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单词 laugh
释义 laugh noun¹ 1sound/act of laughing笑声;笑adjective | verb + laugh | laugh + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤loud高声的笑▸➤light, little, short, slight, small, soft轻声的笑;短促的笑;轻柔的笑▸➤deep, low, rich深沉的/低沉的/浑厚的笑声▸➤big, good, great大笑◆the last joke got the biggest laugh.最后一个笑话引起哄堂大笑。➤belly, booming, hearty捧腹大笑;低沉有力的笑;纵情大笑▸➤harsh, shrill尖锐的/刺耳的笑声▸➤barking, husky, throaty呵呵大笑;沙哑的笑声;嘶哑的笑声➤sexy性感的笑声◆he laughed that warm, sexy laugh.他发出了那种亲切、性感的笑声。➤tinkling银铃般的笑声▸➤amused, delighted被逗乐的笑;愉快的笑▸➤embarrassed, nervous, shaky尴尬的笑;不安的笑;颤声笑▸➤bitter, cynical, derisive, dry, fake, forced, hollow, humourless/humorless, mirthless, mocking, rueful, sarcastic, scornful, wry苦笑;愤世嫉俗的笑;嘲弄的笑;冷笑;假笑;勉强的笑;虚伪的笑;缺乏幽默的笑;郁闷的笑;愚弄的笑;悔恨的笑;讽刺的笑;轻蔑的笑;揶揄的笑◆she forced a bitter laugh.她勉强挤出一丝苦笑。➤genuine真诚的笑◆nick responded with a genuine laugh.尼克报以真诚的笑声。➤cruel, evil, sinister残忍的/邪恶的/阴险的笑(声)◆the man laughed, a harsh, evil laugh.那个男人笑了,笑声刺耳、邪恶。➤cheap廉价的笑◆this movie is too intent upon getting cheap laughs.这部电影太专注于博取廉价的笑声了。➤infectious有感染力的笑verb + laugh➤give, laugh, let out大笑;发出笑声◆he gave a short, amused laugh.他被逗乐了,短促地大笑一声。◆she laughed a hollow laugh then fell silent.她干笑一声,接着陷入了沉默。➤have发出笑声➤share一起笑◆we all shared a good laugh.我们都笑得很开怀。➤force, manage勉强一笑➤bite back, choke back, hold back, smother, stifle, suppress憋住笑;忍住笑;抑制住笑◆she tried to suppress a laugh, but ended up giggling anyway.她使劲想忍住不笑,但最终还是咯咯笑出声来。➤enjoy, like喜欢笑◆he enjoys a good laugh.他喜欢尽情地笑。➤draw, earn, get, raise (bre) 使人大笑;赢得笑声;博得笑声◆that earned a laugh from everyone.那一下子把每个人都逗笑了。◆few of his jokes got a laugh.他的笑话没几个能把人逗笑。◆she got a laugh out of jack.她被杰克逗笑了。➤hear听到笑声laugh + verb➤escape sb某人不由得笑出来◆a small laugh escaped her.她不由得轻笑一声。➤ring out笑声响起◆a laugh rang out behind me.一阵笑声从我背后响了起来。preposition➤for a laugh为了好玩儿◆she dyed her hair green just for a laugh.她把头发染成绿色只是为了好玩儿。➤with a laugh笑着◆he left the room with a cynical laugh.他嘲弄地笑着离开了房间。➤laugh about, laugh at因⋯笑◆we all had a great laugh about it when we got home.我们回家后都为此大笑了一通。➤laugh over由于⋯笑◆i had a good laugh over that one.我为那件事笑了好一阵。phrases➤be good for a laugh引人发笑◆paula's always good for a laugh (= always amusing).葆拉总是能惹大家笑。➤have the last laugh获得最后的胜利◆we'll have the last laugh if she finds out that you're the one who played the trick.如果她发现是你耍的花招,我们就是最后的赢家了。➤a laugh at sb's expense拿某人开心◆oh yes, very funny-have your laugh at my expense!噢,是的,非常好笑 - 把你的快乐建立在我的痛苦之上!➤the laugh is on sb (= sb looks ridiculous after they have tried to make fun of sb else) 某人取笑他人不成反被笑➤play sb/sth for laughs拿⋯逗趣◆she seemed unsure of whether to play her role seriously or for laughs.她似乎拿不准是该严肃地扮演角色还是该以玩笑处之。laugh noun² 2sb/sth that is amusing笑料adjective | phrases adjective➤good, great, real极其引人发笑的人/事phrases➤a barrel of laughs, a bit of a laugh, a laugh a minute (= very funny) 非常好笑;有点儿好笑;很好笑laugh verbadverb | verb + laugh | preposition | phrases adverb➤aloud, loudly, out loud笑出声;大声笑◆it looked so funny that i almost laughed out loud.太滑稽了,我差点儿放声大笑起来。