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单词 unusually
释义 unusuallyadverb◆an unusually talented designer杰出的天才设计师unusuallyadverb◆unusually for him, he was dressed in a suit.他破例穿了一套西装。◆she was unusually quiet that evening.她那天晚上异常安静。unusuallyadverb◆an unusually talented designer杰出的天才设计师unusuallyadverb◆unusually for him, he was dressed in a suit.他破例穿了一套西装。◆she was unusually quiet that evening.她那天晚上异常安静。unusually/ʌnˈju:ʒuəli;-ʒəli ||; ʌnˈjuʒυəlɪ; -ʒəlɪ/adv1. in a way that is not normal or typical of sb/sth 异常;竟然: ◇unusually for her, she forgot his birthday. 她竟然忘了他的生日。 2. more than is common; extremely 异常;极端 un·u·su·ally /ʌn`juʒəlɪ; ʌnˈjuːʒuəli/adv 1. unusually hot/big etc hotter, bigger etc than is usual 异常地热/大等 2. in a way that is different from usual 不同寻常地:◇unusually for michael, he arrived on time. 米高出乎意料地准时到了。




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