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单词 pool¹
释义 pool¹ /pul; puːl/n 1. [c] a place that has been made for people to swim in 游泳池:◇does the hotel have a pool? 这家酒店有游泳池吗? 2. [u] a game in which you use a long stick to hit numbered balls into holes at the edge of a table 落袋撞球戏,美式台球 3. a pool of water/oil/light etc a small area of water, oil etc on a surface 一摊水/一摊油/一团光亮等:◇creighton lay there in a pool of blood. 克赖顿在那儿躺在血泊中。 4. [c] a small area of still water in the ground 水洼,水坑:◇a shallow pool had formed among the rocks. 岩石间形成了一个浅水坑。 5. [c] a quantity of money, things, or workers that is shared by several people 合伙使用的钱[物品,人力]:◇a car pool 共同使用的汽车




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