➤gently, inwardly, lightly, quietly, silently, softly, under your breath轻声笑;暗自地笑;低声笑▸➤deeply, hard, heartily, a lot, really, uproariously开怀大笑;放声大笑◆i have not heard an audience laugh so hard for a long time.我从没听到过观众笑得这么厉害而且这么久。◆he laughed heartily at his own joke.他被自己的笑话逗得开怀大笑。➤just, merely, simply只是笑笑◆i thought she would be angry but she just laughed.我本以为她会生气,可她只是笑了笑。➤almost差点儿笑出来▸➤briefly, a little, shakily, sheepishly, shortly, slightly, weakly短促地笑;笑了一下;笑得颤抖起来;羞怯地笑;微微地笑;无力地笑◆she laughed slightly as she saw my expression.看到我的表情,她微微笑了笑。➤suddenly突然笑▸➤easily, freely容易笑;自在地笑◆she smiles and laughs easily.她很容易笑。➤openly, outright直率地笑▸➤helplessly, uncontrollably不由自主地笑▸➤cheerfully, delightedly, happily, merrily欢快地笑;欣喜地笑;开心地笑▸➤hysterically歇斯底里地笑▸➤nervously, uneasily紧张地笑;不自在地笑◆i laughed uneasily, trying to make light of the moment.我不自在地笑了笑,试图轻松对待这一刻。➤politely礼貌地笑➤good-naturedly和蔼地笑◆emilio tilted his head back and laughed good-naturedly.埃米利奥向后歪了歪头,和蔼地笑了。➤incredulously, in disbelief怀疑地笑➤triumphantly得意地笑▸➤bitterly, coldly, cynically, derisively, drily, evilly, grimly, harshly, hollowly, humourlessly/humorlessly, mirthlessly, mockingly, ruefully, sarcastically, scornfully, wickedly, wryly苦笑;冷笑;愤世嫉俗地笑;嘲弄地笑;冷淡地笑;邪恶地笑;严肃地笑;刺耳地笑;虚伪地笑;缺乏幽默地笑;愁苦地笑;嘲讽地笑;悔恨地笑;讥讽地笑;轻蔑地笑;恶毒地笑;挖苦地笑◆he realized how he had been fooled, and laughed bitterly.他明白了自己是怎么被愚弄的,苦笑起来。➤insanely, madly, maniacally, manically疯癫地笑;疯狂地笑;狂笑▸➤together一起笑◆they were talking and laughing together.他们在一起有说有笑。verb + laugh➤have to, want to不得不笑;想笑◆he looked so funny i just had to laugh.他的样子太滑稽了,我不由得笑了。➤begin to, start to开始笑▸➤try not to尽量不笑◆i was watching them and trying not to laugh.我注视着他们,尽量不笑出来。➤learn to学会笑◆don't take life too seriously. learn to laugh at yourself.对待生活不要太过严肃,要学会自嘲。➤make sb使某人笑◆he pulled a funny face to make us laugh.他做了个鬼脸逗我们笑。➤hear sb听见某人笑◆i heard him suddenly laugh aloud.我听见他突然大笑起来。preposition➤about为⋯而笑◆tomorrow you'll be able to laugh about this.明天你就会觉得这件事好笑了。➤at因⋯而笑◆the audience laughed at her jokes.观众被她的笑话逗乐了。➤in由于⋯发笑◆sam shook her head, laughing in amusement.萨姆摇了摇头,乐得笑了起来。➤over因⋯发笑◆we were laughing over some joke bentley had told.我们当时正因为本特利说的笑话在笑呢。➤with和⋯一起笑◆she spent time talking and laughing with the children.她花时间和孩子们在一起说说笑笑。◆trent almost laughed with relief.特伦特如释重负,几乎笑出声来。phrases➤burst out laughing, bust out laughing (name) 突然大笑➤can't help laughing, can't stop laughing情不自禁地笑;笑得停不下来◆she was fooling around and we couldn't stop laughing.她搞怪逗趣,引得我们笑个不停。➤fall about laughing (bre) 哄然大笑◆it was so funny we just fell about laughing.太有趣了,我们忍不住哄然大笑。➤find yourself laughing不知不觉地笑50/ame>150:pooler-->◆he laughed, and she found herself laughing with him.他笑了,她也不知不觉地一起笑了。➤start laughing笑起来◆vivian started laughing hysterically.维维安歇斯底里地笑了起来。➤stop laughing停止笑 laugh verblaugh ♦︎ giggle ♦︎ chuckle ♦︎ crack up ♦︎ snigger ♦︎ snicker ♦︎ roar ♦︎ be/have sb in stitches ♦︎ titterthese words all mean to make the sounds and movements of your face that show that you think sth is funny.这些词均表示出声地笑。