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单词 tax
释义 tax nounadjective | verb + tax | tax + verb | tax + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤high, low重税;轻税▸➤direct, indirect直接税;间接税▸➤flat单一税▸➤basic-rate, higher-rate (both bre) 基本税率的税;较高税率的税▸➤progressive, redistributive累进税;再分配税▸➤regressive累退税◆a regressive tax takes proportionately more of a poor person's income.累退税占穷人收入的比例更大。➤stealth (bre) 隐形税▸➤windfall暴利税◆a windfall tax on the profits of the last few years对过去几年利润征收的暴利税➤back (informal) 欠税◆the tax office demanded £80 000 in back taxes.税务部门要求补缴 8 万英镑的欠税。➤council, poll (especially bre) 市政税;人头税▸➤federal, local, national, state联邦税;地方税;全国税;州税▸➤capital, capital gains, death, dividend, estate, income, inheritance, land, payroll, profits, property, social-security, wealth资本税;资本利得税;遗产税;红利税;所得税;土地税;薪资税;利得税;财产税;社会保障税;财富税▸➤consumption, luxury, purchase, sales, value added (= vat) (bre) 消费税;奢侈品税;购置税;营业税;增值税▸➤personal个人税;直接税▸➤company, corporate, corporation公司税;法人税▸➤car, road, vehicle汽车税;道路税;车辆税◆it's time to renew your car tax.你的汽车税又该缴了。➤carbon, energy, fuel, gas, gasoline, petrol (bre) 碳税;能源税;燃油税;汽油税▸➤excise, import(特种商品)消费税;进口税➤environmental, green环境税;环保税verb + tax➤pay缴税▸➤owe欠税▸➤charge, impose, introduce, levy, put课税;征税◆direct taxes could only be levied with the consent of parliament.直接税只有经议会批准才能征收。◆the government may put an indirect tax on books.政府可以对图书征收间接税。➤collect收税◆the government department responsible for collecting taxes负责收税的政府部门➤deduct扣税◆your employer will deduct the tax for you.雇主会为你扣税。➤calculate计税▸➤increase, put up, raise增税;加税▸➤cut, keep down, lower, reduce减税;降税▸➤abolish, repeal废除税;撤销税▸➤eliminate取消税▸➤overpay多缴税款▸➤claim back, reclaim (bre) 要求退税▸➤offset sth against, set sth off against, write sth off against (all bre) 以⋯抵消税款◆claims for expenses can be set off against tax.费用报销可以抵消税款。➤avoid, escape避税;逃税▸➤evade偷税◆she was charged with conspiracy to evade taxes.她被控共谋偷税。tax + verb➤go up, increase, rise税上涨;税增加;税提高◆taxes look set to rise again.税看来又要涨了。➤come/go down, fall税下降;税降低▸➤be chargeable, be payable税款应征收;税款应缴◆the amount on which capital gains tax is payable应纳税的资本利得数额tax + noun➤payer (usually taxpayer) 纳税人◆a higher-rate tax payer按较高税率纳税的人➤preparer (name) 报税员▸➤authority/authorities, man (usually taxman) (informal) , office税务当局;税务部门◆she owes the taxman £10 000.她欠税务部门 1 万英镑。➤law, legislation, measures, package, policy, reform, structure, system税法;税收立法;税收措施;一揽子税收措施;税收政策;税制改革;税收结构;税收制度▸➤season (name) 税季◆april is tax season.四月是报税时节。➤year (bre) 纳税年度◆the tax year begins in april.纳税年度从四月开始。➤cut, reduction减税▸➤hike, increase增税▸➤band, bracket, code, rate, threshold税级;税法;税率;税收起征点◆her salary puts her in the highest tax bracket.她的薪水适用最高税级。➤dollars, money, receipts, revenue, yield税款;税单;税收▸➤collection征收税款▸➤assessment, form, return纳税评估;纳税申报表◆you have to fill in your tax return by tomorrow.你必须在明天之前填写好纳税申报表。➤advantage, allowance, benefit, break, concession, credit, exemption, incentive, perks, rebate, refund, relief, saving纳税利益;税收优惠;税收收益;税收减免;税收减让;税收抵免;免税;税收激励;退税;税负减免;节税◆there are tax advantages to working freelance.自由职业者享受纳税优惠。◆you will only receive tax relief on the first $30 000.你只有第一笔 3 万美元享受税收减免。➤deduction税收扣除▸➤affairs, arrangements (both bre) 税务;税收安排◆his tax affairs are under investigation by the police.警方正在调查他税务方面的问题。➤records税务记录▸➤preparation (especially bre) 税收筹划▸➤avoidance避税▸➤loophole税收漏洞◆her accountant was good at exploiting tax loopholes.她的会计善于钻税收漏洞。➤shelter避税手段▸➤dodge, evasion, fraud逃税;偷税;骗税◆he gave the porsche to his mother as a tax dodge.他把那辆保时捷给了母亲以逃税。➤dodger逃税者▸➤exile (especially bre) 税收流亡者◆she is living as a tax exile in monaco.她住在摩纳哥以避税。➤haven避税港◆the island is a popular tax haven for the very rich.这个岛是巨富青睐的避税天堂。