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单词 purity
释义 purity nounadjective | verb + purity | phrases adjective➤absolute绝对的纯洁◆the absolute purity of her love她的爱的绝对纯洁➤great, high高纯度◆high-purity silver高纯度的银➤ideological意识形态的纯洁▸➤racial种族的纯正▸➤moral, sexual道德的无瑕;性纯洁verb + purity➤maintain, preserve保持纯洁◆he struggled to preserve his ideological purity.他努力保持自己意识形态的纯洁。phrases➤purity of blood血统的纯正◆hitler's belief in the purity of blood of the german people希特勒对日耳曼民族纯正血统的信仰➤purity of form, purity of style形式/风格的纯粹◆a classical purity of form外形的古典纯粹◆the building's unadorned purity of style建筑物的淳朴风格➤purity of heart心灵的纯洁◆she has a purity of heart that inspires others.她的心灵纯洁,能感召他人。purity /pjʊərəti; name pjʊrəti/ [uncountable] the quality of being morally good and pure, especially in sexual matters纯洁;贞洁◆the veil was regarded as a symbol of the bride's purity.面纱被视为象征着新娘的纯洁。 ➡ see also pure → holy purity/ˈpjʊərəti ||; ˈpjυrətɪ/noun [u] the state of being pure 纯净;纯粹;纯洁: ◇to test the purity of the air 检测空气的纯度 ☞look at impurity. 参看impurity。 pu·ri·ty /`pjrətɪ; ˈpjʊərɪti/n [u]the quality of being pure 纯洁; 纯正; 洁净:◇the purity of our water 我们的水的纯净度◇moral purity 道德的纯洁




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