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单词 warn
释义 warn verbadverb | verb + warn | preposition | phrases adverb➤clearly, explicitly清楚地/明确地警告▸➤bluntly, firmly直白地/断然警告◆the chancellor bluntly warned the cabinet to cut public spending or face higher taxes.财政大臣直接警告内阁要么削减公共开支,要么提高税收。➤darkly, sternly恶狠狠地/严厉地警告▸➤softly温和地提醒◆'don't,' he warned softly.“不要这样。”他温和地提醒道。➤specifically明确地警告◆we were specifically warned against buying the house.有人明确地警告我们不要买这所房子。➤duly适时地提醒◆having been duly warned that i would get nowhere with my application, i went right ahead and applied anyway.虽然有人适时提醒我申请不会有什么结果,我还是执意提出了申请。➤always, constantly, repeatedly不断警告;再三告诫◆my mother constantly warned me not to go into teaching.妈妈不断地告诫我不要去当老师。➤publicly公开地警告verb + warn➤had better, have to, must, should最好提醒;不得不警告;必须提醒;应该提醒◆i must warn you that some of these animals are extremely dangerous.我必须提醒你这些动物中有些是极其危险的。◆i thought i should warn her about it.我想我应该为此提醒她一下。➤try to尝试提醒◆i did try to warn you.我的确曾经试着提醒你。➤fail to未能告诫◆she claimed doctors had failed to warn her of the risks involved.她声称医生没有提醒她所涉及的风险。preposition➤about就⋯提出警告◆no one had warned us about the unbearable heat.没有人警告过我们注意难以忍受的高温。➤against告诫◆we were warned against drinking the local water.有人告诫我们不要喝当地的水。➤of关于⋯提出警告◆the report warns of the dangers of obesity.这份报告就肥胖的危险向人们提出了警告。◆they warned us of the risks involved.他们事先提醒了我们所涉及的风险。phrases➤be warned要注意◆you will get better-but be warned, it may be a long process.你会好起来的,但要注意,这可能是个漫长的过程。 warn verbwarn ♦︎ caution ♦︎ alert ♦︎ tip sb offthese words all mean to tell sb about sth bad that is going to happen so that they can do sth about it.这些词均表示提醒、告诫。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to warn / caution (sb) against sth◆to warn sb / tip sb off about sth◆to warn / caution / alert sb / tip sb off that...◆to warn / alert / tip off the police / authorities■ warn [transitive, intransitive] to tell sb about sth dangerous or unpleasant, so that they can avoid it; to strongly advise sb to do or not to do sth in order to avoid danger or punishment提醒;使警惕;警告◆i tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen.我试图提醒过他,可他就是不听。◆he warned us against pickpockets.他提醒我们要提防小偷。◆i had been warned what to expect.有人事先提醒过我会出什么事。◆she warned billy to keep away from her daughter.她警告比利离她女儿远点。◆the commander had been warned of the attack.有人已经警告过指挥官会有这次袭击。◆'i'm warning you!' said james, losing his patience.“我警告你!”詹姆斯不耐烦地说道。◆the guidebook warns against walking alone at night.这本指南告诫人们不要在夜间单独行走。■ caution /kɔːʃn/ [intransitive, transitive] (formal) to tell sb about the possible dangers or problems of sth警告;告诫;提醒◆i would caution against getting too involved.我要提出警告,不要介入太深。◆the government cautioned that pay increases could lead to job losses.政府警告说,提高工资可能会导致失业。■ alert /əlɜːt; name əlɜːrt/ [transitive] to tell sb about a dangerous or urgent situation so that they can do sth about it向⋯报警;使警惕;使戒备◆neighbours quickly alerted the emergency services.邻居们很快向应急部门报了警。◆alerted by a noise downstairs, he sat up and turned on the light.楼下的响声使他警觉,他坐起来打开灯。  ➡ see also alert → watch noun ■ tip sb off phrasal verb(-pp-) (rather informal) to tell sb secretly about sth that is going to happen, especially sth illegal or sth that will give them an advantage in business暗中警告,私下告诫,密报(尤指非法或能带来经济好处的事)◆three men were arrested after police were tipped off about the raid.警方获得有关袭击的密报后,逮捕了三个人。◆he allegedly tipped off his friends, who sold shares in advance of the news becoming public.据称他向朋友泄密,令他们得以在消息公布前就把股票卖掉了。warn [transitive, intransitive] to tell sb about sth dangerous or unpleasant, so that they can avoid it; to strongly advise sb to do or not to do sth in order to avoid danger or punishment提醒;使警惕;警告◆i tried to warn him, but he wouldn't listen.