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单词 remorse
释义 remorse nounadjective | ... of remorse | verb + remorse | preposition | phrases adjective➤deep, genuine, great, real深深的懊悔;真诚的自责;巨大的悔恨;真心的悔恨... of remorse➤pang, stab一阵痛悔verb + remorse➤be filled with, be full of, be overcome with, be stricken with, feel, have, suffer充满自责;被悔恨压倒;感到懊悔;懊悔◆she knew that the next day she would be full of remorse.她知道自己第二天就会感到懊悔。◆i suffered no remorse.我一点儿也不后悔。➤display, express, show显出悔恨;表示出懊悔preposition➤without remorse不后悔◆he died without remorse.他死而无憾。➤remorse at对⋯懊悔◆he felt some remorse at his actions.他对自己的行为感到有些懊悔。➤remorse for为⋯懊悔◆she was filled with remorse for the crime.她对犯下的罪行深感懊悔。➤remorse over因⋯自责◆she felt a sharp pang of remorse over the incident.她对这次事件感到一阵深深的自责。phrases➤buyer's remorse (= after buying sth that you do not really need, like, etc.) (especially name) 买家的懊悔◆after spending $720 on the shoes, she suffered buyer's remorse.花费 720 美元买鞋后,她开始感到后悔了。➤a feeling of remorse自责感remorse /rɪmɔːs; name rɪmɔːrs/ [uncountable] (rather formal, especially written) the feeling of being extremely sorry because of sth wrong or bad that you have done懊悔;深深的遗憾;自责◆i felt guilty and full of remorse.我感到内疚,满是懊悔。◆he was filled with remorse for not believing her.他因为没有相信她而自责不已。ⓘ if sb shows no remorse for a crime they have committed, they are likely to receive a stronger punishment in court. * show no remorse 指对所犯罪行未表现出懊悔,这或将在法庭上受到更重的处罚。remorse/rɪˈmɔ:s ||; rɪˈmɔrs/noun [u] remorse (for sth/doing sth) a feeling of sadness because you have done sth wrong 悔恨;懊悔: ◇she was filled with remorse for what she had done. 她为自己所做的事懊悔不已。 ➔remorseful /-fl ||; -fəl/ adj remorsesee ⇨ guilty 7 re·morse /rɪ`mɔrs; rɪˈmɔːs/n [u]a feeling of being sorry for something bad that you have done 悔恨; 自责:◇keating showed no remorse for his crime. 基廷对自己的罪行毫无悔过之意。




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