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单词 dates on products
释义 which_word 相似词dates on products many goods, especially foods, have a date on them giving information about their shelf life (= how long you can keep them). 许多商品,尤其是食品,其包装上都会标明保质期(shelf life)。dates that give information about quality 保质期foods that have been frozen, dried, packed in cans, etc. often have a best-before date (bre) or best-if-used-by date (name). this tells the consumer how long the product is expected to remain fresh. 冷冻食品、干制食品和罐装食品等通常都标有最佳食用期限(英式英语 best-before date,美式英语 best-if-used-by date),告知消费者产品的保鲜期:best before end feb 2006. * 2006 年 2 月底之前食用最佳。fresh foods often have a sell-by date (bre and name) or pull date (name). this tells the staff of the shop/store how long they should display the product. 新鲜食品通常标有销售截止日期(英式和美式英语 sell-by date,或美式英语 pull date),告知销售人员商品的架上陈列及售卖期限:sell by 14 nov. 06. 最迟销售日期为 06 年 11 月 14 日。 usually food can be eaten for a period of time after this date, although it may not taste as good. 通常食品在此日期后一段时期内仍可食用,但味道可能变差。often shops/stores sell products that are near their sell-by-date, best-before date, etc. more cheaply. 商店通常会降价出售那些临近最迟销售日期及保质期的商品。dates that give information about safety 安全日期some products, for example milk, meat or medicines, must have a use-by date or an expiry date (bre)/expiration date (name). this is the date up to which you can safely eat or use the product. it is often illegal for shops/stores to sell products that have passed this date. 某些产品,如牛奶、肉制品或药品必须标明保存期(use-by date)或有效期(英式英语 expiry date,美式英语 expiration date)。这个日期是安全食用或使用产品的截止日期。出售超过这一日期的产品通常是违法的:display until 20 oct. 06. 上架截止日期 06 年 10 月 20 日。use by 27 oct. 06. 使用截止日期 06 年 10 月 27 日。




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