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单词 rubbish
释义 rubbish noun¹ 1  ➡ see also garbage , trash (especially bre) waste material废弃物adjective | ... of rubbish | verb + rubbish | rubbish + verb | rubbish + noun adjective➤domestic, household家庭垃圾▸➤garden花园垃圾... of rubbish➤bag, pile一袋/一堆垃圾▸➤tons大量的垃圾verb + rubbish➤put out把垃圾拿出去◆i forgot to put the rubbish out last night.昨晚我忘记把垃圾拿出去了。➤collect, remove, take away收垃圾;拿走垃圾◆the rubbish is collected on tuesdays.每周二收垃圾。➤clear, clear out, dispose of, dump, throw, throw away, throw out清除垃圾;处理垃圾;倒垃圾;把垃圾扔掉◆he's clearing rubbish out of the attic.他正在清除阁楼上的垃圾。◆someone had dumped their rubbish by the road.有人把垃圾倒在了马路边上。◆throw the rubbish in the bin.把垃圾扔到垃圾箱里。➤leave丢垃圾◆don't leave your rubbish on the bus.别把垃圾丢在公共汽车上。➤strew, strew around (both usually passive通常均用被动式) 乱扔垃圾;把垃圾扔得到处都是◆there was rubbish strewn around everywhere.到处都是乱扔的垃圾。➤pick up捡垃圾rubbish + verb➤decay, rot垃圾腐烂rubbish + noun➤bag, bin, skip垃圾袋;垃圾箱;垃圾桶▸➤dump, heap, tip垃圾堆;垃圾场▸➤collection, disposal垃圾收集/处理▸➤chute垃圾滑道rubbish noun² 2  ➡ see also garbage , trash (bre) sth that you think is bad/silly/wrong劣质的东西;愚蠢的东西adjective | verb + rubbish | preposition | phrases adjective➤absolute, complete, total, utter十分糟糕的东西;非常差劲的东西◆the film was absolute rubbish.这部电影完全是垃圾。➤worthless无价值的废物◆many critics see the paintings as worthless rubbish.许多批评家认为这些绘画一文不值。➤old陈旧的废物◆the antique shop was just full of old rubbish.这个古玩店里全是些陈旧的废物。verb + rubbish➤talk胡说八道◆don't talk such rubbish!不要胡说八道!preposition➤rubbish about有关⋯的废话◆the usual rubbish about his undiscovered talents关于他未被发现的天赋的老一套废话phrases➤a load of rubbish无稽之谈◆what he said was just a load of old rubbish.他所说的不过是些老掉牙的无稽之谈。➤what rubbish!胡说八道! rubbish nounrubbish ♦︎ (taboo) crap ♦︎ trash ♦︎ garbagethese are all words for sth that you think is of poor quality.这些词均表示劣质的东西。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆absolute / complete / total rubbish / crap / trash / garbage◆to read / watch / listen to rubbish / trash / garbage◆to eat rubbish / crap◆a load of rubbish / crap / trash■ rubbish [uncountable] (bre, informal, especially spoken, disapproving) something that sb has created such as a book, film or music, that you think is of poor quality; poor quality food劣质的东西(如书、电影或音乐);劣质食品◆i was told their new album's complete rubbish.我听说他们的新专辑差劲透了。◆why are you eating such rubbish?你为什么吃这些垃圾食品?ⓘ rubbish can also be used before a noun like an adjective, when it can also be used to describe sb who does sth badly, especially their job. * rubbish 亦可像形容词一样用在名词前,也可以形容某人,表示其工作做得很差◆do we have to listen to this rubbish music?我们一定要听这种垃圾音乐吗?◆we had some rubbish teachers at school.我们学校有一些很差劲的教师。■ crap [uncountable] (taboo, slang, spoken, disapproving) rubbish劣质的东西ⓘ crap should only be used in informal situations among people of the same age and status. if spoken to sb who is older or considers themselves more important than you, it could cause great offence. * crap 仅限于在非正式场合与年龄、地位相仿的人交谈时使用。如果在与年长者或自认为地位更高的人说话时使用该词,可能会造成很大的冒犯◆we eat a lot of crap and then wonder why we put on weight.我们吃很多垃圾食品,然后奇怪自己为什么发胖。◆'what did you think of their performance this afternoon?' 'crap.'“你认为今天下午他们表现如何?”“太差劲了。”