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to laugh / giggle / chuckle / snigger / snicker / roar / titter at sth◆to laugh / giggle / chuckle / snigger / snicker / titter about / over sth◆to laugh / giggle / chuckle / snigger / snicker / roar with pleasure / amusement, etc.◆to make sb laugh / giggle / chuckle / crack up / snigger / snicker / roar / titter◆to giggle / chuckle to yourself◆to giggle / chuckle softly / quietly◆to giggle / titter nervously■ laugh [intransitive] to make the sounds and movements of your face that show you are happy or think sth is funny(因高兴或觉得滑稽而)笑,发笑◆it was so funny i laughed out loud.太滑稽了,我放声大笑。◆you never laugh at my jokes!你听了我的笑话从来都不笑!◆he burst out laughing (= suddenly started laughing).他突然大笑起来。▸ laugh noun [countable] ◆to give a short / harsh / bitter / nervous laugh发出短促/刺耳/苦涩/紧张的笑声◆his first joke got the biggest laugh of the night.他讲的第一个笑话博得了当晚最开怀的笑声。▸ laughter noun [uncountable] ◆he threw back his head and roared with laughter.他猛地仰起头放声大笑起来。■ giggle /gɪgl/ [intransitive] to laugh in a silly way because you are amused, embarrassed or nervous(因觉得有趣、窘迫或紧张而)咯咯地笑;傻笑◆the girls giggled at the joke.女孩子们被这笑话逗得咯咯直笑。◆she giggled with delight.她高兴得直傻笑。▸ giggle noun [countable] ◆she gave a nervous giggle.她紧张地傻笑起来。■ chuckle /tʃʌkl/ [intransitive] (especially written) to laugh quietly低声轻笑;轻声地笑◆george chuckled at the memory.乔治想起这件事就暗自发笑。▸ chuckle noun [countable] ◆she gave a chuckle of delight.她高兴得轻笑出来。■ crack up -->phrasal verb (informal) to start laughing a lot开始大笑起来◆he walked in and everyone just cracked up.他一走进来,所有人都捧腹大笑起来。■ snigger [intransitive] (especially bre, rather informal) to laugh in a quiet unpleasant way, especially at sth rude or at sb's problems or mistakes(尤指对粗鲁的事或某人出错而)窃笑,暗笑◆what are you sniggering at?你在偷偷笑什么呢?■ snicker [intransitive] (name, rather informal) to snigger窃笑;暗笑◆although his friends snickered, they were still impressed.虽然他的朋友们暗自发笑,可他们还是被打动了。■ roar /rɔː(r)/ [intransitive] (rather informal) to laugh very loudly哈哈大笑;放声大笑◆it made them roar with laughter.这使他们放声大笑起来。◆he looked so funny, we all roared.他看上去那么滑稽,我们都哈哈大笑起来。ⓘ roar is often used to talk about groups of people laughing together. it is more informal on its own than when it is used in the phrase roar with laughter. * roar 常指众人一起哈哈大笑,单独使用这个词不如短语 roar with laughter 正式。▸ roar noun [countable] ◆the crowd burst into roars of laughter.人群里突然爆发出一阵大笑。■ be sb in stitches-->■ have sb in stitches -->idiom (rather informal) to laugh a lot; to make sb laugh a lot大笑不止;(使人)笑破肚皮◆we were all in stitches from the beginning to the end of the play.我们看那出戏时从头到尾笑个不停。◆the play had us in stitches.那出戏让我们笑得前仰后合。■ titter [intransitive] to laugh quietly, especially because you are embarrassed or nervous(尤指因尴尬或紧张而)傻笑,窃笑,嗤嗤地笑◆there was an embarrassing pause on stage and the audience began to titter.舞台上出现了令人尴尬的冷场,于是观众开始窃笑起来。laugh [intransitive] to make the sounds and movements of your face that show you are happy or think sth is funny(因高兴或觉得滑稽而)笑,发笑◆it was so funny i laughed out loud.太滑稽了,我放声大笑。◆you never laugh at my jokes!你听了我的笑话从来都不笑!◆he burst out laughing (= suddenly started laughing).他突然大笑起来。