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单词 outer space
释义 outer space [uncountable] the area immediately outside the earth's atmosphere; the relatively empty area between stars and planets外层空间;太空◆radio astronomy works by gathering radio waves from outer space.射电天文学通过收集来自外层空间的无线电波来做研究。note 辨析 space or outer space?there is very little difference in the range and meaning of these words. space is used in many compounds such as space station and space travel. outer space is sometimes used to emphasize that the person is talking about an area either just outside or far outside the earth's atmosphere.这两个词的使用范围和含义差别很小。space 可用于许多复合词中,如 space station (太空站)和 space travel (航天旅行)。outer space 有时用来强调所说的是靠近大气层的外太空或太空深处。ˌouter ˈspace=space¹(2) outer space /ˌ·· ˈ·/n [u]the area outside the earth's air where the stars and planets are 外太空




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