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单词 resolve
释义 resolve verbadverb | verb + resolve | preposition | phrases adverb➤completely, fully彻底/完全解决◆the matter is not yet fully resolved.这件事还没有完全解决。➤partially部份解决▸➤successfully成功解决▸➤adequately, satisfactorily充分/令人满意地解决▸➤amicably, peacefully友好/和平解决◆we hope that the dispute can be resolved peacefully.我们希望能够和平地解决争端。➤easily, readily轻易地/容易地解决▸➤quickly, rapidly, speedily (bre) 迅速解决;快速解决▸➤immediately立即解决➤soon很快解决▸➤eventually, finally, ultimately终于解决;最终解决verb + resolve➤attempt to, take steps to, try to试图/采取措施/努力解决▸➤be unable to, fail to不能/没有解决◆the two countries have failed to resolve their differences on this.两国未能化解在此事上的分歧。➤help (to)帮助解决▸➤be difficult to难以解决preposition➤by, through通过⋯解决◆the crisis was finally resolved through high-level negotiations.危机最终通过高层谈判得以消除。phrases➤an attempt to resolve sth, an effort to resolve sth解决⋯的尝试/努力◆they met in a last-ditch attempt to resolve their differences.他们的会晤是为化解分歧所作的最后努力。➤a means of resolving sth, a method of resolving sth, a way of resolving sth解决⋯的手段/方法/途径➤resolve itself自行解决◆the family feuding could resolve itself.家族恩怨可以自行化解。resolve /rɪzɒlv; name rɪzɑːlv/ verb 1. [transitive] to find an acceptable solution to a problem or difficulty 解决(问题或困难)◆to resolve a conflict/a crisis/an issue 解决冲突/危机/问题◆the company is trying to resolve a pay dispute. 公司正试图解决薪酬纠纷。 2. [intransitive] to reach a decision by means of a formal vote 作出决定;作出决议;表决◆the board has resolved to recommend the offer to shareholders. 董事会决定向股东推荐这一要约。☞ resolveresolve verb  ➡ see also the entry for solve 1另见 solve 条第 1 义resolve ♦︎ settle ♦︎ repair ♦︎ mend ♦︎ patch sth upthese words all mean to put an end to a disagreement, find a solution to a problem or improve a bad relationship.这些词均表示消除分歧、解决问题或改善关系。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to settle / patch up sth with sb◆to resolve / settle / mend / patch up your differences◆to resolve / settle a / an dispute / argument / crisis / matter / issue◆to resolve / mend matters◆to repair / mend / patch up a rift / the damage / relations◆to mend / patch up a relationship / marriage■ resolve /rɪzɒlv; name rɪzɑːlv/ [transitive] (rather formal) to find a satisfactory solution to a problem or argument解决(问题或争论)◆where can ordinary people get help with resolving family problems?普通人在哪儿能得到解决家庭问题的帮助?◆the matter has never really been satisfactorily resolved.这个问题从未真正圆满解决。 ➡ see also resolution → solution ■ settle [transitive, intransitive] to put an end to an argument or disagreement结束(争论、争端等);解决(分歧、纠纷等)◆talks will be held in an attempt to settle the dispute.将举行会谈以解决纠纷。◆i want this thing settled.我希望解决此事。◆the company agreed to settle out of court (= come to an agreement without going to court).那家公司同意庭外和解。 ➡ see also settlement → agreement 1 ■ repair [transitive] to say or do sth in order to improve a bad situation or relationship补救,纠正,弥补(恶劣情况或关系)◆they moved quickly to repair relations between themselves and the us.他们迅速行动起来,修复与美国的关系。◆it was too late to repair the damage done to the relationship.修复受到损害的关系为时已晚。■ mend [transitive] to find a solution to a disagreement or improve a bad situation or relationship弥合(分歧);改善(恶劣情况或关系)◆they met in an attempt to mend their differences.他们见面会谈,试图消除分歧。◆is it too late to mend fences with your ex-wife (= settle your disagreement with her)?你想和前妻消除隔阂是不是太晚了?■ patch sth up -->phrasal verb (rather informal) to stop quarrelling with sb and become friends again和好;讲和◆have you managed to patch things up with him?你有没有设法跟他和好?resolve [intransitive] (rather formal, written) to make a firm decision to do sth; to reach a decision in a meeting, etc. by means of a formal vote下定决心;决定;表决;作出决议◆we had resolved on making an early start.我们已经决定早点动身。◆she resolved that she would never see him again.她决心再也不见他了。◆the supreme council resolved to resume control over the press.最高委员会作出决议恢复对新闻机构的控制。▸ resolution noun [countable] ◆she made a resolution to visit her relatives more often.她决定要多走走亲戚。◆the un security council unanimously adopted a resolution calling for a halt to hostilities.联合国安理会一致通过决议,呼吁各方停止对抗。resolve /rɪzɒlv; name rɪzɑːlv/ [uncountable] (formal, often approving) strong determination to do sth that you believe to be right决心;坚定信念◆the difficulties in her way merely strengthened her resolve.她所遇到的困难只是让她决心更加坚定。◆he did not weaken in his resolve.他的决心并没有动摇。resolve /rɪzɒlv; name rɪzɑːlv/ [transitive] (rather formal) to find a satisfactory solution to a problem or argument解决(问题或争论)◆where can ordinary people get help with resolving family problems?普通人在哪儿能得到解决家庭问题的帮助?◆the matter has never really been satisfactorily resolved.这个问题从未真正圆满解决。 ➡ see also resolution → solution resolve/rɪˈzɒlv ||; rɪˈzɑlv/verb (formal 正式) 1. [t] to find an answer to a problem 解决;解答: ◇most of the difficulties have been resolved. 大部份难题已经解决了。 2. [i,t] to decide sth and be determined not to change your mind 决意;决心: ◇he resolved never to repeat the experience. 他下定决心,绝不重蹈覆辙。 resolvesee ⇨ decide 1 ⇨ determined 5 ⇨ solve 1     • • •• ⇨ break sb's spirit/resolve/will etc☞ resolve¹☞ resolve²




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