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单词 mother
释义 mother nounadjective | verb + mother adjective➤lone, single, unmarried, unwed单身母亲;未婚妈妈◆she felt proud that she had raised four children as a lone mother.她独自养育了 4 个孩子,为此她感到骄傲。➤married已婚母亲➤widowed寡母➤divorced离婚母亲➤lesbian同性恋母亲➤biological, birth, natural, real生身母亲;生母➤surrogate代孕母亲➤adoptive, custodial, foster养母;享有监护权的母亲▸➤adolescent, teen, teenage, young未成年母亲;十几岁的妈妈;年轻妈妈➤ageing/aging, elderly, old年迈的母亲➤ailing, sick疾病缠身的/生病的母亲◆he has cared for his sick mother for years.他照顾生病的母亲已经好几年了。➤dead, deceased, late去世的妈妈;已故的母亲➤dying临终的母亲➤caring, devoted, excellent, good, loving, wonderful关怀体贴的妈妈;尽心尽责的母亲;好母亲;慈母;了不起的母亲➤proud自豪的母亲◆the proud mother of the bride新娘自豪的母亲➤doting, overprotective溺爱孩子的母亲;过度保护的母亲➤stern严厉的母亲➤domineering, overbearing专横的/霸道的母亲➤abusive暴虐的母亲➤bad, unfit不合格的母亲◆the court decided she was an unfit mother.法庭判定她作为母亲没有尽责。➤anxious, distraught, frantic, worried焦急的/忧心如焚的/急得发狂的/忧心忡忡的母亲◆her distraught mother had spent all night waiting by the phone.她母亲忧心如焚,在电话旁守了一个晚上。➤grieving悲伤的母亲➤expectant, pregnant待产妇;准妈妈➤first-time初为人母的妈妈➤new新手妈妈➤full-time, stay-at-home全职妈妈;居家妈妈➤working职业母亲➤welfare (name) 接受福利救济的母亲➤low-income低收入母亲➤breastfeeding, nursing哺乳的母亲;奶妈➤beloved, dear亲爱的母亲◆his beloved mother他挚爱的母亲verb + mother➤resemble, take after像母亲◆the boys were like their father, but louise took after her mother.男孩们长得像父亲,但路易丝像她的母亲。➤inherit sth from从母亲那里继承⋯◆she inherited the urge to travel from her mother.她继承了母亲爱四处游历的天性。 mother, father nounmother ♦︎ father ♦︎ parent ♦︎ mum/mom ♦︎ dad ♦︎ daddy ♦︎ mummy/mommy ♦︎ guardian ♦︎ stepfather/stepmother ♦︎ folksthese are all words for a man or woman who has a child or children.这些词均表示父亲或母亲。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a good / bad mother / father / parent / mum / mom / dad◆a caring / loving / doting / devoted / proud mother / father / parent / mum / mom / dad◆a stern / strict mother / father / parent / guardian / stepfather / stepmother◆a / sb's new mother / father / parent / mum / mom / dad / stepfather / stepmother◆a single mother / father / parent / mum / mom◆(an) unmarried mother / father / parents / mum◆a widowed mother / father / parent◆sb's birth / real / biological / natural mother / father / parents◆a foster mother / father / parent / mum◆sb's adoptive mother / father / parents◆a surrogate mother / father / parent / mum / mom / dad◆(a) working mother / parents / mum / mom◆to take after / inherit sth from your mother / father / parents / mum / mom / dad / daddy / mummy / mommy◆to become a / sb's mother / father / parent / mum / mom / dad / guardian / stepfather / stepmother■ mother [countable] a woman who has a son or daughter, or a female animal who has produced young; a person who is acting as a mother to a child母亲;妈妈◆the relationship between mother and baby母婴关系◆she's the mother of twins.她有一对双胞胎。◆she was a wonderful mother to both her natural and adopted children.她对亲生的和领养的孩子都很好。◆an expectant (= pregnant) mother孕妇◆the mother chimpanzee caring for her young照料幼崽的母猩猩▸ motherly adjective◆motherly love / advice / instincts慈母般的爱/忠告;母亲的本能■ father a man who has a son or daughter, or a male animal who has young; a person who is acting as the father to a child父亲;爸爸◆ben's a wonderful father.本是个极好的父亲。◆you've been like a father to me.你对我一直像父亲一样。◆our new boss is a father of three (= he has three children).我们的新老板是三个孩子的父亲。▸ fatherly adjective◆fatherly advice慈父般的忠告■ parent [countable, usually plural] a person's father or mother父亲(或母亲)◆he's still living with his parents.他仍然和父母住在一起。◆there are many more single parent families than there used to be.现在的单亲家庭比过去增加了很多。