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单词 legal
释义 legal adjectiveverbs | adverb verbs➤be合法▸➤become变得合法▸➤make sth使⋯合法◆should the use of this drug be made legal?应该让使用这种药合法化吗?adverb➤completely, perfectly完全合法◆it is perfectly legal to charge extra for these services.这些服务收取额外费用完全合法。legal /liːgl/ adjective1. [only before noun] connected with the law 与法律有关的;法律的◆the legal profession/system 法律专业/制度◆to take/seek legal advice 听取/寻求法律咨询◆a legal adviser/expert 法律顾问/专家◆they are currently facing a long legal battle in the us courts. 他们目前在美国法院面临旷日持久的官司。◆the company's legal department 公司的法律部2.allowed or required by law 法律允许的;合法的;法律要求的◆full-time employees are entitled to four weeks' leave as a legal minimum. 全职员工有权享有至少四周的法定休假。◆the legal rights of shareholders 股东的合法权利◆legal currency 法定货币◆their actions were entirely legal. 他们的行为完全合法。 opp illegal ▸ legally /liːgəli/ adverb◆you are legally entitled to a full refund. 你依法有权得到全额退款。◆the business has been conducted perfectly legally. 这家企业的经营完全合法。◆a legally binding contract (= that must be obeyed because it is accepted in law) 具有法律约束力的合同☞ legallegal adjectivelegal ♦︎ statutory ♦︎ legitimate ♦︎ valid ♦︎ lawful ♦︎ constitutionalthese words all describe sth that is allowed or required by law or connected with the law.这些词均表示法律允许的、法律要求的或与法律有关的。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a legal / statutory / legitimate / valid / lawful / constitutional claim◆legal / statutory / legitimate / valid / lawful / constitutional means◆a legal / statutory / legitimate / lawful owner◆a legal / legitimate / lawful heir◆perfectly legal / legitimate / lawful■ legal connected with the law; allowed or required by law与法律有关的;法律允许的;法律要求的◆we were advised to take legal advice.有人建议我们找律师咨询。◆they are facing a long legal battle in the us courts.他们在美国法庭上正面临着一场旷日持久的法律纠纷。◆should euthanasia be made legal?安乐死是否应该合法化?opp illegal → illegal ▸ legally adverb◆a legally binding agreement具有法律约束力的协议◆it's an important case both legally and politically.这是在法律和政治上都很重要的案件。■ statutory /stætʃətri; name stætʃətɔːri/ [usually before noun] fixed by law; required by law法定的;法律要求的◆when you buy foods you have certain statutory rights.购买食物时,你享有一些法定权利。◆the authority failed to carry out its statutory duties.主管部门未履行自己的法定职责。■ legitimate /lɪdʒɪtɪmət/ allowed and acceptable according to the law法律允许的;合法的◆the legitimate government was reinstated after the uprising.暴动平息后,合法政府重新执政。◆is his business strictly legitimate?他的生意是否完全合法? opp illegitimate → illegal ■ valid /vælɪd/ allowed by law or officially acceptable(法律上)有效的;(官方)认可的◆do you have a valid passport?你有有效护照吗?◆he bought a bus pass valid for one month.他买了一张公共汽车月票。◆they have a valid claim to compensation.他们有要求赔偿的合法权利。 opp invalid ⓘ things that are invalid are not legally or officially acceptable. * invalid 指事情不合法或没得到官方认可◆the treaty was declared invalid because it had not been ratified.该条约没有得到正式批准,因此被宣布为无效。▸ validity /vəlɪdəti/ noun [uncountable] ◆the period of validity of the agreement has expired.本协议的有效期已过。■ lawful (formal) allowed or recognized by law合法的;法律承认的◆can an act that causes death ever be lawful?致人死亡的行为有可能合法吗?◆she is his lawful wife, and so is entitled to inherit the money.她是他的合法妻子,因此有权继承这笔钱。 opp unlawful → illegal ▸ lawfully adverb◆the jury agreed that the doctor had acted lawfully.陪审团认定这名医生的行为合法。note 辨析 legal or lawful? legal and lawful can both mean 'allowed by law': by legal/lawful means. lawful tends to be used in technical or literary contexts. the same is true of the opposites, unlawful and illegal, but illegal is used especially about criminal activities. legal also means 'connected with the law'. * legal 和 lawful 都可表示“法律允许的”,可以说 by legal/lawful means (以法律的手段)。