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单词 season
释义 season noun¹ 1of the year年adjective | verb + season adjective➤dry, hurricane, monsoon, rainy, wet旱季;飓风季节;雨季◆in this climate there are no real changes of temperature, just a wet and a dry season.在这种气候区,温度没有太大的变化,只有雨季和旱季之分。➤summer, winter, etc.夏季、冬季等verb + season➤be in, come into (especially name) 当令;到季◆melons are in season right now.现在正是吃瓜的时令。➤be out of不合时令;过季◆lobster's out of season right now.现在已过了吃龙虾的时令。season noun² 2period when an activity takes place活动时期adjective | phrases adjective➤holiday (= when people are on holiday/vacation) (bre) , tourist度假/旅游旺季▸➤high, peak旺季;高峰期◆the resort gets overcrowded in peak season.这个旅游景点一到旺季就人满为患。➤low, off淡季◆the hotel is almost empty in the off season.这家旅馆在淡季几乎空无一人。➤coming, forthcoming, upcoming (especially name) 即将到来的季节▸➤breeding, mating, nesting繁殖期;交配期;筑巢期▸➤growing, harvest, planting生长期;收获季节;播种季节➤close, closed比赛淡季;禁猎期;禁渔期◆it is illegal to fish for salmon during the closed season.禁渔期捕鲑鱼违法。➤open (often figurative) (法定)渔猎开放期;言论开放期◆the media have declared open season on the congressman and his private life.媒体已经公布了一个言论开放期,在此期间可对这位国会议员及其私生活进行自由评论。➤political (especially name) 选举季➤campaign, election, primary (all name) 竞选期;选举期;初选期◆the senator has led in the polls for most of the primary season.那位参议员在多数初期选举的民意测验中排名领先。➤conference (bre) 会议期◆the party conference season gets under way this week.该党派的会议期本周开始。➤silly (bre) (新闻)无聊期◆fleet street's silly season is upon us.英国新闻界的无聊期已经降临。➤flu (especially name) 流感高发期◆this year's flu season has been relatively mild.今年的流感高发期相对比较温和。➤movie, tv (both especially name) 电影/电视发行旺季▸➤christmas, festive (bre) , holiday (= the time including christmas, hanukkah and new year) (name) 圣诞节假期;节日假期◆best wishes for the festive season!祝圣诞假期快乐!◆i wished everyone a very happy holiday season.我祝大家假期快乐!➤panto (informal) , pantomime (both bre) 童话剧上演档期phrases➤the height of the season鼎盛时期season noun³ 3period when a sport is played赛季adjective | verb + season | season + verb | season + noun adjective➤baseball, cricket, football, hunting, racing, etc.棒球赛季、板球赛季、足球赛季、狩猎季节、赛马季节等▸➤championship, league锦标赛/联赛赛季◆decker played nine major league seasons. (name) 德克尔打了 9 个大联盟赛季比赛。➤junior, senior, sophomore (all name) (大学)三年级/四年级/二年级赛季➤debut, rookie (name) 首次亮相的/新秀赛季➤inaugural首个赛季◆the denver broncos' inaugural season was 1960.丹佛野马队在 1960 年开始其首个赛季的比赛。➤regular (name) 常规赛季◆the patriots won their last 12 games in the regular season.爱国者队在常规赛季中打赢了最后 12 场比赛。➤full整个赛季◆he played a full season for west ham.他为西汉姆联队打完了整个赛季。➤difficult, hard, tough (all especially bre) 困难的/艰难的/坎坷的赛季◆it was the final race of a hard season.那是这个艰难赛季的最后一场比赛。➤outstanding, successful, undefeated, winning (especially name) 成绩出色的/成功的/保持不败的/取得胜利的赛季▸➤disappointing, disastrous, poor (especially bre) 令人失望的/表现糟糕的/战绩不佳的赛季➤coming, forthcoming, upcoming (especially name) 即将到来的赛季◆he is busily preparing for the coming season.他正忙着为即将到来的赛季做准备。➤close, off (name) 比赛淡季◆the team trained hard during the close / off season.该队在比赛淡季刻苦训练。➤consecutive, successive接连的/连续的赛季◆our team won the trophy for the second successive season.我们队连续两个赛季获得冠军。verb + season➤begin, open, start开始赛季◆we opened the season with five straight losses.我们在赛季一开始便连续输了 5 场球。➤end, finish结束赛季➤enter进入赛季◆he entered the season with 173 wins.他进入赛季时已获得 173 场胜利。season + verb➤begin, kick off, start赛季开始◆the new premiership season kicks off on august 17.新一轮超级联赛赛季 8 月 17 日开球。➤end赛季结束season + noun➤ticket季票◆season ticket holders持季票者➤opener (name) 赛季首场比赛◆they played against the celtics in the season opener.他们在本赛季的首场比赛中遭遇了凯尔特人队。season verbadverb | preposition | phrases adverb➤lightly, well稍加调料;调好味道preposition➤with用⋯调味◆season the meat well with salt and pepper.用盐和胡椒粉将肉的味道调好。