▸ laugh noun [countable] ◆to give a short / harsh / bitter / nervous laugh发出短促/刺耳/苦涩/紧张的笑声◆his first joke got the biggest laugh of the night.他讲的第一个笑话博得了当晚最开怀的笑声。▸ laughter noun [uncountable] ◆he threw back his head and roared with laughter.他猛地仰起头放声大笑起来。laughnoun [countable] ◆to give a short / harsh / bitter / nervous laugh发出短促/刺耳/苦涩/紧张的笑声◆his first joke got the biggest laugh of the night.他讲的第一个笑话博得了当晚最开怀的笑声。laughnoun [countable] ◆to give a short / harsh / bitter / nervous laugh发出短促/刺耳/苦涩/紧张的笑声◆his first joke got the biggest laugh of the night.他讲的第一个笑话博得了当晚最开怀的笑声。laugh¹/lɑ:f; us læf ||; læf/verb [i] to make the sounds that show you are happy or amused 笑;发笑: ◇his jokes always make me laugh. 他说的笑话总是令我发笑。◇to laugh out loud 放声大笑 die laughing→die laugh at sb/sth 1. to show, by laughing, that you think sb/sth is funny 觉得某人或某事物滑稽而笑起来: ◇the children laughed at the clown. 孩子们被小丑逗得咯咯笑。 2. to show that you think sb is ridiculous 嘲笑: ◇don't laugh at him. he can't help the way he speaks. 别笑他,他实在改不掉他的说话方式。 laugh²/lɑ:f ||; læf/noun[c] 1. the sound or act of laughing 笑声;笑: ◇her jokes got a lot of laughs. 她的笑话博得不少笑声。◇we all had a good laugh at what he'd written. 他写的东西叫我们笑得很开心。 2. (informal 非正式) a person or thing that is amusing 引人发笑的人或事物 for a laugh as a joke 当作玩笑 have the last laugh→last¹laugh1 to laugh because something is funny2 to laugh in a cruel or nasty way3 to laugh loudly4 to laugh a lot or for a long time5 to make someone laugh6 to stop yourself laughingrelated wordssee alsofunny,joke,smile,happy,enjoy,1. to laugh because something is funny 因为某事物有趣而发笑 laugh /lɑːfǁlæf/ [intransitive verb] to laugh because something is funny or because you are enjoying yourself 笑,发笑 i laughed all the way through the film. 我看这部电影时一直在笑。 i thought dad would be angry, but he just laughed. 我以为爸爸会生气,但是他却笑了。laugh about i couldn't understand what they were all laughing about. 我不明白他们都在笑什么。laugh at no-one laughed at his jokes. 他的笑话没有一个人笑。burst out laughing suddenly laugh loudly 突然放声大笑 we just looked at each other and burst out laughing. 我们就互相看着,一下子笑了出来。 laugh [countable noun] give a laugh she gave a little nervous laugh and glanced towards robyn. 她紧张地小声笑了一下,然后看看罗宾。 laughter /ˈlɑːftəʳǁˈlæf-/ [uncountable noun] the sound you make when you laugh 笑声;笑 we could hear laughter coming from the next room. 我们听到隔壁房间里传来笑声。roar with laughter laugh very loudly 发出哄笑声 the show was a great success, and had the audience roaring with laughter. 演出非常成功,观众哄堂大笑。burst/gurgle/snort etc of laughter there was a burst of laughter when he appeared. 他出现的时候下面一阵大笑。 thelma gave a gurgle of laughter. 特尔玛发出一阵咯咯的笑声。 have a laugh /ˌhæv ə ˈlɑːfǁ-ˈlæf/ [verb phrase] especially british if people have a laugh about something, they all laugh about it together 【尤英】[因某事]大笑一场 have a laugh about/at when i realised my mistake, we had a laugh about it. 我意识到自己的错误后,我们大笑了一场。have a good laugh it was a bit scary at the time, but afterwards we all had a good laugh. 当时有点害怕,但过后我们都大笑了一场。 chuckle /ˈtʃʌkəl/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to laugh quietly, especially because you are thinking about something funny 暗笑,吃吃地轻笑[尤因想起滑稽之事] ‘do you remember when michelle fell in the river?’ morgan chuckled. “你还记得米歇尔掉进河里吗?”摩根吃吃地笑道。chuckle at/about ‘we used to get up to all kinds of mischief.’ she chuckled at the memory. “我们以前什么恶作剧都搞。”她回忆起来吃吃地笑着。chuckle to yourself simon sat reading a magazine, chuckling to himself. 西蒙坐在那里看着一本杂志,暗自发笑。 chuckle [countable noun] give a chuckle he gave a low, knowing chuckle. 他会意地轻声笑了一下。 giggle /ˈgɪgəl/ [intransitive verb] to laugh quietly and repeatedly like a child because of something funny or because you are nervous or embarrassed 傻笑;咯咯地笑[因某事有趣或因为紧张或尴尬] she giggled nervously and went bright pink. 她紧张地傻笑着,脸涨得通红。giggle at/over linda and christina were giggling at some private joke. 琳达和克里丝蒂娜讲着什么私密的笑话,在咯咯地发笑。 giggle [countable noun] there were a few smothered giggles from the girls sitting by the pool. 女孩子们坐在池边闷笑。fit of giggles she collapsed in a fit of giggles. 她笑得不成样子。 titter /ˈtɪtəʳ/ [intransitive verb] to laugh quietly in a high voice, because you are nervous, embarrassed, or slightly amused 窃笑,嗤嗤地笑[因为紧张、尴尬或觉得好玩] as the teacher read the poem someone tittered. 老师念诗时,有人在窃笑。 titter [countable noun] ‘that could be dangerous!’ said someone, and a titter ran round the room. “那可是会有危险的啊!”有人说道,房间里响起一阵嗤嗤的笑声。2. to laugh in a cruel or nasty way 不友好地笑 laugh at /ˈlɑːf ætǁˈlæf-/ [transitive phrasal verb] to laugh or make unkind jokes about someone, because you think they are stupid or silly 嘲笑,取笑 the other children laughed at lisa because her clothes were old-fashioned. 其他孩子嘲笑莉萨的衣服太过时了。 at first i was terrified of being laughed at. 起初我很害怕被取笑。 snigger british /snicker american /ˈsnɪgəʳ, ˈsnɪkəʳ/ [intransitive verb] to laugh quietly at something that is not supposed to be funny, for example when someone is hurt or embarrassed 窃笑,暗笑[指对不该笑的事,如某人受伤害或尴尬] ruth tripped and fell as she walked up the steps. the boys behind her sniggered. 露丝上台阶时绊倒,后面的男孩都嗤嗤地笑起来。 as he walked across the stage, billy could hear people snickering and whispering. 比利走上舞台时,听见有人在暗笑,窃窃私语着。 make fun of /meɪk ˈfʌn ɒv/ [verb phrase] to make someone or something seem stupid by laughing at them, or by saying things that make other people laugh at them 嘲弄,取笑 stop making fun of me! 别取笑我! the other girls used to make fun of the way she spoke. 以前别的女孩子经常取笑她说话的方式。 jeer /dʒɪəʳ/ [intransitive/transitive verb] if a group of people jeer at someone in a public place, they laugh unkindly at that person and shout rude things at them 嘲笑;嘲弄 the boys jeered as she ran away. 她跑开时男孩子都取笑她。 he was booed and jeered by the spectators when he argued with the umpire. 他和裁判争吵的时候,观众喝倒彩讥笑他。jeer at after the match the crowd were all jeering at him. 比赛结束以后,观众都取笑他。3. to laugh loudly 大声地笑 roar/howl/shriek etc with laughter /ˌrɔːʳ wɪð ˈlɑːftəʳǁ-ˈlæf-/ [verb phrase] to laugh very loudly because you think something is very funny 放声大笑/狂笑/尖声大笑等 patsy chased him down the stairs, shrieking with laughter. 帕齐尖声笑着,追着他奔下楼梯。roar/howl/shriek etc with laughter at dad was roaring with laughter at something on tv and didn't hear me come in. 