➤assessor, collector, consultant, inspector (bre) 估税员;收税员;税务顾问;税务稽查员▸➤bill, charge, payment征税单;税金;纳税▸➤arrears (bre) 拖欠税款◆he was ordered to pay £2 million in tax arrears.他被令缴纳 200 万英镑的拖欠税款。➤liability纳税义务◆an increase in tax liability on company cars公司汽车纳税义务的增加➤burden税负◆he was criticized for putting a new tax burden on the poor.他被批给穷人增加了一项新税负。➤base税基◆by broadening the tax base (= making more people pay tax) the chancellor could raise more revenues.财政大臣通过扩大税基可增加税收。preposition➤after tax, before tax税后;税前◆profits after tax were $562 000.税后利润是 56.2 万美元。➤in tax用于纳税◆collectively, smokers pay over £15 000 a day in tax.烟民每天缴税总计超过 1.5 万英镑。➤tax on对⋯征的税◆to introduce a 60% tax on alcohol对酒精类饮品开征 60% 的税phrases➤for tax purposes出于税收目的◆he is non-resident for tax purposes.他不是当地居民,这是为了避税。◆the rules for deciding on someone's residence status for uk tax purposes以英国税收为目的确定某人居民身分的规则➤the rate of tax税率◆an increase in the basic rate of tax基本税率的提高➤inspector of taxes (bre) 税务稽查员tax verbadverb | preposition adverb➤heavily, highly征收重税◆many self-employed people are heavily taxed.许多个体经营者被课以重税。◆goods which are most highly taxed课税最重的商品➤lightly征收低税preposition➤according to根据⋯征税◆drinks would be taxed according to their alcoholic strength.饮料将按酒精度课税。➤at以⋯税率征税◆many goods were taxed at 17.5%.许多商品按 17.5% 的税率课税。➤on对⋯征税◆you will be taxed on all your income.你的所有收入都要纳税。tax /tæks/ noun [countable, uncountable] money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services. people pay tax according to their income and businesses pay tax according to their profits. tax is also often paid on goods and services. 税;税收◆they pay over €100 000 a year in tax. 他们每年纳税超过 10 万欧元。◆profits before/after tax 税前/税后利润◆they have put a tax on cigarettes. 他们已对香烟征税。◆has the tax been deducted from the interest? 税金从利息中扣除了吗?◆all menu prices are exclusive of tax. 菜单上的所有价格均不含税。◆you must fill in and return your tax form by the end of september. 你必须在九月底以前填妥税单并寄回。◆the tax office demanded €200 000 in back taxes (= taxes that are owed from a previous period). 税务部门要求补交 20 万欧元的欠税。⨁ basic / basic-rate / high / higher-rate / low tax基本/基本税率;高/高税率;低税收 ⨁ to introduce / impose / levy a tax开征/征收/征缴税收 ⨁ to abolish / cut / lift / reduce / remove (a) tax撤销/削减/取消/降低/废除(一项)税项 ⨁ to increase / put up / raise taxes增加/提高/抬高税收 ⨁ to avoid / escape / evade tax避/逃/漏税 ⨁ tax cuts / increases税收削减/增加 ⨁ a tax advisor / consultant税务顾问 ⨁ a tax authority / office税务当局/部门 after-tax ◇ capital gains tax ◇ capital tax ◇ consumption tax ◇ corporate income tax ◇ corporation tax ◇ death tax ◇ direct tax ◇ discriminatory tax ◇ earnings before interest and tax ◇ employment tax ◇ estate tax ◇ expenditure tax ◇ flat tax ◇ gift tax ◇ income tax ◇ indirect tax ◇ inheritance tax ◇ input tax ◇ inspector of taxes ◇ output tax ◇ payroll tax ◇ pre-tax ◇ property tax ◇ proportional tax ◇ sales tax ◇ sin tax ◇ single tax ◇ transaction tax ◇ turnover tax ◇ unitary tax ◇ wealth tax ◇ windfall tax ◇ withholding tax tax /tæks/ verb [transitive] to put a tax on sb/sth; to make sb pay tax 课税;征税◆shares in quoted companies are taxed at 40%. 上市公司股票按 40% 税率征税。◆you will be taxed on all your income. 你的所有收入都须要缴税。◆companies are more heavily taxed in this country than in others. 这个国家的公司税负比其他国家更繁重。☞ tax☞ taxtax nountax ♦︎ duty ♦︎ customs ♦︎ tariff ♦︎ ratesthese are all words for money that you have to pay to the government.这些词均表示税款。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆(a) tax / (a) duty / a tariff / rates on sth◆to pay an amount of money in tax / duty / customs / rates◆to pay tax / duty / customs / a tariff / rates◆to collect taxes / duties / rates◆to increase / raise / reduce taxes / duty / tariffs / rates◆to cut taxes / duties / rates◆to impose a tax / duty / a tariff◆to levy a tax / duty / rates◆to put a tax / duty on sth■ tax [countable, uncountable] money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services税;税款◆the government had to raise taxes to pay for the war.