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单词 vet
释义 vet noun (especially bre)  ➡ see also veterinarian adjective | verb + vet | vet + verb adjective➤qualified合格的兽医➤chief首席兽医➤practising/practicing执业兽医➤country, local乡村/当地的兽医➤emergency急诊兽医verb + vet➤call, call out, contact请兽医出诊;联系兽医◆i think we'll have to call the vet.我觉得我们得请兽医来看看了。➤consult, go to, see, take sth to咨询兽医;去看兽医;看兽医;带⋯去看兽医◆we had to take the dog to the vet.我们只好带着狗去看兽医。➤speak to, talk to同兽医谈vet + verb➤recommend sth兽医嘱咐⋯➤examine sth, treat sth兽医检查⋯/治疗⋯  ➡ note at job vet verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤carefully仔细检查➤fully, thoroughly全面检查;彻底审查preposition➤for检查⋯◆all goods are carefully vetted for quality before they leave the factory.所有商品在出厂之前都经过仔细的质量检查。phrases➤vetting procedure (especially bre) 检查程序◆we are introducing new security vetting procedures.我们正在推行新的安全检查流程。 vet /vet/ verb [transitive] (-tt-) (hr 人力资源) (especially bre) to find out about a person's past life and career in order to decide if they are suitable for a particular job 审查◆all candidates are carefully vetted for security reasons. 所有候选人都通过了仔细的安全检查。 examine sth carefully to make sure that it is correct, suitable, legal, etc. 仔细检查◆the merger was allowed to go ahead after being carefully vetted. 在仔细检查之后,这宗合并获得批准。◆the document was vetted and approved by senior management. 这份文件经高级管理层检查后获得批准。 syn screen ▸ vetting noun [uncountable] ◆a rigorous vetting process 严格的审查过程 pre-vet ☞ vetvet¹/vet ||; vɛt/(formal 正式ˈveterinary surgeon (us 美) veterinarian) noun [c] a doctor for animals 兽医: ◇we took the cat to the vet/to the vet's. 我们带了猫去看兽医。 vet²/vet ||; vɛt/verb [t] (vetting;vetted) to do careful and secret checks before deciding if sb/sth can be accepted or not 细心审查: ◇all new employees at the ministry of defence are carefully vetted (= somebody examines the details of their past lives). 国防部对所有新雇员均进行严格审查。 vetsee ⇨ doctor 4 vet /vɛt; vet/n [c] 1. someone who is trained to give medical care and treatment to sick animals 兽医:◇we had to take our cat to the vet. 我们只得把猫儿带去看兽医。 2. informal someone who was a soldier, sailor etc in a war 【非正式】 [经历过战争的]退伍军人:◇vietnam vets 越战退伍军人 ☞ vet




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