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单词 pop¹
释义 pop¹ /pɑp; pɒp/v -pped, -pping 1. pop in/out/along etc spoken to go somewhere for a very short time 【口】 迅速地来/去[某处]:◇dave's popped out to get some bread. 戴夫出去买些面包。 2. pop sth in/on/into etc bre spoken to put something somewhere 【英口】将[某物]放在[某处]:◇pop the box in the corner. 把箱子放在墙角。 3. pop out/up to suddenly come out of something 突然地从[某物]中出来,蹦出,跳起:◇a tiny chick's head popped out of the egg. 鸡蛋里突然伸出一个小鸡脑袋来。 4. [i,t] to make a sound like a small explosion, or to make something make this sound (使)发出噼啪声:◇champagne corks were popping. 开香槟酒瓶塞的噼啪声此起彼伏。 5. also 又作 pop out [i] if someone's eyes pop, or pop out, they look very surprised [吃惊时眼睛]瞪大,突出 6. pop the question informal to ask someone to marry you 【非正式】 求婚pop upinformal to appear suddenly and unexpectedly 【非正式】 突然[意外]地出现:◇his face keeps popping up on television. 他的面孔不断地出现在电视上。




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