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单词 vessel
释义 vessel noun¹ 1ship/boat船只adjective | verb + vessel | vessel + verb | preposition adjective➤stranded, stricken搁浅的/遇险的船只➤seaworthy适于航海的船只▸➤sailing, steam帆船;蒸汽船▸➤ocean-going, seagoing远洋轮;海船➤fishing渔船➤cargo, commercial, container, freight (especially bre) , merchant货轮;商船;集装箱船;货运轮船➤naval军舰➤escort, patrol, supply, support, survey, transport护航舰;巡逻舰;补给舰;支援舰;勘测船;运输舰➤passenger客轮➤research科考船➤foreign外国轮船➤enemy敌舰➤high-speed快艇verb + vessel➤operate驾驶船只◆he was accused of operating the vessel while drunk.他被控醉酒驾船。➤register注册船◆the vessel was registered in bermuda.这条船是在百慕大注册的。➤charter包租船➤steer为船掌舵➤anchor, berth, moor抛锚停船;停泊船只▸➤sink使船下沉➤refloat使船再次浮起◆a salvage team failed to refloat the vessel.打捞队没能使这艘船重新浮上水面。➤intercept, seize拦截/扣留船只◆the navy seized any vessel caught trading with the enemy.海军扣押了被发现与敌人做生意的所有船只。 ➤board登上船◆police boarded and searched the vessel.警察登船搜查。➤ram撞击船◆the captain of the boat was accused of ramming a patrol vessel.小船的船长被指控撞击一艘巡逻艇。➤attack攻击船vessel + verb➤be afloat船浮在水面◆it was one of the largest vessels afloat.那是在水上航行的最大船只之一。➤sail船航行◆the damaged vessel sailed on for another 50 miles.受损的船又航行了 50 英里。➤be bound for sth船开往⋯◆a french vessel bound for nigeria一艘驶往尼日利亚的法国船➤enter sth船驶入⋯◆the vessel finally entered port after thirty days at sea.经过 30 天的海上旅程,这艘船终于驶入港口。➤leave sth船驶离⋯▸➤carry sb/sth船装载⋯◆the vessel carried a crew of 130.这艘船上载有 130 名船员。➤go aground, run aground, sink船搁浅;船下沉◆the vessel flooded and began to sink.船身进水,开始下沉。preposition➤aboard a/the vessel到船上◆they managed to haul the survivors aboard the vessel.他们设法将幸存者都拖上了船。➤alongside a/the vessel在船的旁边◆a rescue boat managed to come alongside the crippled vessel.一艘救援船设法靠在了受损船的旁边。➤on a/the vessel, on board a/the vessel在船上◆a fire broke out on board the vessel.船上起火了。vessel noun² 2container for liquids液体容器adjective | verb + vessel | vessel + verb adjective➤drinking饮具➤empty空容器◆it is a scientific fact that empty vessels make the most noise.空容器发出的声音最响,这是经过科学证明的事实。➤ritual, sacred祭器;圣器◆ancient bronze ritual vessels古代的青铜礼器➤bronze, ceramic, glass, pottery, wooden, etc.青铜、陶瓷、玻璃、陶制、木制等器皿verb + vessel➤fill装进容器vessel + verb➤contain sth容器中盛有⋯  ➡ see also blood vessel vessel /vesl/ noun [countable] a large ship or boat 大船;舰⨁ an ocean-going / a sea-going vessel远洋轮船;海轮 ⨁ a cargo / commercial / container / freight / merchant vessel货轮;商船;集装箱货轮;货轮;商船 ☞ vesselvessel /vesl/ [countable] (formal) a large ship or boat, especially one that travels by sea(尤指海上航行的)大船,轮船◆ocean-going vessels远洋轮船◆the vessel was registered in bermuda.这艘船是在百慕大注册的。vessel/ˈvesl ||; ˈvɛsḷ/noun[c] 1. (written 书面语) a ship or large boat 轮船;大船;舰 2. (old-fashioned 旧) a container for liquids, for example a bottle, cup or bowl 盛液体的容器(如瓶、杯或碗): ◇ancient drinking vessels 古代饮具 ves·sel /`vɛsḷ; ˈvesəl/n [c] 1. formal a ship or large boat 【正式】 船; 舰 2. a container for keeping liquids in [装液体的]容器→ see also 另见 blood vessel




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