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单词 strategy
释义 strategy nounadjective | verb + strategy | strategy + verb | strategy + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤effective, good, sound, successful, winning有效的策略;好策略;成功的策略▸➤bad, poor不妥当的/糟糕的策略➤alternative, different其他的/不同的策略▸➤clear, coherent, simple清楚的/一贯的/简单的策略▸➤viable切实可行的策略▸➤future未来的策略▸➤long-term, medium-term, short-term长期/中期/短期策略▸➤basic, broad, general, overall基本策略;概括性策略;总体策略◆their overall strategy is good, but one or two of the details could be improved.他们的总体策略还不错,只是有一两处细节还需改进。➤key关键策略◆a key strategy to increase sales提高销售量的关键策略➤comprehensive全面的策略▸➤global, international, national全球性/国际性/全国性策略◆a global marketing strategy全球营销策略➤grand宏大的战略▸➤draft (especially bre) 草拟的策略◆the committee drew up a draft strategy for dealing with future floods.委员会草拟了一份应对未来洪灾的策略。➤dual, two-pronged双管齐下的/两手抓的策略◆the government has employed a dual strategy to achieve these two objectives.为了完成这两个目标,政府采取了双管齐下的策略。➤innovative, radical创新的/激进的策略▸➤high-risk, risky高风险的/冒险的策略➤aggressive积极的策略◆the company adopted aggressive marketing strategies to sell its products.这家公司采用了积极的营销策略销售其产品。➤defensive, offensive, proactive防卫性/进攻性/先发制人的策略▸➤prevention, preventive预防策略➤deliberate有预谋的策略◆her rudeness was a deliberate strategy to provoke him.她的无礼是有预谋的,故意要激怒他。➤economics-based, market-oriented, etc.以经济为基础、以市场为导向等的策略◆a customer-oriented business strategy以顾客为导向的经营策略➤anti-inflationary, anti-racist, etc.反通胀、反种族主义等的策略➤coping应对策略◆we all have different coping strategies for times of stress.我们都有不同的应对紧急状况的策略。➤survival生存策略➤exit退出策略◆no one has yet come up with an exit strategy for the troops.还没有人提出能使部队退出的策略。➤defence/defense, military防御性战略部署;军事战略▸➤campaign, election, electoral, government, political竞选策略;选举战略;政府对策;政治策略▸➤instructional, pedagogic, teaching指导性策略;教学策略▸➤learning学习策略▸➤business, commercial, company, corporate, financial, investment, management, marketing, pricing, product, promotional, recruitment, research, sales经营/商业/公司/企业/财务/投资/管理/营销/定价/产品/促销/招募/研究/销售策略◆resource management strategies资源管理策略➤economic, energy, environmental, industrial, legislative, etc.经济、能源、环境、工业、立法等战略verb + strategy➤have有策略▸➤design, develop, devise, draw up, formulate, map out, plan, plot, work out设计策略;制订战略;草拟计划◆a coherent strategy for getting more people back to work needs to be developed.需要制订一项连贯的策略,以使更多的人重新就业。◆the charity is drawing up a strategy to meet the needs of the homeless.慈善机构正在拟订一项计划,以满足无家可归者的需要。◆the committee is meeting today in washington to plot strategy. (name) 委员会今天将在华盛顿召开会议制订对策。➤explore探讨对策◆it is certainly a strategy worth exploring.这一策略确实值得探讨。➤choose, decide, decide on选择策略;确定战略▸➤adopt, employ, execute, follow, implement, pursue, use, utilize (especially name) 采取/采用/实行/遵循/实施/奉行/运用/使用策略◆they're pursuing a strategy of massive retaliation.他们奉行大规模报复战略。➤describe, outline, set out, unveil描述/概述/阐明/披露策略◆the document sets out the government's new strategy.文件阐述了政府的新策略。➤propose, suggest提议/提出策略➤discuss讨论策略▸➤change, rethink, revise改变/反思/修改策略▸➤focus把战略集中在◆the company will now focus its strategy on its core business areas.公司即将把战略重心放到核心业务领域。➤abandon放弃战略strategy + verb➤be based on sth战略以⋯为基础▸➤be aimed at sth, be designed to do sth战略以⋯为目标/旨在⋯◆a strategy aimed at reducing the risk of accidents旨在降低事故风险的策略➤consist of sth, involve sth战略包括⋯/涉及⋯➤depend on sth, hinge on sth, rely on sth战略依赖于⋯/取决于⋯/以⋯为前提◆this strategy relies on property prices continuing to rise.