我试图提醒过他,可他就是不听。◆he warned us against pickpockets.他提醒我们要提防小偷。◆i had been warned what to expect.有人事先提醒过我会出什么事。◆she warned billy to keep away from her daughter.她警告比利离她女儿远点。◆the commander had been warned of the attack.有人已经警告过指挥官会有这次袭击。◆'i'm warning you!' said james, losing his patience.“我警告你!”詹姆斯不耐烦地说道。◆the guidebook warns against walking alone at night.这本指南告诫人们不要在夜间单独行走。warn/wɔ:n ||; wɔrn/verb[t] 1. warn sb (of sth);warn sb (about sb/sth) to tell sb about sth unpleasant or dangerous that exists or might happen, so that he/she can avoid it 警告,提醒(某事可能要发生): ◇when i saw the car coming i tried to warn him, but it was too late. 我看到那辆车开过来就要警告他,但已经太迟了。◇the government is warning the public of possible terrorist attacks. 政府警告公众,恐怖分子可能发动攻击。◇he warned me about the danger of walking home alone at night. 他提醒我夜里独自步行回家有危险。 2. warn (sb) against doing sth;warn sb (not to do sth) to advise sb not to do sth 提醒,告诫(不要做某事): ◇the radio warned people against going out during the storm. 电台告诫人们暴风雨时不要出门。◇i warned you not to trust him. 我提醒过你不要相信他。 warn1 to warn someone about something2 what you say when you want to warn someone3 making you realize that something bad could happen4 a spoken or written statement that warns peoplerelated wordssee alsoadvise,threaten,dangerous,1. to warn someone about something 就某事警告某人 warn /wɔːʳn/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to tell someone about something unpleasant or dangerous that might happen, so that they can avoid it or prevent it 警告;提醒 we tried to warn her, but she refused to listen. 我们试图提醒她,可是她不听。 the consequences could be serious - i just wanted to warn you. 后果可能很严重—我只想提醒你一下。warn (that) the local people were warned that the volcano might erupt at any time. 当地人得到警告,火山会随时爆发。 we were warned there were going to be delays on the motorway, so we came back by a different route. 有人提醒我们说高速公路上会塞车,所以我们走另外一条路线回来。warn somebody about something especially spoken i was going for a swim, until the people in the hotel warned me about the jellyfish. 我本来打算去游泳的,直至酒店里的人警告我说有水母。warn (somebody) of something especially written weather forecasters warned of possible flooding in coastal regions. 天气预报员警告说,海岸地区可能发生水灾。warn somebody (not) to do something police are warning drivers not to go out on the roads unless their journey is really necessary. 警方告诫驾车人士,除非真的有必要,否则不要上路。warn somebody against doing something tourists are warned against going to remoter regions. 旅游者被告诫不要到边远地区去。 give somebody a warning /ˌgɪv somebody ə ˈwɔːʳnɪŋ/ [verb phrase] to tell someone that if they continue to behave in an unsatisfactory way, they will be punished 向某人提出警告[告诉某人如继续不好的行为;将受到惩罚] so you've given her a warning about her conduct in future? 那么你已经警告过她小心将来的行为吗?give sb a warning that the us gave a warning that, if the hostages were not released, they would be forced to take military action. 美国警告说,要是不释放人质,他们将被迫采取军事行动。give somebody a final warning one day monica's boss gave her a final warning. if she messed up again, she was fired. 一天,莫妮卡的老板给了她最后警告:如果她再把事情弄糟,就会被开除。 warn off /ˌwɔːʳn ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to try to prevent someone from doing something by warning them about the trouble or problems it could cause for them 告诫…不要做[某事] warn somebody off the army had put signs up around the area where the mines were, to warn people off. 军队在地雷区周围竖起标志,警告人们不要走近。warn somebody off doing something even though we'd been warned off going into the mountains, we couldn't resist it. 虽然有人提醒过我们不要进山,但我们还是抵挡不住要进去。warn off somebody the female rattlesnake warns off intruders by making a loud noise. 雌性响尾蛇发出很大的声音警告入侵者不要靠近。 