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单词 zone
释义 zone nounadjective | verb + zone | preposition adjective➤narrow, wide狭窄的/宽阔的地带➤marginal, peripheral, transition, transitional, twilight边缘地带;周边地带;过渡地区;模糊状态◆a transition zone between tropical and arid vegetations热带植被和干旱植被之间的过渡地区◆the twilight zone between living and merely existing介于生活和捱日子之间的模糊状态➤border, frontier边界/边疆地区▸➤neutral中立地区➤battle, combat, conflict, military, war交战区;作战区;冲突地区;军事区;战区➤buffer, demilitarized, exclusion, no-fly, no-go缓冲地带;非军事区;隔离区;禁飞区;禁区◆this area behind the station is a no-go zone for tourists.车站后的这一区域游客禁止进入。➤occupation, occupied占领区;被占领区➤free-fire (name, also figurative) , kill, target自由射击区;射杀区;目标区域◆the internet has become a free-fire zone for conspiracy theories (= there are no restrictions).因特网对各种阴谋论毫无限制。◆our truck was trapped in the kill zone (= where it can be attacked).我们的卡车困在了射杀区,成了活靶子。➤danger危险区➤disaster灾区◆the region has been declared an ecological disaster zone.这一地区已经被宣布为生态灾难区。➤safe, safety, security安全区;安全地带◆she stood some distance away from him to maintain a safety zone.她站得离他有些距离,以备安全。➤drug-free, nuclear-free, smoke-free, traffic-free, etc.无毒区、无核区、无烟区、无车区等◆most of the old town is a traffic-free zone.旧城大部份地区为无车区。➤northern, southern, etc.北方、南方等地区➤central中心区▸➤earthquake, fault, seismic地震带;断层带➤climate, climatic气候带▸➤temperate, tropical温带;热带◆the temperate and tropical zones of south america南美洲的温带和热带➤coastal沿海地区➤dead死区◆an oxygen-depleted dead zone at the bottom of the sea海底的无氧死区➤economic, enterprise, fishing, free-trade, industrial经济区;企业振兴区;捕鱼区;自由贸易区;工业区◆an industrial zone of factories, warehouses and shipyards由工厂、仓库和造船厂组成的工业区➤autonomous自治区▸➤pedestrian (bre) 步行区▸➤school (name) 学校区▸➤time时区◆vancouver is in the same time zone as los angeles.温哥华和洛杉矶属于同一个时区。➤erogenous性敏感区➤drop, landing空投区;着陆场▸➤relegation (bre) 降级区◆the team finds itself in the relegation zone after a run of poor results.接连赛绩不佳之后,这个队发现他们落入了降级区。➤strike (in baseball棒球) (击球的)好球区▸➤end (in american football美式橄榄球) 球门区▸➤comfort让人感到舒适的地方◆students are unwilling to step outside their comfort zone.学生们都贪恋自己的舒适区,不愿改变。verb + zone➤control, patrol控制/巡视⋯地区◆the rebels control the southern border zone.叛乱者控制着南部边境地区。➤create, declare sth, designate sth, establish建立⋯区;宣布⋯为⋯区;划定⋯为⋯区;设立⋯区◆the area has been declared a closed military zone.这个地区已被宣布为军事禁区。➤enforce强制实施⋯区◆fighter planes are being sent to enforce the un no-fly zone.正派战斗机到联合国禁飞区执行禁飞任务。➤violate违反⋯区限制◆an enemy plane was shot down after it violated the exclusion zone.一架敌机因违反禁区规定被击落。➤cross into, enter进入⋯范围;走进⋯区◆we were crossing into a new time zone.我们正进入一个新时区。➤leave离开⋯区◆aid workers were advised to leave the danger zone.人们劝说救援人员撤离危险区。➤divide sth into把⋯分成⋯区◆europe is divided into economic zones.欧洲分成多个经济区。preposition➤in a/the zone, within a/the zone在⋯地带;在⋯区内◆the plant grows only in the temperate zone.这种植物只生长在温带。◆companies within enterprise zones are given special help.企业振兴区内的公司会获得特别帮助。➤into a/the zone进入⋯区◆we had accidentally strayed into the war zone.我们走错路意外地闯进了交战区。➤out of a/the zone在⋯区外▸➤zone between⋯之间的地带◆the neutral zone between the two countries两国之间的中立地带zone /zəʊn; name zoʊn/ noun [countable] area or a region with a particular feature or use 地区;区域◆an industrial zone 工业区◆the danger/safety zone 危险/安全区 of the areas that a larger area is divided into for the purpose of organization 区域;分区◆postal charges to countries in zone 2 寄往第二邮政区国家的邮资 enterprise zone ◇ foreign trade zone ◇ free zone ◇ time zone zone /zəʊn; name zoʊn/ verb [transitive] (usually be zoned) keep an area of land to be used for a particular purpose 把…划作特定区域◆the town centre was zoned for office development. 城镇中心被划作写字楼开发区。 divide an area of land into smaller areas 将…分成区 ▸ zoning noun [uncountable]☞ zone☞ zonezone [countable] an area or region with a particular feature or use; one of the five parts that the earth's surface is divided into by imaginary lines that are parallel to the equator(有某特色或作用的)地区,地带;(地球表面与赤道平行的)气候带◆medical teams are on standby to fly out to the war zone.医疗队随时待命飞往战区。◆aid workers were advised to leave the danger zone.救援人员被劝告撤离危险地带。◆this species is found widely distributed throughout the northern temperate zone.这一物种广泛分布在北温带。ⓘ a time zone is one of the 24 areas that the world is divided into, each with its own time that is one hour earlier than that of the time zone immediately to the east. * time zone 指时区。世界分为 24 个时区,每个时区的时间比紧邻其东部的时区早一个小时。  ➡ see also zone → county zone [countable] one of the areas that a larger area is divided into for the purposes of organization(规划的)区域,分区◆the ticket may be used on any bus in zone 2.这种票可在第 2 区内任何公共汽车上使用。◆all countries in zones 1 and 2 have free incoming calls.在第 1 区和第 2 区的所有国家都可免费接听来电。  ➡ see also zone → area 1 zone/zəʊn ||; zon/noun [c] an area that is different from those around it for example because sth special happens there 地带: ◇a war zone 战区 zonesee ⇨ area 1,2     • • •• ⇨ war zone zone /zon; zəʊn/n [c]an area where a particular thing happens or where there are particular rules [发生着某类事情或有某种规定的]地区; 区域:◇a no-parking zone 禁止停车区◇a war zone 战区→ see also 另见 time zone




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