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单词 currently
释义 currentlyadverb◆this matter is currently being discussed by the board.董事会现在正在讨论这个问题。opp previously → previous ◆her latest novel has been shortlisted for a literary prize.她最近出版的小说已入围一个文学奖的候选名单。◆have you heard the latest news?你收到最新消息了吗?currentlyadverb◆this matter is currently being discussed by the board.董事会现在正在讨论这个问题。opp previously → previous ◆her latest novel has been shortlisted for a literary prize.她最近出版的小说已入围一个文学奖的候选名单。◆have you heard the latest news?你收到最新消息了吗?currently/ˈkʌrəntli ||; ˈkɝəntlɪ/adv at present; at the moment 现在;目前: ◇he is currently working in spain. 他目前在西班牙工作。 ☞look at the note at actually. 参看actually的注释。 currentlysee ⇨ now 1 currentlyadv




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