caution /ˈkɔːʃən/ [transitive verb] formal to warn someone not to do something because it is likely to be dangerous or have a bad result 【正式】告诫,警告;提醒 ‘be careful now,’ sarah cautioned. ‘don't do anything stupid.’ “现在要小心了,”萨拉告诫道,“别做蠢事。”caution somebody against doing something the policeman cautioned the children against talking to strangers. 警察告诫孩子不要跟陌生人说话。caution against (doing) something marshall cautioned against pouring millions of pounds into taking legal action when there was no guarantee of victory. 马歇尔警告说,没有获胜的把握不要把数百万英镑花在打官司上。 tip off /ˌtɪp ˈɒf/ [transitive phrasal verb] to warn someone about something that is going to happen, especially to warn the police about a crime, so that they can try to prevent it [尤指向警察]透露消息,通风报信 be tipped off about the police had been tipped off about the gang's arrival. 警方已经得到关于那帮歹徒到来的密报。be tipped off that customs officers had been tipped off that the drugs were hidden in a child's rucksack. 海关官员已得到密报,知道毒品藏在小孩的背包里。tip somebody off someone must have tipped the press off about the princess's visit. 肯定是有人事先向新闻界透露了王妃来访的消息。tip off somebody a farmer noticed our foreign accents and tipped off the security police. 一个农民听出我们有外国口音,暗中通知了保安警察。 alert /əˈlɜːʳt/ [transitive verb] to officially or publicly warn people of possible danger so that they can be ready to deal with it [正式地或公开地]使警觉,使警惕;使注意 when he realized that one engine was not working, the pilot alerted air traffic control. 当飞行员注意到一台发动机失灵,便向空中交通指挥部发出警报。alert somebody to something a poster campaign to alert people to the disease 使人们警惕这种疾病的海报宣传运动alert somebody that drivers are being alerted that an escaped prisoner has been seen hitch-hiking on the road to frankfurt. 司机们接到警报,说有人看见一名逃犯在通往法兰克福的路上搭便车。 sound/raise the alarm /ˌsaʊnd, ˌreɪz ði əˈlɑːʳm/ [verb phrase] to warn everyone about something bad or dangerous that is already happening so that they can take action to stop it or avoid it 发出警报 leighton was told to stand at the door, and to raise the alarm if a guard came. 莱顿被吩咐站在门口,如果来了警卫就发警报。sound/raise the alarm about the red cross has sounded the alarm about the danger of further famine in the region. 红十字会发出警告,称该地区有发生更严重饥荒的危险。 the problem is that if you sound the alarm about fraud in your company, you might end up out of a job. 问题是,如果你发出公司里有欺诈行为的警报,到头来你或许会丢掉饭碗。 forewarn /fɔːʳˈwɔːʳn/ [transitive verb] formal to warn someone about something bad that is going to happen soon, so that they have enough time to prepare for it 【正式】预先警告,事先告知 barry hearn forewarned me that the meeting was going to be tough. 巴里·赫恩事先提醒我,说这次会议将会很棘手。be forewarned of something a police team, forewarned of the raid, had taken up positions inside the bank. 一支警队预先得到警告,知道有人抢劫,已在银行内布置妥当。 i told you!/i told you so! /aɪ ˈtəʊld juː, aɪ ˈtəʊld juː ˌsəʊ/ spoken say this when you had warned someone about a possible danger that has now happened, especially if they ignored your warning 【口】我告诉过你!我早就提醒过你![尤用于对方不理会你的警告] i told you he had a violent temper! why did you argue with him? 我告诉过你他脾气暴躁—为什么要去跟他争论呢? i told you so! it was obvious she was going to disappear as soon as she got the money. 我早就告诉过你!很明显,她一拿到钱就会走得无影无踪。 i hate to say ‘i told you so’, but maybe you should listen to me next time. 我不喜欢说“我早就告诉过你”,但下次也许你得听我的。2. what you say when you want to warn someone 想警告某人时说的话 look out/watch out /ˌlʊk ˈaʊt, ˌwɒtʃ ˈaʊtǁˌwɑːtʃ-/ spoken say this to urgently warn someone that they will have an accident if they do not immediately try to avoid it 【口】当心,小心[用于在紧急情况下警告某人] ‘look out!’ yelled willie. ‘he's got a gun!’ “小心!”威利大叫道,“他有枪!” look out! there's a train coming! 小心!有列火车开过来了! watch out! you nearly hit that car. 当心!你差点撞到那辆车。 mind /maɪnd/ british spoken use this to warn someone not to touch something or do something that would be dangerous or cause trouble 【英口】留心,当心,注意[提醒某人不要接触或做会有危险或惹麻烦的事] mind the table charlotte, there are drinks on it. 