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单词 kid
释义 kid noun (informal) adjective | ... of kids | verb + kid | phrases adjective➤little, young小孩;小朋友▸➤big, older大孩子;大一点儿的孩子◆the older kids had lessons in the afternoon as well.大一点儿的孩子们下午也有课。◆he's like a big kid with all this enthusiasm.他热情这么高,像个大孩子。➤cute, good, lovely, nice可爱的孩子;乖孩子;好孩子▸➤cool, smart (especially name) 酷酷的/聪明的小孩➤dumb, stupid呆小孩;笨小孩➤normal正常的小孩◆she was just a normal kid.她当时不过是一个发育正常的孩子。➤crazy, weird小疯子;古怪的孩子◆now what are you two crazy kids doing?你们这两个小疯子这是在干什么?➤poor可怜的孩子◆i feel desperately sorry for the poor kid.我为这个可怜的孩子感到特别难过。➤rich富家孩子◆a spoiled little rich kid娇生惯养的富家小孩➤fat胖孩子◆i was the fat kid through most of my teenage years.我十几岁的时候基本没瘦过。➤scrawny, skinny骨瘦如柴的/瘦得皮包骨的孩子◆a skinny little kid who looked to be no older than fourteen一个瘦得皮包骨头、看上去不足 14 岁的小孩➤local, neighbourhood/neighborhood (especially name) 当地的/街坊的孩子◆a gang of local kids一帮当地孩子➤street街头小子;流浪儿◆street kids who rely on their ingenuity to keep alive靠机智灵活生存的街头小子➤foster收养的孩子◆they had sixteen foster kids and two of their own.他们有 16 个收养的孩子和两个亲生孩子。➤college, high-school, school (usually schoolkid) 大学生;高中生;学童... of kids➤bunch, couple, crowd, gang, group一群/几个/一帮/一伙/一组孩子◆they're just a bunch of kids.他们不过是一群孩子。verb + kid➤have有子女◆we both wanted to have kids.我们俩都想要孩子。➤want想要孩子◆she had wanted more kids.她本来想多要几个孩子。➤adopt, foster收养/认养孩子◆they had adopted three kids.他们已经收养了 3 个孩子。➤bring up, raise (especially name) 抚养孩子◆i've tried to bring my kids up to respect other people.我一直努力教导孩子要尊重他人。➤educate, teach教育孩子;教孩子◆here are some fun ways to teach your kids about healthy eating.这里有一些教孩子们健康饮食的有趣方法。➤look after, take care of, watch (especially name) 照料/照顾/照看孩子◆she had offered to watch the kids many times so toby could go out.为了能让托比外出,她多次主动提出照看孩子们。➤protect保护孩子◆legislation to protect kids from violence and harassment in their schools保护孩子们在学校免受暴力侵犯和骚扰的立法phrases➤just a kid, only a kid只是个孩子◆he's only a kid. you can't expect him to understand what's going on.他还只是个孩子,不能指望他能理解所发生的一切。➤like a kid像个孩子◆she was crying like a kid.她像个孩子似的哭泣。➤kids' stuff简单的事◆the movie is pure kids' stuff from beginning to end.这部电影从头至尾幼稚至极。◆that was kids' stuff compared with what lies ahead.和将要发生的一切相比,那算不了什么。kid [countable] (informal, especially spoken) a child小孩◆he's only a kid. you can't expect him to understand what's going on.他只是个小孩子,你不能指望他理解出了什么事。◆a bunch of kids were hanging around outside.一群孩子在外面闲逛。  ➡ see also kid → son note 辨析 child or kid? kid is much more frequent than child in informal and spoken american english. a kid can also be older than a child: you can talk about a kid of 15 but people generally stop being called children at around the age of 12. above that age you can call them kids, teenagers, young people, girls, youths or lads.在美式非正式用语和口语中,kid 比 child 常用得多。kid 可以比 child 年龄大,可以说 a kid of 15 (一个 15 岁的孩子),但一般 12 岁左右时便不再称为 child。12 岁以上可以称为 kid、teenager、young person、girl、youth 或 lad。kid(-dd-) [intransitive, transitive] (usually used in the progressive tenses通常用于进行时) (informal) to tell sb sth that is not true, especially as a joke戏弄;开玩笑◆i thought he was kidding when he said he was going out with a rock star.他说他正跟一个摇滚歌星谈恋爱,我还以为他在开玩笑呢。◆i'm not kidding you. it does work.我不是哄你,这确实有效。 ➡ see also kid → mislead note 辨析 joke or kid?both words can mean to say sth that is not true, as a joke. both are usually used in the progressive tenses in this meaning.这两个词都可表示开玩笑,通常都用于进行时◆of course you don't have to work at weekends-i was only joking / kidding!你周末当然不用上班,我只是开个玩笑!◆were you joking / kidding when you told him to leave?你叫他离开,是不是开玩笑呀?◆did you joke/kid when you told him.... if you laugh and joke with sb about sth, you are having fun and not being serious. kid cannot be used in this way, but the phrasal verb kid around can. * joke 可用于短语 laugh and joke,表示轻松地说笑; kid 不能这样用,但短语动词 kid around 可以◆they were laughing and kidding around.他们正在一起嘻嘻哈哈地开玩笑。in general, kid is used more in spoken than written english, and more in american than british english.总的来说,kid 多用于口语和美式英语。kid(-dd-) [transitive] (informal) to allow sb/yourself to believe sth that is not true, especially that things are easier or better than they really are欺骗;哄骗◆they're kidding themselves if they think it's going to be easy.如果他们认为这会很容易,那就是在欺骗自己。ⓘ in this meaning kid is usually used in the phrase kid myself/yourself/themselves, etc. 表达此义时,kid 通常用于短语 kid myself/yourself/themselves 等。  ➡ see also kid → joke verb kid [countable, usually plural] (informal, especially spoken) a son or daughter小孩(儿子或女儿)◆how are the kids (= your children)?孩子们好吗?◆do you have any kids?你有孩子吗?ⓘ kid is used more in spoken than written language, and is most often used in the plural: i have to take the/my kids to school is more common than i have to take my kid to school. * kid 更多用于口语而非书面语,而且最常用复数形式:i have to take the/my kids to school 比 i have to take my kid to school 更常见。  ➡ see also kid → child kid¹/kɪd ||; kɪd/noun1. [c] (informal 非正式) a child or young person 孩子;年轻人: ◇how are your kids? 你的孩子都好吗? 2. [c] kid brother/sister (especially us 尤为美) (informal 非正式) younger brother/sister 弟弟;妹妹 3. [c] a young goat 小山羊 ☞picture at goat 见goat插图 4. [u] soft leather made from the skin of a young goat 小山羊皮革 kid²/kɪd ||; kɪd/verb [i,t] (kidding;kidded) (informal 非正式) to trick sb/yourself by saying sth that is not true; to make a joke about sth 欺骗;开玩笑: ◇i didn't mean it. i was only kidding. 我说着玩,不是认真的。 kidsee ⇨ child 1,2☞ kid¹☞ kid²☞ kid³




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