lawful 往往用于专业或文学语境,这两个词的反义词 unlawful 和 illegal 也是如此,但 illegal 尤指犯罪活动。legal 还表示“与法律有关的”◆the us legal system美国的法律体系■ constitutional /kɒnstɪtjuːʃənl; name kɑːnstətuːʃənl/ connected with, allowed or limited by the constitution of a country or organization宪法的;章程的;宪法(或章程)允许的;受宪法(或章程)限制的ⓘ the constitution is the system of laws and basic principles that a state, country or organization is governed by. * constitution 指一个国家的基本法律体系或一个机构的基本章程◆she had long advocated constitutional reform.她长期以来一直支持修改宪法。◆they can't pass this law. it's not constitutional.他们无法通过这项法律,它不符合宪法。◆a constitutional monarchy (= a country with a king or queen, whose power is controlled by a set of laws and basic principles) 君主立宪国opp unconstitutional → illegal legalconnected with the law; allowed or required by law与法律有关的;法律允许的;法律要求的◆we were advised to take legal advice.有人建议我们找律师咨询。◆they are facing a long legal battle in the us courts.他们在美国法庭上正面临着一场旷日持久的法律纠纷。◆should euthanasia be made legal?安乐死是否应该合法化?opp illegal → illegal ▸ legally adverb◆a legally binding agreement具有法律约束力的协议◆it's an important case both legally and politically.这是在法律和政治上都很重要的案件。legal/ˈli:gl ||; ˈligḷ/adj1. (only before a noun 只用于名词前) using or connected with the law 依据法律的;与法律有关的: ◇legal advice 法律意见◇to take legal action against sb 对某人提出诉讼◇the legal profession 法律专业 2. allowed by law 合法的: ◇it is not legal to own a gun without a licence. 无执照持有枪械是非法的。 [opp] illegal 反义词为illegal ☞ look at lawful and legitimate. 参看lawful及legitimate。 ➔legally /ˈli:gəli ||; ˈligḷɪ/ adv ◇schools are legally responsible for the safety of their pupils. 学校对学生的安全负有法律责任。 legal1 allowed by law2 when the law says you must do something or have the right to do it3 to make something legalrelated wordsoppositeillegal,see alsolaw,crime,let/allow,official,1. allowed by law 法律允许的 legal /ˈliːgəl/ [adjective] something that is legal is allowed by law 合法的,法定的 this trade in foreign currency is perfectly legal. 这宗外汇交易完全合法。become legal divorce finally became legal in 1992. 离婚终于在1992年成为合法的行为。 over 3,000 gay couples have married since it became legal for them to do so last year. 自从去年同性恋婚姻合法化之后,已有三千多对同性恋者结为夫妻。legal tender forms of money that are legally accepted 法定货币 in maastricht, dutch guilders, deutschmarks and belgian francs are all considered legal tender. 在马斯垂克,荷兰盾、德国马克和比利时法郎都被认为是法定货币。 legally [adverb] fuchs had entered the country legally on a tourist visa. 富克斯是用旅游签证合法入境的。 the committee will investigate whether the funds were obtained legally. 委员会将调查这些资金是否为合法所得。 lawful /ˈlɔːfəl/ [adjective] formal actions or methods that are lawful are allowed by law, especially as compared with actions or methods that are not legal 【正式】依法的,合法的[尤指与非法的行为或方法作比较] protesters must only use lawful methods of opposing the government. 抗议者必须采用合法手段来反对政府。it is lawful to do something it is lawful to employ someone under the age of sixteen if their parents agree. 只要其父母许可,雇用16岁以下的儿童是法律许可的。 the fbi will use all reasonable and lawful means to gather intelligence information. 联邦调查局会使用各种合理合法的手段来搜集情报。 ‘do you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife?’ intoned the priest. ‘i do,’ murmured carlos. “你愿意娶这位女子作为你的合法妻子吗?”牧师问道。“我愿意。”卡洛斯含糊地答道。 lawfully [adverb] when you claim social security benefits, you must prove that you are lawfully resident in this country. 你申请社会保障金的时候,必须证明你是本国的合法居民。 legitimate /lɪˈdʒɪtəmət, ləˈdʒɪtəmət/ [adjective] legitimate activities, organizations, or claims are done or work according to, normal laws and rules [活动、组织或声明]合法的,法律许可的,依法的 he is a criminal who runs a legitimate business as well. 他干着犯罪勾当,同时也经营着一家合法的公司。 tobacco smuggling into the uk is seriously affecting the profits of legitimate importers. 