当心桌子,夏洛特,上面有饮料。mind/mind out mind! the plate's hot. 当心!盘子烫手。 mind out! there's a motorcycle! 小心!有摩托车!mind you don't do something the cat's down there - mind you don't tread on him. 下面有猫—小心别踩着它。mind how you go used to warn someone to walk carefully to avoid slipping or falling 小心走路 mind how you go. the path's a bit slippery. 小心走路,路有点滑。 watch it/watch out /ˈwɒtʃ ɪt, ˌwɒtʃ ˈaʊtǁˈwɑːtʃ-/ use this to warn someone that what they are doing could be dangerous 小心,注意,留神 ‘watch out!’ yelled the driver, as the truck veered towards his car. “小心!”一辆卡车突然转向冲过来,汽车司机大叫道。 watch it! you nearly knocked my head off with that ladder. 当心!你那把梯子差点砸掉我的头。 be careful /biː ˈkeəʳfəl/ spoken use this to warn someone that what they are doing could be dangerous 【口】小心,当心 i handed phil the heavy revolver. ‘be careful, it's loaded.’ 我递给菲尔一把重重的左轮手枪。“小心,里面有子弹。” be careful, it's very hot. 当心,很烫的。be careful with hey! be careful with that cigarette! 嗨!小心那根香烟!be careful/take care not to do something be careful not to do anything that might make him angry. 小心别做任何可能会让他生气的事。 beware /bɪˈweəʳ/ [] especially written used to warn people about something dangerous - usually seen on signs and official statements 【尤书面】当心,小心[常见于标牌和官方声明,用于警告人们某物危险] beware. deep water. 小心。深水区。beware of beware of the dog. 当心有狗。 beware of falling rocks. 当心落石。 the police warn tourists to beware of pickpockets, especially in crowded places. 警方提醒游客小心扒手,尤其是在拥挤的地方。beware of doing something beware of accidentally starting the engine while you are cleaning the blades. 清洁叶片时,慎防误开引擎。 you'd better /juːd ˈbetəʳ/ spoken informal use this to warn or advise someone that they should do something in order to avoid trouble 【口,非正式】你最好[用于告诫或建议某人应该做某事以免麻烦] ‘i suppose i ought to apologize.’ ‘yes, you'd better, or she might make things difficult for you.’ “我想我得去道歉。”“是啊,最好那样,否则她或许会为难你的。”you'd better do something you'd better tell the police in case they think it was your fault. 你最好告诉警察,免得他们认为这是你的错。 the train leaves in twenty minutes, so you'd better hurry up! 火车20分钟后开出,所以你最好快一点! something ends in tears / something ˌendz ɪn ˈtɪəʳz/ british spoken say this to warn someone that something they are determined to do is not sensible and will probably end badly 【英口】[用于警告某人]某事不会有好结果的 never have an affair with a work colleague - they usually end in tears. 千万不要与同事有暧昧关系—这种事通常不会有好结果的。it'll (all) end in tears my common sense told me: ‘stay away! it'll end in tears!’ 我的常识告诉我:“不要沾手,这不会有好结果的!”3. making you realize that something bad could happen 令人意识到不好的事会发生 warn /wɔːʳn/ [intransitive/transitive verb] warn somebody (that) something warned lucy that she must stop him. 有种感觉提醒卢茜,她必须阻止他。 the bleached bones of cattle warn the traveler how hot it can be in death valley. 晒得发白的牛骨提醒旅行者“死亡谷”会有多么炙热烤人。warn of dark clouds warned of the approaching storm. 乌云预示了暴风雨就要来临。 be a warning /biː ə ˈwɔːʳnɪŋ/ [verb phrase] if an event or fact is a warning, it shows that something bad could happen or is going to happen 是告诫,是警告,是预兆 the story of the titanic is a warning to anyone who trusts too much in their technology. 泰坦尼克号的故事对任何一个过于相信科技的人都是一个警告。 the only warning was a low rumbling sound. 唯一的预兆是低沉的隆隆声。be a warning of pain in the shoulder and arm can be a warning of a heart attack. 肩膀和手臂疼痛可能是心脏病发作的预兆。 set (the) alarm bells ringing /ˌset (ði) əˈlɑːʳm belz ˌrɪŋɪŋ/ [verb phrase] if something sets (the) alarm bells ringing it makes you realize that something seriously wrong or very dangerous is happening 使人警觉[严重错误或非常危险的事正在发生],敲响警钟 there were no lights on when i got home. that immediately set alarm bells ringing. 我回到家时,屋里的灯没有亮着。这让我立即警觉起来。 a brief study of the company's accounts set the alarm bells ringing -- there was no trace of the $56 million loan. 