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单词 smoke
释义 smoke nounadjective | ... of smoke | verb + smoke | smoke + verb | smoke + noun | phrases adjective➤dense, heavy, thick浓烟▸➤black, blue, grey/gray, white, etc.黑烟、蓝烟、灰烟、白烟等▸➤billowing滚滚浓烟▸➤acrid, choking刺鼻的烟;令人窒息的烟➤stale污浊的烟◆the smell of stale cigarette smoke on your clothes你衣服上污浊的烟味➤wood柴烟▸➤cigar, cigarette, pipe, tobacco雪茄/香烟/烟斗/烟草的烟雾➤second-hand二手烟雾◆hundreds of people die each year as a result of exposure to second-hand smoke (= smoke from other people's cigarettes, cigars, etc.).每年有数百人死于吸二手烟。... of smoke➤cloud, column, haze, pall, plume, puff, spiral, wisp一团烟;一柱烟;一层烟雾;一股烟;一缕烟◆we sat drinking in a haze of cigarette smoke.我们坐在一片香烟烟雾中喝着酒。◆the witch disappeared in a puff of smoke.女巫消失在一缕青烟中。verb + smoke➤belch, belch out, blow, emit喷烟;冒烟◆the car ahead was belching out black smoke.前面的小汽车冒着黑烟。◆don't blow smoke in my face!别朝我脸上喷烟!➤exhale, inhale吐出/吸入烟雾▸➤be wreathed in笼罩在烟雾中◆she sat there wreathed in cigarette smoke.她坐在那里,周围香烟烟雾缭绕。smoke + verb➤belch, billow, come, curl, drift, pour, rise烟喷出;烟冒出;烟滚滚;烟缭绕;烟涌入;烟升起◆blue smoke curled up from her cigarette.一缕蓝烟从她的香烟上袅袅升起。◆smoke rose into the sky.烟雾升上天空。➤fill sth烟雾充溢⋯▸➤hang烟雾笼罩◆a pall of yellow smoke hung over the quarry.采石场笼罩在一片黄色烟雾中。➤clear烟雾散尽◆when the smoke cleared we saw the extent of the damage.浓烟散尽后,我们才看到破坏的程度。smoke + noun➤plume, ring烟羽;烟圈◆i taught myself to blow smoke rings.我自己学会了吐烟圈。➤signal烟雾信号▸➤bomb, grenade烟雾弹▸➤alarm, detector烟雾报警器/探测器▸➤inhalation烟的吸入➤machine烟雾器◆the club had a smoke machine and laser show.俱乐部有烟雾器和激光表演。➤break (informal, especially name) 吸烟休息时间◆i was taking a smoke break outside.我正在外面休息吸根烟。phrases➤go up in smoke被烧毁◆the barn went up in smoke.谷仓被付之一炬。➤full of smoke满是浓烟▸➤thick with smoke烟雾弥漫◆the bar was thick with stale tobacco smoke.那个酒吧烟雾弥漫,空气污浊。smoke verb¹ 1cigarette, pipe, etc.香烟;烟斗adverb | phrases adverb➤heavily烟抽得很凶◆he has always smoked heavily.他烟瘾一直很大。➤openly公开吸烟◆you see kids openly smoking in the streets.可以看见孩子们在街上明目张胆地吸烟。phrases➤smoke like a chimney (= smoke a lot) 吸烟很多◆he smokes like a chimney.他总是在吞云吐雾。smoke verb² 2meat/fish/cheese肉;鱼;奶酪adverb➤heavily透彻地熏制▸➤lightly稍作熏制◆the ham is cured, then lightly smoked.火腿腌一下,然后稍作熏制。 smoke nounsmoke ♦︎ fumes ♦︎ exhaust ♦︎ smogthese are all words for a type of gas which is poisonous and makes the air dirty.这些词均表示烟、烟雾、废气。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆toxic / poisonous smoke / fumes◆car / petrol / diesel fumes / exhaust◆to emit / produce / give off smoke / fumes◆to reduce smoke / smog◆smoke / exhaust emissions / pollution◆a cloud of smoke / fumes■ smoke [uncountable] the grey, white or black gas that is produced by sth burning烟◆the room was thick with cigarette smoke.房间里弥漫着香烟的烟雾。◆clouds of thick black smoke billowed from the car's exhaust.一股股黑色浓烟从汽车排气管冒出来。■ fumes [plural] smoke, gas or sth similar that smells strongly or is dangerous to breathe in(浓烈或有害的)烟,气,汽◆benzene is found in car exhaust fumes.汽车废气中发现含有苯。◆she was overcome by smoke and fumes.她被浓烟熏倒了。■ exhaust /ɪgzɔːst/ [uncountable] waste gases that come out of a vehicle, engine or machine(车辆、发动机或机器排出的)废气◆the proposals include new limits on car exhaust emissions.这些建议包括对汽车排放物的新限制。■ smog [uncountable] a form of air pollution, especially in cities, that is or looks like a mixture of smoke and fog; a period of time when there is smog in the air烟雾(尤指城市中烟与雾混合的空气污染物);有烟雾的时间◆the city has had only limited success in reducing smog levels.该城市在减少烟雾水平方面收效甚微。ⓘ in british english smog can also be countable.在英式英语中,smog 也可作可数名词◆ (bre) nowadays, smogs are very common in major cities.如今在大城市里烟雾是非常普遍的。  ➡ see also fog → cloud 1 smoke [uncountable] the grey, white or black gas that is produced by sth burning烟◆the room was thick with cigarette smoke.房间里弥漫着香烟的烟雾。◆clouds of thick black smoke billowed from the car's exhaust.一股股黑色浓烟从汽车排气管冒出来。smoke¹/sməʊk ||; smok/noun1. [u] the grey, white or black gas that you can see in the air when sth is burning 烟: ◇thick smoke poured from the chimney. 烟囱冒出浓烟。◇a room full of cigarette smoke 香烟烟雾弥漫的房间 2. [c] [usu.sing] an action of smoking a cigarette, etc 抽烟 smoke²/sməʊk ||; smok/verb1. [i,t] to breathe in smoke through a cigarette, etc and let it out again; to use cigarettes, etc in this way, as a habit 抽烟: ◇do you mind if i smoke? 你介意我抽烟吗?◇i used to smoke 20 cigarettes a day. 我以前每天抽20根烟。 2. [i] to send out smoke 吐烟;冒烟: ◇the oil in the pan started to smoke. 锅里的油开始冒烟。 ➔smoker noun [c]: ◇she's a chain smoker (= she finishes one cigarette and then immediately lights another). 她是个烟不离手的人。 [opp] non-smoker 反义词为non-smoker➔smoking noun [u]: ◇my doctor has advised me to give up smoking. 医生已劝我戒烟。◇would you like a table in the smoking or non-smoking section? 你要吸烟区还是禁烟区的桌子? smokesee ⇨ smoking 1     • • •• ⇨ be shrouded in mist/smoke etc• ⇨ don't smoke☞ smoke¹☞ smoke²




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