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单词 secretary
释义 secretary noun¹ 1person who works in an office秘书adjective➤executive, legal行政/法律秘书➤medical医务秘书▸➤press, publicity新闻/宣传秘书▸➤personal, private私人秘书▸➤social社交秘书▸➤school学校秘书  ➡ note at job secretary noun² 2head of a government department in the us美国政府部门的部长adjective | verb + secretary | preposition | phrases adjective➤deputy副部长◆deputy secretary of agriculture in the bush administration布什政府的农业部副部长➤assistant助理部长◆assistant secretary of commerce under president clinton克林顿总统任内商务部助理部长➤acting代理部长▸➤former前部长◆former treasury secretary lloyd bentsen前财政部长劳埃德・本特森➤cabinet内阁大臣▸➤state国务卿▸➤agriculture, commerce, defence, education, health, homeland security, interior, labor, transportation, treasury, etc.农业部、商务部、国防部、教育部、卫生部、国土安全部、内政部、劳工部、交通部、财政部等部长verb + secretary➤resign as辞去部长职务▸➤replace (sb as)接替(某人为)部长preposition➤secretary for⋯部长◆the treasury department's assistant secretary for economic policy财政部负责经济政策事务的助理部长➤secretary of⋯部长◆a former assistant secretary of defense国防部前副部长phrases➤secretary of state国务卿◆the us secretary of state美国国务卿secretary noun³ 3government minister or assistant in the uk英国的大臣或助理adjective | preposition | phrases adjective➤permanent常任大臣▸➤former前大臣◆the former secretary of state for energy, cecil parkinson前国家能源部大臣塞西尔・帕金森➤cabinet, shadow (= a senior british politician of the opposition party) (bre) 内阁大臣;影子内阁官员▸➤parliamentary政务次官▸➤agriculture, defence, economic, education, employment, energy, environment, financial, foreign, health, home, transport, treasury, etc.农业大臣、国防大臣、经济大臣、教育大臣、就业大臣、能源大臣、环境事务大臣、财政司司长、外交大臣、卫生大臣、内政大臣、交通大臣、财政大臣等preposition➤secretary to⋯大臣◆the financial secretary to the treasury财政部财政司司长phrases➤secretary of state(英国政府的)大臣◆the secretary of state for education教育大臣secretary noun⁴ 4official of an organization书记;干事adjective | verb + secretary | secretary + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤chief, first第一书记◆the first secretary of the communist party共产党第一书记➤assistant, deputy书记助理;副书记▸➤honorary荣誉书记▸➤executive, general执行书记;总书记▸➤branch, district, group, national, party, regional支部书记;地区干事;集团书记;国家书记;党的书记;地区书记▸➤club, company俱乐部/公司干事verb + secretary➤resign as辞去书记职务▸➤elect选举书记▸➤elect sb, elect sb as选举某人为书记▸➤replace接替书记▸➤replace sb as接替某人为书记secretary + noun➤general秘书长◆un secretary general, ban ki-moon联合国秘书长潘基文preposition➤secretary to⋯干事◆secretary to the jockey club赛马俱乐部干事phrases➤the post of secretary干事职位secretary /sekrətri; name -teri/ noun [countable] (plural secretaries) 1.a person who works in an office, working for another person, dealing with letters and telephone calls, typing, keeping records, arranging meetings with people, etc. 秘书◆a legal/medical secretary 法律/医务秘书◆please contact my secretary to make an appointment. 请与我的秘书联系安排约见。= company secretary company secretary ◇ corporate secretary ◇ executive secretary ◇ press secretary ☞ secretarysecretary [countable] an official of a club, society, political party or trade union, who deals with writing letters, keeping records and making business arrangements; (in britain) an assistant of a government minister or an ambassador, either a senior civil servant or a junior minister(俱乐部、社团、政党或工会的)干事,文书;(英国的大臣或大使的)助理◆she served as club secretary for 25 years.她任俱乐部文书 25 年。◆anyone interested in joining the society should contact membership secretary bob barwood.有意加入本社团者请与组织干事鲍勃 • 巴伍德联系。◆he had talks with the chief secretary to the treasury.他与财政部首席大臣进行了会谈。secretary/ˈsekrətri; us -rəterɪ ||; ˈsɛkrəˌtɛrɪ/noun [c] (plural secretaries) 1. a person who works in an office. a secretary types letters, answers the telephone, keeps records, etc (办公室的)秘书: ◇the director's personal secretary 董事的私人秘书 2. an official of a club or society who is responsible for keeping records, writing letters, etc (俱乐部或其他组织的)文书,书记 3. (us 美) the head of a government department, chosen by the president (政府的)部长 4. (brit 英) =secretary of state(1) sec·re·ta·ry /`sɛkrəˏtɛrɪ; ˈsekrɪtəri/n [c] 1. someone whose job is to type letters, arrange meetings, answer telephone calls etc in an office 秘书; 文书:◇the secretary will make an appointment for you. 秘书会帮你预约的。 2. also 又作 secretary an official who is in charge of a large government department [政府]部长; 大臣:◇the secretary of education 教育部长 ☞ secretary




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