多,但对政治并不热衷。◆he played a passive role in the relationship.他在那段关系中处于被动地位。  ➡ see also passive → passive  ➡ see also active → energetic ▸ actively adverb◆she was actively looking for a job.她在积极找工作。 activealways busy doing things, especially physical activities(尤指体力上)忙碌的,活跃的◆although he's nearly 80, he is still very active.尽管快 80 岁了,他还是十分活跃。◆before our modern age, people had a more physical and active lifestyle.进入现代社会以前,人们的生活方式是活动量大、忙忙碌碌。ⓘ active is used especially to describe older people who are always busy. it is also commonly used with life and lifestyle. it can also describe people who give a lot of their time and attention to sth. * active 尤用于描述闲不住的老年人,常与 life 和 lifestyle 连用,还可以指人在某方面投入很多时间和精力。  ➡ see also active → busy 1active/ˈæktɪv ||; ˈæktɪv/adj1. involved in activity; lively 积极的;活跃的: ◇my grandfather is very active for his age. 就我祖父的年纪来说,他已算是很活跃。◇i have a very active social life. 我积极参与社交活动。◇i was at the meeting but i didn't take an active part in the discussion. 我出席了会议,但没有积极参加讨论。 [opp] inactive 反义词为 inactive 2. that produces an effect; that is in operation 有效的;运作中的: ◇an active volcano(= one that can still erupt) 活火山 3. used about the form of a verb or a sentence when the subject of the sentence performs the action of the verb (指动词或句子形式)主动的: ◇in the sentence ‘the dog bit him’, the verb is active. 在 the dog bit him 这一句子中,动词用的是主动语态。 you can also say: ‘the verb is in the active’. look at passive. 表示动词是主动式,可说 the verb is in the active。参看 passive。 ➔actively adv ◇she was actively looking for a job. 她在积极找工作。 activesee ⇨ do/not do 6 ⇨ energetic 1     • • •• ⇨ be active in☞ active¹☞ active²




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