政府不得不增加税收以支付战争款项。◆the middle classes are demanding tax cuts.中产阶级要求减税。◆there's no tax on cigarettes in some countries.有些国家不对香烟征税。◆the business makes £750 000 after tax.那家公司税后赚了 75 万英镑。ⓘ people pay tax according to their income and businesses pay tax according to their profits. tax is also often paid on goods and services.个人根据其收入缴税,公司根据其利润缴税,国家亦常对商品和服务征税◆income / sales / road / property tax所得税;销售税;公路税;财产税▸ tax verb [transitive] ◆any interest payments are taxed as part of your income.任何利息所得被视为收入,要征税。◆his declared aim was to tax the rich.他宣布他的目的是向富人征税。■ duty [countable, uncountable] a tax that you pay on things that you buy, especially those that you bring into a country(消费)税;(尤指进口货物交纳的)关税◆the company has to pay customs duties on all imports.公司必须为所有进口商品缴纳关税。◆duty on wine and beer has been increased.已提高了葡萄酒税和啤酒税。ⓘ duty-free goods are goods that you can bring into a country without paying tax on them. * duty-free goods 指免关税商品◆duty-free cigarettes免税香烟■ customs [plural] tax that is paid when goods are brought in from other countries关税;进口税◆you must pay customs on all imports of alcohol.你必须为所有进口的酒缴纳关税。◆imports from non-eu countries are subject to customs duty of 20 per cent.从非欧盟国家进口的商品须缴纳 20% 的关税。ⓘ customs can also mean the government department that checks goods brought into a country and collects taxes on these goods; or the place at a port or airport where your bags are checked as you come into a country. * customs 亦表示“海关部门”或港口、机场的“海关查验处”◆customs have seized a large quantity of smuggled heroin.海关查获了大量走私的海洛因。◆we had to go through customs before we could leave the airport.我们在离开机场前必须要通过海关。■ tariff /tærɪf/ [countable] a tax that is paid on goods coming into or going out of a country, often in order to protect industry from cheap imports关税(常为保护国内工业免受廉价进口商品冲击而对出入境的货品征收的一种税)◆a general tariff was imposed on foreign imports.国外进口货物当时按普通税率征税。■ rates [plural](in britain) a tax paid by businesses to a local authority for land and buildings that they use, and in the past also paid by anyone who owned a house(英国地方政府征收的)商业房地产税;(旧指)房产税◆business rates are very high in the city centre.市中心的商业房产税很高。  ➡ see also rate → rate 2 tax [countable, uncountable] money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services税;税款◆the government had to raise taxes to pay for the war.政府不得不增加税收以支付战争款项。◆the middle classes are demanding tax cuts.中产阶级要求减税。◆there's no tax on cigarettes in some countries.有些国家不对香烟征税。◆the business makes £750 000 after tax.那家公司税后赚了 75 万英镑。ⓘ people pay tax according to their income and businesses pay tax according to their profits. tax is also often paid on goods and services.个人根据其收入缴税,公司根据其利润缴税,国家亦常对商品和服务征税◆income / sales / road / property tax所得税;销售税;公路税;财产税▸ tax verb [transitive] ◆any interest payments are taxed as part of your income.任何利息所得被视为收入,要征税。◆his declared aim was to tax the rich.他宣布他的目的是向富人征税。taxverb [transitive] ◆any interest payments are taxed as part of your income.任何利息所得被视为收入,要征税。◆his declared aim was to tax the rich.他宣布他的目的是向富人征税。taxverb [transitive] ◆any interest payments are taxed as part of your income.任何利息所得被视为收入,要征税。◆his declared aim was to tax the rich.他宣布他的目的是向富人征税。tax/tæks ||; tæks/noun [c,u] (a) tax (on sth) the money that you have to pay to the government so that it can provide public services 税;税款: ◇income tax 所得税◇there used to be a tax on windows. 过去装窗子要纳税。 tax verb [t] (often passive 常用于被动语态) ◇alcohol, cigarettes and petrol are heavily taxed. 对酒、烟和汽油的课税很重。 taxsee ⇨ money 10☞ tax¹☞ tax²




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