该战略的前提是资产价格持续上涨。➤succeed, work战略成功/奏效◆the company's financial strategy is not working.公司的财务策略没有奏效。➤backfire, fail策略意外失败/失效strategy + noun➤development, formulation战略制订/构想➤meeting, session (especially name) 战略会议/会晤▸➤review战略回顾▸➤document, paper战略档案/文件➤game战略对局◆a strategy game set during the civil war内战期间的战略对局preposition➤in a/the strategy在战略中◆the key idea in their strategy他们战略中的关键思想➤strategy for为⋯的战略◆to develop an effective strategy for change为追求变革制订一种有效的策略➤strategy on关于⋯的策略◆the party's strategy on poverty该党针对贫困的策略➤strategy towards/toward针对⋯的策略◆a comprehensive strategy towards / toward regional development针对区域性开发的综合战略phrases➤a change in strategy战略的改变◆the coming year may herald a change in strategy for major publishers.对大出版商来说,即将到来的一年可能意味着战略的改变。➤the adoption of a strategy, the development of a strategy, the formulation of a strategy战略的采用/制订/构想◆the money is earmarked for the development of new product and sales strategies.这笔拨款将用于新产品的开发和销售战略的制订。➤the implementation of a strategy, the pursuit of a strategy战略的实施/奉行◆their single-minded pursuit of this controversial strategy led to their fall from power.一意孤行地奉行这项有争议的策略导致了他们的倒台。➤part of a strategy策略的一部份◆he pretended that resigning was part of his long-term career strategy.他假装辞职是他长远事业规划的一部份。strategy /strætədʒi/ noun [countable, uncountable] (plural strategies) a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose; the process of planning sth 策略◆we need to develop a global marketing strategy. 我们必须制订一项全球营销策略。◆basic pricing strategies 基本定价策略◆he outlined his strategy for taking the business forward. 他简要介绍了推动业务向前发展的策略。◆a change/shift in strategy 策略变化/转变⨁ to build / develop / devise / formulate / plan a strategy构建/制订/策划/制订/设计策略 ⨁ to follow / implement / pursue a strategy遵循/执行/贯彻策略 ⨁ a clear / coherent / good / successful / viable / winning strategy清晰的/连贯的/有益的/成功的/可行的/致胜的策略 ⨁ a basic / broad / core / general / an overall strategy基本的/广泛的/核心的/一般的/总体的策略 ⨁ a long-term / medium-term / short-term strategy长期/中期/短期策略 ⨁ a strategy consultant / director / group / team / unit策略顾问/主任/集团/团队/单位 business strategy ◇ competitive strategy ◇ competitor strategy ◇ corporate strategy ◇ extension strategy ◇ operating strategy ◇ porter's generic strategies ◇ pull strategy ◇ push strategy ☞ strategystrategy /strætədʒi/ [countable, uncountable] a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose, especially over a long period of time; the process of planning sth or carrying out a plan in a skilful way策略;计策;策划◆what strategies will you use to achieve this goal?你们将采取什么策略实现这一目标呢?◆agreeing to meet the rebels is obviously a high-risk strategy.同意和叛乱分子会面这一对策无疑风险很高。◆poor marketing strategy was blamed for the failure of the service to catch on.营销策略不当被认为是该业务没能打开局面的原因。 ➡ see also tactic → tactic strategy/ˈstrætədʒi ||; ˈstrætədʒɪ/noun (plural strategies) 1. [c] a plan that you use in order to achieve sth 对策;计划: ◇what's your strategy for this exam? 这次考试你有什么对策? 2. [u] the action of planning how to do or achieve sth 策略;战略: ◇military strategy 军事策略 strategysee ⇨ plan 1 ⇨ way 1 strat·e·gy /`strætədʒɪ; ˈstrætɪdʒi/n 1. [c] a set of plans used to achieve something or to help you be successful [为实现目标而制定的]策略,计谋:◇the president's long-term economic strategy 总统的长远经济策略 2. [u] the skill of making plans so that you are successful, especially in a war [尤指战争中的]战略; 战略学:◇an expert in military strategy 军事战略专家




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