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单词 misery
释义 misery nounadjective | verb + misery | preposition | phrases adjective➤abject, great, real, sheer, untold极度的痛苦;巨大的痛苦◆this phobia can cause untold misery for the sufferer.这种恐惧症能给患者造成极度的痛苦。➤complete痛苦到极点◆her misery was made complete when she was separated from her children.她被迫与孩子们分开时痛苦到了极点。➤personal个人的痛苦➤human人类的苦难➤economic经济上的窘困◆the country's economic misery该国经济的窘困verb + misery➤be full of, endure, feel, live in, suffer满心痛苦;忍受痛苦;感到痛苦;生活在痛苦中;遭受痛苦◆people who suffer the misery of unemployment遭受失业之苦的人们➤bring (sb), cause (sb), create, inflict(给某人)带来痛苦;引起(某人的)痛苦;造成痛苦◆the money brought him nothing but misery.那笔钱带给他的只有痛苦。➤add to, heap, prolong增加/加剧/延长痛苦◆war has now added to the misery of these starving people.如今战争令这些饥民的日子雪上加霜。◆this financial blow heaps more misery on the community.这一经济打击加剧了社会的苦难。➤alleviate, ease, relieve减轻/缓解/解除痛苦◆ways to alleviate human misery减轻人类苦难的方法➤end结束苦难▸➤put sb/sth out of将⋯人工致死以解除其痛苦;消除⋯的忧虑◆in the end we asked the vet to put the creature out of its misery (= kill it humanely).最终我们请兽医给这可怜的动物人道毁灭以结束其痛苦。◆oh, put her out of her misery-tell her who won. (humorous) 哦,别让她受罪了 - 告诉她谁赢了。➤spare sb使某人免受痛苦◆at least we were spared the misery of having to do it all again.至少我们得以免受全部重做之苦。➤share (especially name) 分担痛苦▸➤forget忘记痛苦preposition➤misery of⋯的痛苦◆the sheer misery of homelessness无家可归的极度痛苦phrases➤make sb's life a misery使某人的生活没有乐趣◆his constant criticism made her life a misery.他没完没了的指责使她的生活痛苦不堪。misery /mɪzəri/ [uncountable, countable] great suffering, especially emotional suffering, that lasts a long time; a very unpleasant experience or situation in which people suffer very much(长期的情感)痛苦;悲惨的遭遇(或境况)◆fame brought her nothing but misery.名声给她带来的仅是痛苦而已。◆the bad news had plunged him into abject misery.那一坏消息使他陷入了极度的痛苦。◆ (bre) my old boss used to make my life a misery.我以前的老板经常让我陷入水深火热之中。ⓘ in american english say make my life miserable.在美式英语中要说 make my life miserable。  ➡ see also miserable → negative , miserable → unhappy 1 note 辨析 anguish, torture, agony or misery?the main differences between these words are the degree of suffering and the level of formality. agony suggests the most suffering. torture also suggests extreme suffering, but it is used in informal spoken english in an exaggerated way: the situations that cause the torture may not in fact be very serious. anguish is a rather formal word and is slightly less extreme than agony and torture. misery may be less intense suffering but it may last a much longer time.这四个词的主要区别在于所表示痛苦的程度和语言的正式程度不同。agony 表示的痛苦程度最强; torture 也表示极端痛苦,但会用于非正式口语以示夸张,造成痛苦的情况不一定真的很严重; anguish 相当正式,其痛苦程度比 agony 和 torture 稍弱; misery 所指的痛苦可能不太强烈,但持续的时间则可能长得多。misery/ˈmɪzəri ||; ˈmɪzərɪ/noun [u] [c] (plural miseries) great unhappiness or suffering 悲哀;痛苦;不幸;苦难: ◇i couldn't bear to see him in such misery. 我真不忍心见他这副痛苦的样子。◇the miseries of war 战争带来的苦难 put sb out of his/her misery(informal 非正式) to stop sb worrying about sth by telling the person what he/she wants to know (告诉某人想了解的事情)使某人不再感到担心: ◇put me out of my misery -- did i pass or not? 快让我放心─我到底及格不及格? put sth out of its misery to kill an animal because it has an illness or injury that cannot be treated 杀死(无法治愈的生病或受伤)动物以结束其痛苦miserysee ⇨ angry 11 ⇨ sad 8     • • •• ⇨ put sb out of their misery mis·e·ry /`mɪzərɪ; ˈmɪzəri/n [u] 1. when someone is very unhappy 难受,痛苦:◇the misery of life in the refugee camps 在难民营中生活的痛苦 2. put sb/sth out of their misery a) informal to make someone stop feeling worried, especially by telling them something they are waiting to hear 【非正式】 解除某人的焦虑[尤指告诉他们渴望听到的事情]:◇come on, put us out of our misery and tell us what happened. 来吧,别让我们忐忑不安了,告诉我们发生了什么事。 b) to kill an animal that is old or ill so that it does not suffer any more 杀死动物以结束其痛苦[指老的或生病的动物]




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