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单词 minute¹
释义 min·ute¹ /`mɪnɪt; ˈmɪnɪt/n [c] 1. a period of time equal to 60 seconds 分(钟)[等于 60 秒]:◇clare's train arrives in fifteen minutes. 克莱尔搭乘的火车在十五分钟后到达。◇it's three minutes to ten. 现在是九点五十七分。 2. a very short period of time 一会儿,片刻:◇it'll only take me a minute to do this. 我做这件事只要一会儿时间。◇he was there a minute ago. 他刚才还在那里。 3. in a minute very soon 马上,很快:◇i'll do it in a minute. 我马上做这件事。 4. wait/just a minute spoken 【口】 a) used to ask someone to wait a short period of time 稍等一下[用于请某人等候片刻]:◇"are you coming with us?" "yes, just a minute." “你和我们一起去吗?”“是的,稍等一下。” b) used when you do not agree with someone 等一下,且慢[用于表示不同意某人的看法]:◇wait a minute — that can't be right! 等一下 — 那不可能是正确的! 5. the minute (that) as soon as 一…就…:◇i knew it was jill the minute i heard her voice. 我一听到声音,就知道是吉尔。 6. last minute at the last possible time, just before it is too late 最后一刻:◇frank changed his mind at the last minute and decided to come with us after all. 法兰克在最后一刻改变主意,最终决定和我们一起去。◇a few last-minute arrangements 一些最后一刻作出的安排 7. any minute very soon 马上; 随时:◇she should get here any minute now. 她应该随时会来到这儿。 8. this minute used to order someone to do something immediately 立刻,马上[用于命令某人立即做某事]:◇come here, this minute! 到这里来,马上!→ see also 另见 minutes




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