ⓘ like rubbish, in british english crap can also be used before a noun like an adjective.像 rubbish 一样,在英式英语中,crap 亦可像形容词一样用在名词前◆if i get any more of this crap work from you, you're fired.要是你的活再干得这么烂,你就卷铺盖走人。◆you're a crap singer.你唱歌差劲透了。in american english the adjective is crappy.在美式英语中,其形容词形式是 crappy。  ➡ see also crap → poor adj. 2 ■ trash [uncountable] (informal, disapproving) an object, book, film or music, that you think is of poor quality劣质品;拙劣的作品;糟粕◆you can buy lots of tacky trash in the souvenir shops, if that's what you want.你在纪念品商店能买到很多俗气的劣质玩意儿,如果你想买的就是这些东西的话。◆what's this trash you're watching?你看的这个乌七八糟的节目是什么?ⓘ in british english trash can also be used before a noun like an adjective, but it only describes things, not people.在英式英语中,trash 亦可像形容词一样用在名词前,但只修饰事物,不修饰人◆they listen to pop music and watch trash tv all day.他们整天听流行音乐,看乌七八糟的电视节目。◆he's a trash teacher. ■ garbage [uncountable] (name, informal, disapproving) trash劣质品;拙劣的作品;糟粕◆she just watches garbage on tv all day.她整天看电视里的垃圾节目。rubbish [uncountable] (bre, informal, especially spoken, disapproving) comments or ideas that you think are stupid or obviously not true胡说;瞎说;废话◆rubbish! you're not fat!瞎说!你并不胖!◆then we were told a lot of rubbish about 'leadership' and 'bonding'.接着有人对我们讲了一大堆有关“领导才能”和“情谊”的废话。ⓘ rubbish is more informal than nonsense and can show a greater lack of respect. it is only used in british english. * rubbish 较 nonsense 非正式,可表示更大程度的不敬,只用于英式英语。rubbish [uncountable] (bre, informal, especially spoken, disapproving) something that sb has created such as a book, film or music, that you think is of poor quality; poor quality food劣质的东西(如书、电影或音乐);劣质食品◆i was told their new album's complete rubbish.我听说他们的新专辑差劲透了。◆why are you eating such rubbish?你为什么吃这些垃圾食品?ⓘ rubbish can also be used before a noun like an adjective, when it can also be used to describe sb who does sth badly, especially their job. * rubbish 亦可像形容词一样用在名词前,也可以形容某人,表示其工作做得很差◆do we have to listen to this rubbish music?我们一定要听这种垃圾音乐吗?◆we had some rubbish teachers at school.我们学校有一些很差劲的教师。rubbish [uncountable] (especially bre) waste, especially paper, cardboard and other dry material that is thrown away by individual people and households(尤指纸张、纸板等干的)垃圾,废弃物,生活垃圾◆the streets were littered with rubbish.街上到处是垃圾。◆over a third of british household rubbish is packaging.英国人的生活垃圾超过三分之一来自于包装。 ➡ see also junk → thing 3 rubbish/ˈrʌbɪʃ ||; ˈrʌbɪʃ/(us 美 garbagetrash) noun [u] 1. things that you do not want any more; waste material 垃圾;废物: ◇the dustmen collect the rubbish every monday. 清洁工每逢周一清倒垃圾。◇a rubbish bin 垃圾桶◇it's only rubbish -- throw it away. 这只是没用的垃圾,扔掉吧。 ☞look at waste. 参看waste。 ☞picture at bin 见bin插图 2. something that you think is bad, silly or wrong 糟糕、可笑或荒谬的事物: ◇i thought that film was absolute rubbish. 我认为那部影片真无聊。◇don't talk such rubbish. 别瞎说。 ☞ rubbish/garbage rub·bish /`rʌbɪʃ; ˈrʌbɪʃ/n [u]especially bre 【尤英】 1. food, paper etc that you no longer need and that is thrown away 垃圾,废物; garbage ame 【美】:◇put the rubbish in the bin. 把垃圾放进废物箱里。 2. informal something you think is silly, wrong, or bad 【非正式】 胡说八道; 废话; 无意义的东西:◇a load of rubbish that programme was a load of rubbish. 那个节目废话连篇。 ☞ rubbish




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