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单词 teem
释义 teem/ti:m ||; tim/verb [i] teem with sth (used about a place) to have a lot of people or things moving about in it (指地方)充满(人或事物): ◇the streets were teeming with people. 街上人头挤挤。 teem /tim; tiːm/vteem with sth/sbphr v [t]to be full of people or animals that are all moving around 充满[四处活动的人或动物]:◇be teeming with the lake was teeming with fish. 湖里到处是鱼。teemingadj◇the teeming streets of cairo 开罗万头攒动的街道teem with sth/sbto be full of people or animals that are all moving around 充满[四处活动的人或动物]:◇be teeming with the lake was teeming with fish. 湖里到处是鱼。




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