爸爸不知看到电视里什么东西放声大笑,没有听见我进来。 they howled with laughter at their own jokes. 他们说着自己的笑话,纵声大笑。 laugh out loud /ˌlɑːf aʊt ˈlaʊdǁˌlæf-/ [verb phrase] to suddenly laugh loudly because you think a situation, someone's words, something you are reading etc is very funny 突然大笑起来 john threw back his head and laughed out loud. 约翰突然仰头大笑起来。 wodehouse is one of the few writers who can make me laugh out loud. 沃德豪斯是少数几位能令我捧腹大笑的作家之一。 cackle /ˈkækəl/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to laugh loudly and unpleasantly in a high voice, like someone who is mad [高声且令人不快地]狂笑,尖声大笑 when i said this, he started cackling like a madman. 我说这话时,他像个疯子似地狂笑起来。 ‘oh we've got him now!’ i cackled, dancing round the room. “噢,我们逮到他喽!”我大笑着在房间里舞动起来。 cackle [countable noun] there was a cackle from the old lady. ‘i know what you're after.’ 老太太一声大笑,“我知道你想要什么。” roar/howl/peal etc of laughter /ˌrɔːr əv ˈlɑːftəʳǁ-ˈlæf-/ [noun phrase] a very loud laugh 哄笑/狂笑/哈哈大笑等 with a roar of laughter, he lifted her off her feet and swung her round. 他一声大笑,把她抱起来旋转。 everyone burst into peals of laughter. 大家都放声大笑起来。4. to laugh a lot or for a long time 笑得很多或很长时间 can't stop laughing /ˌkɑːnt stɒp ˈlɑːfɪŋǁˌkænt stɑːp ˈlæfɪŋ/ [verb phrase] to be unable to stop yourself from laughing 忍不住笑起来,忍俊不禁 jonathan kept making funny faces at me and i just couldn't stop laughing. 乔纳森一直在朝我做鬼脸,我忍不住笑起来。 it's so embarrassing when everyone else is being serious and you can't stop laughing. 大家都一本正经的,而你却忍不住笑起来,这多令人尴尬呀。 laugh helplessly/uncontrollably/hysterically /ˌlɑːf ˈhelpləsli, ʌnkənˈtrəʊləbli, hɪˈsterɪkliǁˌlæf-/ [verb phrase] to laugh so much that you cannot control yourself and could not stop laughing if you wanted to 大笑不止/控制不住地笑/歇斯底里地大笑 they both leant against the wall, laughing helplessly. 他们俩靠在墙上,笑得没力气了。 she was laughing hysterically at the thought of mr taylor stepping out of his caravan with no clothes on. 一想到泰勒先生一丝不挂地从他的旅行拖车里出来,她就笑得难以自制。 have/get the giggles also have/get a fit of the giggles /ˌhæv, ˌget ðə ˈgɪgəlz, hæv, get ə ˌfɪt əv ðə ˈgɪgəlz/ [verb phrase not in progressive] british informal to be unable to stop yourself laughing, especially in a situation when you should not laugh 【英,非正式】忍不住发笑,咯咯地笑个不停[尤指在不该发笑的情况下] it's very difficult to be angry with somebody when you've got the giggles. 忍不住想笑时,就很难对人板起脸来生气。 i got a dreadful fit of the giggles - i couldn't help myself! 我太想笑了—实在没办法忍住! laugh your head off /ˌlɑːf jɔːʳ ˈhed ɒfǁˌlæf-/ [verb phrase] informal to laugh a lot and very loudly because of what someone says or does 【非正式】笑弯了腰 when i told him what had happened, he laughed his head off. 我把所发生的事告诉他,他笑弯了腰。 i can't believe we were so stupid. our competitors must be laughing their heads off. 我不敢相信我们会这么愚蠢,我们的对手肯定笑坏了。 have hysterics /ˌhæv hɪˈsterɪks/ [verb phrase] to laugh a lot continuously and uncontrollably because someone says or does something extremely funny or stupid 歇斯底里地大笑,笑得不能自制 everybody who heard this had hysterics. 听了这事的人都笑得难以自制。 fall about /ˌfɔːl əˈbaʊt/ [intransitive phrasal verb] british to laugh a lot in a very happy and cheerful way, especially because something has happened that you did not expect 【英】笑得前仰后合[尤因发生出乎意料的事] when we heard the news, we just fell about! 