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单词 troops
释义 troops nounadjective | verb + troops | troops + verb | troop + noun | phrases adjective➤crack, elite精锐部队▸➤additional, extra增派的部队▸➤armed武装部队◆a division of up to 6 000 heavily armed troops有 6,000 名全副武装士兵的陆军师➤enemy, foreign, rebel敌军;外国军队;叛军➤friendly, loyal友军;忠诚的军队◆troops loyal to the government忠于政府的军队➤army, auxiliary, paramilitary, regular, reserve陆军/辅助/准军事/正规/预备役部队▸➤allied, coalition, federal, government联军;联合部队;联邦部队;政府军▸➤international国际部队▸➤combat, fighting作战部队▸➤shock (= trained to make sudden attacks on the enemy) 突击部队➤reconnaissance侦察部队▸➤peacekeeping, security维和/安全部队▸➤airborne, ground空降/地面部队▸➤border, front-line, garrison边防/前线/卫戍部队verb + troops➤deploy, mass, put in, send, send in部署部队;集结部队;派遣部队◆they are massing troops on the border.他们正在边境集结部队。◆the un is sending peacekeeping troops into the trouble spot.联合国正向该动荡地区派遣维和部队。➤commit, provide (sb with), supply (sb with)(向⋯)供应部队◆the army has provided troops for the un all over the world.陆军派出部队为联合国在全世界执行任务。➤pull out, withdraw撤军◆washington is talking about pulling out its troops next year.华盛顿正在谈论其明年的撤军。➤bring home召回部队◆it's time to bring our troops home.是该召回我们的部队了。➤command, lead, order指挥/率领/命令部队◆he ordered troops to shoot to kill if attacked.他命令部队一旦遭受袭击便开枪射杀。➤call in召集部队▸➤station派驻部队◆the us had stationed over 300 000 troops in japan.美国在日本有超过 30 万的驻军。➤transport运送部队▸➤rally集结部队▸➤support支持部队◆we must always support our troops.我们必须永远支持我们的部队。➤train训练部队troops + verb➤fight (sb), kill sb部队(与某人)作战;部队消灭某人➤die部队战死▸➤be based, be positioned, be posted, be quartered, be stationed部队驻扎在⋯;部队部署在⋯◆troops based in east timor在东帝汶的驻军◆five hundred troops were quartered in a town just behind the front line.500 名士兵驻扎在紧靠前线的小镇里。➤serve部队服役◆british troops serving in the gulf在海湾地区服役的英国军队➤advance, march, move in, move into sth部队前进/行进/进驻/进入⋯◆allied troops were advancing on the capital.联军部队正向首都推进。➤arrive, cross into sth, enter sth, land, reach sth部队到达/穿过/进入/登陆/抵达⋯◆iraqi troops crossed into kuwaiti territory.伊拉克军队越过边界进入科威特境内。➤cross sth部队穿过⋯◆troops crossed the border with georgia.部队越过格鲁吉亚边境。➤mass部队集结◆government troops have massed on the northern border.政府军已在北方边境集结。➤guard sth, patrol sth部队守卫⋯/巡逻⋯◆troops patrolling the border在边境巡逻的部队➤occupy sth部队占领⋯▸➤attack (sb), invade (sth), overrun sth, storm sth, surround sth部队袭击(某人)/入侵(⋯)/侵占⋯/猛攻⋯/包围⋯◆rebel troops stormed the presidential palace.叛军猛攻总统府。➤fire on sb/sth, open fire, shoot sb军队向⋯开枪/开火/朝某人射击▸➤leave sth, pull out, withdraw部队撤离▸➤come home部队撤军troop + noun➤deployment, levels, numbers, presence, strength军队的部署/水平/数量/驻扎/兵力◆various figures for us troop presence in iraq were quoted.引用了美国在伊拉克驻军的多个数字。➤build-up部队的建设▸➤reductions裁军▸➤withdrawal撤军▸➤movements部队的移动▸➤carrier, ship, train, transport运兵车;运兵船;运兵火车;部队运输机▸➤commander部队指挥官▸➤morale部队的士气phrases➤the deployment of troops, the withdrawal of troops部队的部署;军队的撤退☞ trooptroopssee ⇨ army 2☞ troop




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