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单词 population
释义 population nounadjective | population + verb | population + noun | phrases adjective➤dense, large密集的/众多的人口▸➤small, sparse稀少的人口▸➤overall, total总人口◆the country has a total population of 65 million.该国的总人口有 6,500 万。➤growing增长的人口◆the growing hispanic population in the united states美国不断增长的西班牙裔人口➤global, local, national, world全球/当地/全国/世界人口▸➤indigenous, native本地人口➤immigrant移民人口➤resident常住人口▸➤adult, ageing/aging, elderly, young, youthful成年人口;老龄人口;青年人口▸➤female, male女性/男性人口▸➤black, white黑人/白人人口➤hispanic, latino, etc.西班牙裔、拉美裔等人口▸➤active, working就业人口◆most of the economically active population is employed in the primary industries.大多数就业人口都从事第一产业。➤student学生人数▸➤civil, civilian居民人口▸➤prison, school监狱/学校人数▸➤rural, urban农村/城市人口➤homeless无家可归的人数▸➤general普通人群◆the general population was against the measures.普通百姓反对这些措施。➤natural种群◆natural populations of plants and animals植物和动物的自然种群➤diverse, heterogeneous多样化的/不同族裔组成的人口◆a diverse population of over 100 nationalities由 100 多个民族构成的多样化人口➤human人类群体◆plagues that can destroy human populations可以摧毁人类群体的瘟疫➤➤bird, fish, plant, etc.鸟类、鱼类、植物等种群➤breeding繁殖种群◆the estuary is home to the largest breeding population of birds in australia.该河口是澳大利亚最大的鸟类种群繁殖场所。population + verb➤be sth, stand at sth人口为⋯◆the population now stands at about 4 million.现在人口约为 400 万。➤reach sth人口达到⋯▸➤exceed sth人口超过⋯▸➤double, grow, increase, rise人口翻一番;人口增长➤fluctuate人口波动◆the population fluctuated between 16 000 and 31 000.人口在 1.6 万和 3.1 万之间波动。➤decline, decrease, dwindle, fall, shrink人口减少/下降/萎缩/降低/缩小▸➤comprise sth, consist of sth人口由⋯组成▸➤inhabit, live, reside人口居住◆the majority of the population lives in these two towns.多数人居住在这两个镇里。◆a quarter of the population was residing in rural areas.四分之一的人口居住在乡村地区。➤age人口的年龄◆as populations age, funding retirement becomes more expensive.随着人口老龄化,供养退休人员会变得更加昂贵。population + noun➤levels, size人口数量/规模▸➤density人口密度▸➤data, estimate, figures, projections, statistics, trends人口资料/估计/数字/推测/统计/趋势◆no reliable population estimates exist.没有可靠的人口估算。➤study人口研究▸➤growth, increase人口的增长/增加◆india's population growth rate has been more than twice that of china's.印度的人口增长率一直是中国的两倍以上。➤boom, explosion人口猛增/爆炸◆the population boom which followed world war two二战之后的人口激增➤decline, decrease, loss, reduction人口的减少➤change, movement, shift人口变化/流动/迁移◆the major factors of population change人口变化的主要因素◆huge population shifts within metropolitan regions大城市地区内庞大的人口迁移➤control人口控制◆research in matters of sexual health and population control性健康和人口控制问题的研究➤census, survey人口普查▸➤centre/center居民区◆major population centres / centers along the coast沿海主要居民区phrases➤a decline in population, an increase in population人口的减少/增加▸➤the growth of population人口的增长◆the rapid growth of population led to an acute shortage of housing.人口的迅速增长导致了住房的严重不足。➤per head of population (especially bre) 人均◆the income per head of population was under £1 000 per annum.人均年收入在 1,000 英镑以下 population /pɒpjuleɪʃn; name pɑːp-/ noun1. [countable + singular or plural verb, uncountable] all the people who live in a particular area, city or country; the total number of people who live there (地区、国家等的)人口,人口数量◆one third of the world's population consumes two thirds of the world's resources. 世界上三分之一的人口消耗着世界上三分之二的资源。◆the city of guangzhou has a population of over six million. 广州市的人口超过六百万。◆an estimated twenty per cent of the population are unemployed. 估计有百分之二十的人口失业。2. [countable + singular or plural verb] a particular group of people living in a particular area 族群;人口◆the textile industry employs a third of the working population. 纺织业雇用了劳动人口的三分之一。◆about six per cent of the adult population do not have a bank account. 大约百分之六的成年人没有银行账户。 floating population ☞ populationpopulation [countable + singular or plural verb, uncountable] all the people who live in a particular area, city or country; the total number of people who live somewhere(地区、城市或国家的)人口,人口数量◆one third of the world's population consumes two thirds of the world's resources.世界上三分之一的人口消耗着全球三分之二的资源。◆muslims make up 55% of the population.穆斯林占人口的 55%。◆japan has a very high population density.日本的人口密度很高。population/ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn ||; ˌpɑpjəˈleʃən/noun1. [c,u] the number of people who live in a particular area, city or country (某地方的)人口,居民人数: ◇what is the population of your country? 你们国家有多少人口?◇an increase/a fall in population 人口的增加╱减少 2. [c] all the people who live in a particular place or all the people or animals of a particular type that live somewhere (居住在某地的)全部人或动物: ◇the local population 当地居民◇the male/female population 男性╱女性居民◇the prison population has increased in recent years. 最近几年监狱犯人增加了。 populationsee ⇨ country 4 ⇨ live 5 ⇨ person/people 3 pop·u·la·tion /ˏpɑpjə`leʃən; ˌpɒpjˈleɪʃən/n 1. [c,u] the number of people living in an area, country etc 人口:◇what's the population of tokyo? 东京人口有多少?◇population explosion (=when there is a sudden large increase in population) 人口爆炸,人口激增 2. [c] all of the people who live in an area, or all the people of a particular type [某一地区的]全体居民; 特定的人群:◇the whole population came out to welcome us home. 所有居民都出来欢迎我们回家。◇30% of the male population suffer from heart disease. 男性中有 30% 患有心脏病。 ☞ population




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