烟草走私进入英国,严重影响了依法经营的进口商的利润。 how can i be sure that an on-line business is legitimate? 我怎么确定网上的公司是不是合法的? at least three of the dead woman's relatives have a legitimate claim to her house. 这个死去的女人的亲戚中,至少有三人对她的房屋拥有合法继承权。 the government has refused to recognise the far-right group as a legitimate political party. 政府拒绝承认这个极右翼的组织是合法的政党。 above board /əˌbʌv ˈbɔːʳd/ [adjective phrase not before noun] an activity or a way of doing business that is above board is done legally, even if it may seem slightly dishonest [活动或做生意的方式]正大光明的;合法的[即使似乎有点不诚实] he assured us that the insurance claim was honest and above board, but i'm not so sure. 他向我们保证,这项保险索赔是诚实正当的,但我不能确定。 i'm sure peggy wouldn't let anything happen that wasn't perfectly open and above board. 我确信,不是完全光明正大的事,佩姬是不会允许它发生的。 within the law /wɪðˌɪn ðə ˈlɔː/ [adverb] act/keep/stay/remain/operate within the law to make sure that what you do is legal 在法律允许的范围内行事/经营 he makes tough business deals, but he makes sure he always stays within the law. 他做生意手段很辣,但是确保自己一定要守法。 security forces must not only act within the law, but must be seen to do so. 安全部队不仅要依法办事,而且要让人知道他们是在依法办事。 building contractors must operate within the law by ensuring that an acceptable standard of work is carried out. 建筑承包商必须依法经营,确保工程的质量标准令人满意。 legality /lɪˈgælɪti, lɪˈgæləti/ [uncountable noun] formal whether something is legal or not 【正式】合法性 the legality of something the european court will decide on the legality of his claim. 欧洲法院将对他的要求的合法性作出裁决。 the union immediately challenged the legality of the decision. 工会立即对这个决议的合法性提出质疑。be of dubious/questionable/uncertain legality when it is not clear whether something is legal or not 的合法性值得怀疑 the appeal court judge said that his conviction was of dubious legality. 上诉法庭的法官说,对他的判决是否合法值得怀疑。 this was the first of several actions that were of questionable legality, and which eventually led to his resignation. 他所做的几件事都令人质疑其合法性,这是当中的第一件,而这最终导致了他的辞职。2. when the law says you must do something or have the right to do it 法律认为你必须做某事或有权做某事 legal /ˈliːgəl/ [adjective only before noun] your legal rights, duties etc are the ones that the law says you have 法定的;法律认可的 consumers have the legal right to demand their money back if a product is faulty. 如果产品有瑕疵,消费者依法享有要求退款的权利。 the legal duties of a parent 父母的法律义务 the alcohol content of his blood was three times over the legal limit. 他血液里的酒精含量是法定限量的三倍。 the clerk to the court will reject any document that does not meet the legal requirements. 法庭书记将拒收任何不符合法律要求的文件。the legal owner the owner according to the law 合法主人 she now become the legal owner of the land. 她现在成了这块地的合法主人。 legally [adverb] according to the law 依法地 if there is an accident, the owner of the vehicle will be legally responsible. 如果发生事故,车主将依法承担法律责任。 when does the contract become legally binding? 这份合同什么时候产生法律效力?legally authorized/obliged/able etc is my live-in girlfriend legally entitled to a share of the proceeds from the sale of the house? 我的同居女友从法律上说有权分享出售房子所得的收益吗? employers are legally obliged to consult trade unions about any redundancy proposals. 任何裁员的提议,按照法律规定雇主都必须和工会协商。 statutory /ˈstætʃɑtəriǁ-tɔːri/ [adjective only before noun] statutory right/duty/payment etc a right, duty etc that the law says you have 法定权利/责任/款额等 when you buy something, you have certain statutory rights as a consumer. 购买东西时,你作为消费者拥有一定的法定权益。 local authorities have a statutory duty to house homeless families. 当地政府有法律义务安置无处栖身的家庭。 officers have a statutory obligation to report any crime committed by a government employee. 官员有法定义务报告政府雇员犯下的任何罪行。 the statutory fine for this offence is $250. 这种违法行为的法定罚金是250美元。 