我们听到这个消息,笑得都不成样子了!fall about laughing when they saw what their father had done, they both fell about laughing. 他们俩看见父亲干的事,都笑得前仰后合。 i nearly/almost died /aɪ ˌnɪəʳli, ˌɔːlməʊst ˈdaɪd/ informal if you say i nearly or almost died, you mean that something made you laugh so much that you almost couldn't stop laughing 【非正式】我快要笑死了 did you see the look on his face? i nearly died. 你看见他脸上的表情了吗?我简直要笑死了。nearly/almost die laughing he said this very solemnly, and they nearly died laughing. 他说此话时非常严肃,他们笑得半死。 gales/fits of laughter /ˌgeɪlz, ˌfɪts əv ˈlɑːftəʳǁ-ˈlæf-/ [noun phrase] written a lot of laughter 【书面】阵阵笑声 jack put the phone down, and the children collapsed in gales of laughter. 杰克挂上电话,孩子们都笑坏了。 there was a brief stunned silence, and then the entire family went into fits of laughter. 有短短的一段时间大家都惊愕得张口结舌,过了一会,全家人都纵声大笑起来。5. to make someone laugh 使某人发笑 make somebody laugh /ˌmeɪk somebody ˈlɑːfǁ-ˈlæf/ [verb phrase] rachel used to make us all laugh by imitating the teacher. 雷切尔以前经常模仿老师,逗我们大家发笑。 thanks for your letter. it really made me laugh. 谢谢你的来信,实在引得我哈哈大笑。 crack somebody up /ˌkræk somebody ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] informal to be very funny and to make people laugh a lot 【非正式】使某人捧腹 mr bean really cracks me up. he's so funny. 憨豆先生真把我笑坏了,他太滑稽了。 raise a laugh /ˌreɪz ə ˈlɑːfǁ-ˈlæf/ [verb phrase] to succeed in making people laugh, especially when they do not really feel like laughing 引起笑声[尤指对方其实不想笑] none of my carefully-prepared jokes managed to raise a laugh. 我精心准备的笑话没有一个能引大家发笑。 have somebody in hysterics/stitches also have somebody in fits british /ˌhæv somebody ɪn hɪˈsterɪks, ˈstɪtʃə̇z, ˌhæv somebody ɪn ˈfɪts/ [verb phrase] to make someone laugh uncontrollably 让某人笑个不停 roger had us in hysterics with his account of his disastrous trip to italy. 罗杰讲起他那次倒霉的意大利之行,把我们笑得都控制不住了。 the cast included paul shane, whose quick wit had the audience in stitches. 演员阵容中包括保罗·沙恩,他的机智幽默引得观众捧腹不止。 amuse /əˈmjuːz/ [transitive verb] if something amuses someone, it makes them laugh or smile because it is fairly funny 逗乐,逗笑,使发笑 something in the report had obviously amused him. 显然报告中有些内容让他觉得很好笑。it amuses somebody to see/think something it amuses me to see politicians so eager to please at election time. 看到政客们竞选时急于取悦选民的样子,我真是觉得好笑。6. to stop yourself laughing 忍住不笑 keep a straight face /kiːp ə ˌstreɪt ˈfeɪs/ [verb phrase] if you try to keep a straight face, you try not to laugh or smile, because it would be rude to laugh, or you do not want someone to know you are joking 板着脸;忍住笑 when reading some of the competition entries, it was hard to keep a straight face. 看着有些参赛作品,让人忍俊不禁。 ‘i think i've lost that camera you lent me,’ i said, trying to keep a straight face. “我把你借给我的相机弄丢了。”我装出一本正经的样子说道。with a straight face with a completely straight face, thomas announced he was joining the girl guides. 托马斯板着脸,一本正经地宣布说他打算参加“女童子军”。☞ laugh¹☞ laugh²




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