对这家公司的账目所做的简单审查让人警觉了起来——5,600万美元贷款去向不明。 ominous /ˈɒmɪnəs, ˈɒmənəsǁˈɑː-/ [adjective] making you think that something bad has happened or is likely to happen soon [使人感到]不祥的,不吉利的 another wave crashed onto the deck and the mast made an ominous creaking sound. 又一个浪头哗啦啦地打上了甲板,船桅发出了不祥的吱嘎声。 katy answered the phone. there was an ominous silence. 凯蒂接起电话,只有一阵不祥的沉默。something sounds ominous my manager asked for an appointment at nine o'clock on a monday morning: it sounded ominous. 我的经理预约我星期一上午9点去见他,这给人一种不祥的感觉。 ominously [adverb] when the army moved into the city, the streets were ominously silent. 军队进城时,街道上是一片不祥的静寂。 warning /ˈwɔːʳnɪŋ/ [adjective only before noun] intended to or likely to warn you that something bad will happen if you continue to do something or do not do something 警告的 aunt lou shot a warning glance at father just as he was about to speak. 爸爸刚要说话,卢姨妈就向他投以警告性的目光。 he grabbed her pistol and fired a warning shot. the intruder ran back out into the hall. 他抓起她的手枪就开枪警告,闯进来的人便跑回到大堂里去了。 from the trees there came a warning screech and the whole flock took to the air. 那里的树丛传来引起警觉的刺耳声,然后整个鸟群都向空中飞去。 cautionary /ˈkɔːʃənəriǁ-neri/ [adjective only before noun] cautionary tale/note something that provides a warning of something bad that could happen or a warning against particular actions or behaviour 警世的故事/警告的语气 the rise and fall of this company is a cautionary tale for anyone investing in the property market. 这家公司的兴衰对于投资房地产市场的人是个警世的故事。 the director ended her speech on a cautionary note, when she said that next year would be even harder than this year. 董事最后以警告的语气结束她的讲话,说明年将比今年更加艰难。4. a spoken or written statement that warns people 警告的话语或书面声明 warning /ˈwɔːʳnɪŋ/ [countable noun] something that you say or do to warn people about danger or to warn them not to do something 警告 all cigarette packets carry a government health warning. 香烟的包装上都印有政府的健康警告。give a warning the weather report gave a warning of more snow and icy roads. 天气预报发出警告称会有更多的降雪和结冰路段。warning to two of the prisoners were publicly beaten, as a warning to the others. 两名囚犯被公开拷打,以做效尤。without (any) warning without giving a warning 没有[任何]警告 soldiers began firing into the crowd without any warning. 士兵没有发出任何警告就开始向人群射击。 tip-off /ˈtɪp ɒf/ [countable noun] a warning that something bad is going to happen, especially a warning about a crime that is given to the police in time for them to stop it happening [尤指给警方的]情报;密告 police were called to the hotel after a tip-off. 得到密告后,警察被派遣到这家酒店。acting on a tip-off doing something because of a tip-off 根据密告采取行动 acting on a tip-off, customs officers seized 50 kilos of cocaine from a house in leicester. 海关官员得到密告展开行动,在莱斯特的一幢房子里查获50公斤可卡因。 caution /ˈkɔːʃən/ [countable noun] formal a warning to someone about a possible danger, especially a warning added to the end of a statement or piece of information 【正式】[尤指加在一篇陈述或一则通知最后的]警告 this caution cannot be overstated: if the belts are incorrectly adjusted they are useless. 这个警告怎么说也不为过—安全带没有调整好是起不了作用的。 caution: do not install electrical equipment near or around water sources. 警告:切勿将电气设备安装在水源附近。 warn /wɔrn; wɔːn/v [t]to tell someone that something bad or dangerous may happen, so that they can avoid it or prevent it 告诫,警告:◇we tried to warn her, but she wouldn't listen. 我们想提醒她,但她不愿听。◇warn sb (that) allen warned him that he might be killed if he stayed in beirut. 艾伦警告他如果留在贝鲁特可能被杀。◇warn sb not to do sth (=tell someone they should not do something, because it is dangerous) 告诫某人不要做某事: police are warning drivers not to go out on the roads unless their journey is really necessary. 警方告诫驾驶者除非十分有必要出行,否则就不要上路。 ☞ warn




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