constitutional /ˌkɒnstɪˈtjuːʃənəl◂, ˌkɒnstəˈtjuːʃənəl◂ǁˌkɑːnstə̇ˈtuː-/ [adjective] legal, according to the system of rules of a country 宪法允许的;合乎宪法规定的 nobody seemed to know whether the president's action was constitutional or not. 好像没有人知道总统的行为是否符合宪法规定。 a court decision in 1954 ruled that segregated education was not constitutional. 1954年的法院判决裁定,种族隔离教育不符合宪法规定。constitutional rights the court will rule on whether the prisoner's constitutional rights were violated. 法院将对这名囚犯的宪法权利是否遭到侵犯作出裁决。 constitutionally [adverb] although unusual, the governor's action was constitutionally quite correct. 州长的所作所为尽管非同寻常,但从宪法的角度来看,还是相当正确的。 according to the law /əˌkɔːʳdɪŋ tə ðə ˈlɔː/ [adverb] if something is done according to the law, it is done as the law says it should be 根据法律 the police must ensure that all interviews and interrogations are carried out according to the law. 警方必须保证所有谈话和讯问都要依法进行。 islamic court officials said the men would be tried according to sharia muslim law. 伊斯兰法庭的官员说,这几名男子将按穆斯林的宗教法律接受审判。 according to singapore law, the immigration officers were within their rights to refuse me admission. 根据新加坡的法律,移民官有权拒绝让我入境。 by law /baɪ ˈlɔː/ [adverb] if something must be done by law, it must legally be done 依法地 by law, the purchase must be completed within a month after the contracts are signed. 法律规定,购买程序必须在合同签署后一个月内完成。be required/allowed by law the wearing of seat belts in cars is required by law. 上车系安全带是法律规定的。 donations must not exceed the limits that are allowed by law. 捐款不得超过法律所允许的限额。 the government is required by law to provide education for all minors. 政府必须依法为所有未成年人提供教育。3. to make something legal 使某事物合法化 legalize also legalise british /ˈliːgəlaɪz/ [transitive verb] to change the law so that something becomes legal 使合法化;使得到法律认可 a campaign to legalise cannabis 争取大麻合法化的运动 denmark recently legalized marriage between gay couples. 丹麦最近从法律上承认了同性恋夫妻的婚姻。 legalization /ˌliːgəlaɪˈzeɪʃənǁ-gələ-/ [uncountable noun] calls for the legalization of voluntary euthanasia 要求将自愿安乐死行为合法化的呼吁 make something legal /ˌmeɪk something ˈliːgəl/ [verb phrase] 57% of people wanted abortion to be made legal. 57%的人要求堕胎合法化。 in november, marijuana was made legal for people with a recognized medical condition. 11月份,确诊的病人使用大麻成为合法。make it legal to do something texas law makes it legal to carry a concealed weapon. 得克萨斯的法律使携带暗器成为合法。 decriminalize also decriminalise british /ˌdiːˈkrɪmɪnəlaɪz, ˌdiːˈkrɪmənəlaɪz/ [transitive verb] to make an illegal activity no longer a crime, so that the people who do it can no longer be punished by law 使[非法活动]合法化 plenty of men and women think prostitution should be decriminalized. 不少男女认为,卖淫应该合法化。 he has openly said that he favours decriminalizing soft drugs. 他公开说过他赞成把软毒品合法化。 decriminalization /diːˌkrɪmɪnəlaɪˈzeɪʃən, diːˌkrɪmənəlaɪˈzeɪʃənǁ-nələ-/ [uncountable noun] the decriminalization of so-called ‘recreational’ drugs 所谓“消遣性”的毒品的合法化 legitimize also legitimise british /lɪˈdʒɪtɪmaɪz, lɪˈdʒɪtəmaɪz/ [transitive verb] to change the law so that something someone is already doing, especially something morally wrong, is made legal [通过修改法律]使合法化[尤指不正当的事] he played a brief part in legitimizing black slavery. 在使黑奴制度合法化的过程中,他起过一点作用。 uganda's constitution still legitimized discrimination on the grounds of sex. 乌干达的宪法依旧允许性别歧视。 the national salvation front took power, later trying to legitimize its position with elections. 民族拯救阵线夺取了政权,后来他们企图通过选举使他们的地位合法化。 le·gal /`ligḷ; ˈliːɡəl/adj 1. allowed or done according to the law 法律允许的,法定的,合法的:◇a legal agreement 合法的协议→ opposite 反义词 illegal 2. relating to the law (有关)法律的:◇the legal system 法律制度◇take legal action (=when you ask a court to punish someone or force someone to do something) 诉诸法律,采取法律行动 ☞ legal




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