phrases➤highly seasoned味道很浓◆highly seasoned food佐料多、味道浓的食物☞ seasons season /siːzn/ noun [countable, uncountable] 1.a period of time each year when a particular activity takes place or particular conditions exist (一年中开展某项活动的)季节,旺季◆the tourist season begins in may. 旅游旺季开始于五月份。◆plane tickets are most expensive at the height of the season. 飞机票在旺季时价格最高。⨁ the holiday / tourist season度假/旅游旺季 ⨁ the autumn / spring / summer / winter season秋/春/夏/冬季 ⨁ the earnings / reporting season收入/报告季 2.a period of time during one year when a particular style of clothes, hair, etc. is popular and fashionable (一年中时装、发型等的)流行期◆this season's look is cool and feminine. 这段时期的流行风格酷中带有女性美。 ●confessional season/ˌperiod (especially name) (stock exchange 证券交易(所)) a period of time during the year when companies warn that their profits will be lower than expected (公司业绩下滑预警)披露期◆investors fear the fourth-quarter confessional season will be worse than expected. 投资者担心第四季度的利润披露会比预期的还要糟糕。●in season(about fruit or vegetables) easily available and ready to eat because it is the right time of year for them (水果或蔬菜)在旺季的,时鲜的◆strawberries are now in season. 现在草莓正当时。●out of the times of year when few people go on holiday/vacation 度假淡季;旅游淡季◆hotels are cheaper out of season. 酒店在淡季比较便宜。2.(about fruit or vegetables) not easily available because it is not the right time of year for them (水果或蔬菜)淡季的,不合时令的 dead season ◇ high season ◇ low season ◇ off season ☞ seasonseason [countable] a period during a year when a particular activity happens or is done, or when a particular style of clothes, hair, etc. is popular and fashionable(一年中开展某项活动的)季节,旺季;(一年中时装、发型等的)流行期◆the cricket / hunting / shooting season板球赛季;狩猎季节◆the breeding / mating / growing / planting season繁殖/交配/生长/栽种季节◆she scored her first goal of the season on saturday.她在星期六的比赛中打进了她在本赛季的第一个球。◆the hotels are always full during the peak season (= the period when most people are on holiday).在旺季,这些旅馆总是客满。◆ (bre) the holiday season度假旺季◆ (name) the tourist season旅游旺季◆ (bre) best wishes for the festive season (= christmas).祝圣诞节节期愉快。◆ (name) the holiday season (= the time of thanksgiving, hanukkah, christmas and new year).节假日期间(包括感恩节、修殿节、圣诞节和新年)◆it's much cheaper to buy a season ticket (= a single ticket that lasts a whole season).购买季票要便宜得多。◆this season's look is soft and romantic.这段时间的流行风格是柔和、浪漫。ⓘ season also means a period of time during which a play is shown in one place, or a series of plays, films or television programmes. * season 还指一部戏剧在某地的演出期,或一系列戏剧、电影或电视节目的集中上映、荟萃◆the play opens for a second season in london next week.下周这部剧将在伦敦开始第二轮演出。◆a season of films by alfred hitchcock阿尔弗雷德 • 希区柯克电影作品展season¹/ˈsi:zn ||; ˈsizṇ/noun[c] 1. one of the periods of different weather into which the year is divided (一年中的)季: ◇in cool countries, the four seasons are spring, summer, autumn and winter. 温带地区有春、夏、秋、冬四个季节。◇the dry/rainy season 旱季;雨季 2. the period of the year when sth is common or popular or when sth usually happens or is done 季节;旺季: ◇the holiday/football season 度假旺季;足球赛季 in season 1. (used about fresh foods) available in large quantities (指新鲜食物)当令,应时 2. (used about a female animal) ready to have sex (指雌性动物)在发情期 out of season 1. (used about fresh foods) not available in large quantities (指新鲜食物)不当令,不应时 2. (used about a place where people go on holiday) at the time of year when it is least popular with tourists (指度假胜地)在游客最少的期间,在淡季 season²/ˈsi:zn ||; ˈsizṇ/verb [t] to add salt, pepper, spices, etc to food in order to make it taste better 给食物调味 ➔seasoning noun [c,u] ◇add seasoning to the soup and serve with bread. 在汤里加调味品,跟面包一起端上桌。 seasonsee ⇨ time 12     • • •• ⇨ the rainy season/the monsoon• ⇨ the season☞ season¹☞ season²




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