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单词 wallow
释义 wallow/ˈwɒləʊ ||; ˈwɑlo/verb [i] wallow (in sth) 1. (used about people and large animals) to lie and roll around in water, etc in order to keep cool or for pleasure (指人及大动物)在水里泡,打滚: ◇i spent an hour wallowing in the bath. 我在浴缸里泡了一个小时。 2. to take great pleasure in sth (a feeling, situation, etc) 沉湎于: ◇to wallow in self-pity (= to think about your unhappiness all the time and seem to be enjoying it) 沉湎于自怜之中 wal·low /`wɑlo; ˈwɒləʊ/v [i] 1. if someone wallows in an unpleasant feeling or situation, they seem to enjoy it and want to be unhappy 沉浸于[某种不愉快的感情中]:◇she accused him of wallowing in self-pity. 她怪责他自怜自叹。 2. to lie or roll around in mud, water etc for pleasure [在泥或水中快活地]打滚




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