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单词 warranty
释义 warranty nounadjective | verb + warranty | warranty + verb | warranty + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤general (especially bre) 一般保修➤specific (especially bre) 专门保修◆we can not give a specific warranty for the work done on your property.我们不能为您的房屋装修工程提供专门的保修服务。➤six-month, two-year, year's (especially bre) , etc. * 6 个月、2 年、1 年等的保修期➤extended, lifetime延期/终身保修◆the tool comes with a lifetime warranty.这件工具可享受终身保修。➤limited有限保修verb + warranty➤give, offer, provide提供保修➤get得到保修▸➤come with, have附带保修;有保修◆the computer comes with a year's warranty on all parts.这台电脑的所有部件享有 1 年保修。➤extend延长保修◆they've extended the warranty and the mileage.他们延长了保修期和英里数。➤carry附带保修◆the model carries a three-year warranty.这种型号附带 3 年的保修。➤void (especially name) 取消保修◆manufacturers void their warranties if the labels have been tampered with.若擅自涂抹标签,厂家不予保修。➤buy, purchase购买保修单warranty + verb➤cover sth保修范围包括⋯◆corrosion is not covered by the warranty.腐蚀不在保修范围之内。➤expire, run out保修到期/过期➤cost保修花费⋯warranty + noun➤period保修期▸➤claim保修要求➤coverage保修范围;保修期限◆the warranty coverage is 60 months.保修期限是 60 个月。➤repair, service, work (all especially name) 保修期内的维修;保修服务➤cost保修成本➤card (especially name) 保修卡➤plan, policy (both especially name) 保修计划;保修条款preposition➤under warranty在保修期内◆is your car still under warranty?你的车还在保修期内吗?➤warranty against针对⋯的保修◆a warranty against storm damage对风暴造成的损坏的保修➤warranty on对⋯的保修◆the warranty on my watch ran out just before it broke.我手表坏的时候刚过了保修期。phrases➤breach of warranty违反保修规定◆he took legal action against the company for breach of warranty.他提起诉讼,指控该公司违反保修规定。warranty /wɒrənti; name wɔːr-; wɑːr-/ (plural warranties) noun [countable, uncountable] (commerce 商业; law 法律) a written agreement in which a company selling sth promises to repair or replace it if there is a problem within a particular period of time 保修单;担保书;保证书◆the television comes with a full two-year warranty. 这台电视机有整两年的保修期。◆is the car still under warranty? 这辆汽车还在保修期内吗? syn guarantee  ➡  warrantee , warrantor ◇ extended warranty ☞ warrantywarranty/ˈwɒrənti; us ˈwɔ:r- ||; ˈwɔrəntɪ/noun [c,u] (plural warranties) a written statement that you get when you buy sth, which promises to repair or replace it if it is broken or does not work (商品的)保用证,保用单: ◇fortunately my stereo is still under warranty. 幸亏我的立体声音响仍在保用期之内。 ☞look at guarantee. 参看guarantee。 war·ran·ty /`wɔrəntɪ; ˈwɒrənti/n [c,u]a written promise that a company will repair something or give you another thing of the same kind if it breaks after you have bought it; guarantee 保证书,保单:◇the tv comes with a 3-year warranty. 这台电视机附有一份三年期的保用单。




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