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单词 expansion
释义 expansion nounadjective | verb + expansion | expansion + verb | expansion + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, considerable, enormous, great, huge, major, massive, significant, substantial, vast大规模的扩展;大幅度的扩张◆the company was now set for major expansion.公司现在正准备大规模扩张。➤maximum最大的扩展▸➤dramatic, marked, remarkable, unprecedented显著的扩展;不寻常的扩张;空前的发展◆an unprecedented expansion in linguistic studies at universities大学中语言学研究的空前发展➤rapid快速扩展➤sudden突然扩展▸➤gradual逐渐扩展▸➤continuing, further, ongoing持续的/进一步的/正在进行的扩展▸➤continued, steady, sustained继续的/稳步的/持续的扩展➤relentless没完没了的扩展➤current当前的扩展➤future未来的扩展◆this is land being held for future expansion.这片土地留作日后扩展之用。➤million-dollar, 5 million-dollar, etc. * 100 万美元、500 万美元等的扩展项目◆an $80 million expansion of its madras factory其所属的马德拉斯工厂一项花费 8,000 万美元的扩展项目➤eastward, westward, etc.向东、向西等的扩展▸➤global, international, overseas, worldwide全球/国际/海外/世界范围的扩展▸➤successful成功的扩展▸➤aggressive积极进取的扩展◆the board decided to embark on aggressive overseas expansion.董事会决定着手积极拓展海外业务。➤healthy健康发展▸➤planned, proposed有计划的扩展;提议的发展▸➤reckless, uncontrolled不顾后果的/不受控制的扩展▸➤business, commercial, corporate (especially name) 业务/商业/公司扩展▸➤economic, industrial, market经济的/工业的/市场的发展➤monetary货币扩张◆this will slow the rate of monetary expansion.这项举措将会放慢货币扩张的速度。➤capitalist, imperialist资本主义/帝国主义扩张▸➤colonial, imperial, territorial殖民/帝国/领土扩张➤military军事扩张◆an unprecedented military expansion around the globe史无前例的全球军事扩张➤geographic, geographical地理扩张◆the geographical expansion of industry in the late 19th century19 世纪晚期工业的地理扩张➤population人口膨胀▸➤urban城市扩展➤airport, prison (especially name) , etc.机场、监狱等的扩建◆the largest prison expansion in american history美国历史上最大规模的监狱扩建verb + expansion➤show显示扩张之势◆the economy is still showing healthy expansion.经济仍显示出健康发展的势头。➤experience, undergo经历扩展◆the museum is undergoing a major expansion.这座博物馆正在进行大面积的扩建。➤accommodate, allow, allow for, permit, provide for适应/允许/批准/准许/以备扩展◆the design of the front pockets allows for expansion.前口袋的设计可以允许伸缩。➤be set for (especially bre) 准备好扩展◆the company is set for further expansion into niche areas.公司正准备进一步向细分领域拓展。➤call for呼吁扩展➤propose提议扩大◆she proposed a modest expansion of unemployment benefits.她提议适度扩大失业救济。➤plan计划扩展◆they are planning a major expansion in research and development.他们正计划大范围扩展研发领域。➤approve, favour/favor同意/支持扩展◆the executive board has approved this expansion.执行董事会已经同意了这项扩展计划。➤encourage, facilitate, promote, support鼓励/帮助/促进/支持扩展➤drive, fuel推动/推进扩展◆foreign investment fuelled / fueled this expansion.外资有力地推动了这项扩展。➤limit, restrict限制发展➤slow, slow down减慢发展➤oppose反对扩展◆he opposed expansion of the army and navy.他反对扩张陆军和海军。➤block, halt, stop阻止/中断/停止发展▸➤prevent防止扩大▸➤embark on着手发展▸➤finance, fund为扩展提供资金◆in order to finance expansion on this scale, the government has relied heavily on borrowing.为了在财政上支持如此规模的发展,政府严重依赖于借贷。expansion + verb➤occur, take place扩展出现;扩展发生expansion + noun➤plan, programme/program发展计划preposition➤expansion into拓展到◆expansion into the luxury car market向豪华轿车市场进军➤expansion in⋯方面的扩展◆a great age of expansion in trade and science贸易和科学发展的大好时期➤expansion to向⋯扩展◆russian expansion to the east and south俄罗斯向东和向南的扩张phrases➤a period of expansion扩展期◆a period of rapid economic expansion经济快速发展期➤the rate of expansion发展速度◆the rate of expansion of our overseas trade has been spectacular.我们海外贸易的发展速度非常惊人。➤potential, room, scope, etc. for expansion发展的潜力、空间、余地等◆the company believes there is scope for expansion in this sector.公司相信这一行业还有发展的空间。expansion /ɪkspænʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] an act of increasing or making sth increase in size, amount or value 扩展;拓展◆there was little expansion in business investment last year. 去年企业投资几乎没有扩大。◆a period of rapid economic expansion 经济快速增长时期◆the company has announced plans for a major expansion of its retail business. 这家公司已公布其大规模扩展零售业务的计划。⨁ an expansion drive / plan / programme / project / strategy拓展运动/计划/方案/项目/策略 ⨁ to continue / halt / slow / stop expansion继续/停止/放慢/中止扩展 ⨁ to finance / fund (an) expansion为业务拓展提供资金 horizontal expansion ◇ margin expansion ☞ expansionexpansion /ɪkspænʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the expansion of higher education will continue.高等教育将继续扩大规模。◆the book is an expansion of a series of lectures given last year.本书是去年举行的系列讲座的扩充。expansion /ɪkspænʃn/ noun [uncountable] ◆a period of rapid economic expansion经济快速增长的时期expansion /ɪkspænʃn/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the expansion of higher education will continue.高等教育将继续扩大规模。◆the book is an expansion of a series of lectures given last year.本书是去年举行的系列讲座的扩充。expansion /ɪkspænʃn/ noun [uncountable] ◆a period of rapid economic expansion经济快速增长的时期expansion/ɪkˈspænʃn ||; ɪkˈspænʃən/noun [u] the action of becoming bigger or the state of being bigger than before 扩大;扩展: ◇the rapid expansion of the university has caused a lot of problems. 这所大学急速扩展,引起了不少问题。 ex·pan·sion /ɪk`spænʃən; ɪkˈspænʃən/n [u]when something increases in size, number, or amount 扩大,扩展; 膨胀:◇a period of economic expansion 经济增长的时期




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