▸ parental /pərentl/ adjective [usually before noun] ◆parental responsibility / rights父母的责任/权利▸ parenting noun [uncountable] ◆good / poor parenting教养有方/无方◆parenting skills / classes教养子女的技巧/课程■ mum (bre) (name mom) [countable] (informal, especially spoken) (often used as a name常用作称呼) a mother妈妈;妈◆my mum says i can't go.我妈说我不能去。◆mom can speak french and spanish.妈妈会说法语和西班牙语。◆happy birthday, mom.妈妈,生日快乐!◆a lot of mums and dads have the same worries.许多父母都有同样的担忧。◆the group is aimed at new mums with young babies.该群体针对的是初为人母的女性。■ dad [countable] (informal, especially spoken) (often used as a name常用作称呼) a father爸爸;爸◆that's my dad over there.那边那位是我爸爸。◆do you live with your mum or your dad?你和妈妈还是和爸爸住在一起?◆is it ok if i borrow the car, dad?爸爸,借用一下汽车好吗?note 辨析 mother and father or mum and dad?in spoken language, mum/mom and dad are much more frequent. it sounds formal to say my mother/father.在口语中,mum (或 mom)和 dad 常用得多。my mother/father 听上去很正式。■ daddy [countable] (informal, especially spoken) (used especially by or to young children, often as a name尤作儿语,常作称呼) a father爸爸;爸◆what does your daddy look like?你爸爸长什么样?◆daddy, where are you?爸爸,你在哪儿?◆come to daddy.到爸爸这儿来。■ mummy (bre) (name mommy) [countable] (informal, especially spoken) (used especially by or to young children, often as a name尤作儿语,常作称呼) a mother妈咪◆'i want my mummy!' he wailed.他哭叫着:“我要妈妈!”◆my knee hurts, mommy!妈妈,我膝盖疼!◆mummy and daddy will be back soon.爸爸妈妈就要回来了。■ guardian /gɑːdiən; name gɑːrdiən/ [countable] a person who is legally responsible for the care of another person, especially a child whose parents have died(尤指双亲已故的孩子的)监护人◆i was left alone to live with my aunt, who became my legal guardian.我被孤零零地撇下跟姨妈生活,她成了我法定的监护人。■ stepfather ■ stepmother [countable] the man/woman who is married to your mother/father, but who is not your real father/mother继父;继母◆he lives at home with his mother and stepfather.他跟母亲和继父一起住在家里。◆is there a wicked stepmother in your story?你的故事里是否有一个邪恶的继母?ⓘ the word step-parent can be used, but it is not common. * step-parent 可用,但不常用。■ folks /fəʊks; name foʊks/ [plural] (especially name, informal) your parents老爸老妈◆i'm going to see my folks this weekend.我打算这周末去看我老爸老妈。  ➡ see also folk → people 1 mother [countable] a woman who has a son or daughter, or a female animal who has produced young; a person who is acting as a mother to a child母亲;妈妈◆the relationship between mother and baby母婴关系◆she's the mother of twins.她有一对双胞胎。◆she was a wonderful mother to both her natural and adopted children.她对亲生的和领养的孩子都很好。◆an expectant (= pregnant) mother孕妇◆the mother chimpanzee caring for her young照料幼崽的母猩猩▸ motherly adjective◆motherly love / advice / instincts慈母般的爱/忠告;母亲的本能mother¹/ˈmʌðə(r) ||; ˈmʌðɚ/noun [c] the female parent of a person or an animal 母;母亲;母兽;母畜 ☞ look at mum, mummy and stepmother. 参看mum、mummy及stepmother。mother²/ˈmʌðə(r) ||; ˈmʌðɚ/verb [t] to look after sb as a mother does (母亲般)照顾: ◇stop mothering me -- i can look after myself! 别像母亲那样照管我─我会照管自己! mother1 a mother2 what you call your mother3 the time when a woman is a mother4 typical of a mother's feelings or behaviour5 behaving in a kind and caring way like a motherrelated words father,, family,, baby, child, woman, relationship1. a mother 母亲 mother /ˈmʌðəʳ/ [countable noun] my mother and father are both teachers. 我母亲和父亲都是教师。 like most mothers, i always feel anxious when my children come home late. 与大多数母亲一样,当孩子回家晚时我总是感到担心。 the 29-year-old mother of two was attacked while walking her dog in woods near her home. 这位有两个子女的29岁的母亲在自己家附近树林里遛狗时遭到袭击。a single mother a mother who looks after her children on her own, without a husband or partner 单身母亲 as a single mother, linda relies on state benefits which are nowhere near enough. 身为一名单身母亲,琳达靠国家救济度日,根本就不够用。 mum british /mom american /mʌm, mɒmǁmɑːm/ [countable noun] informal someone's mother 【非正式】妈妈 my mum and dad won't mind if you want to stay the night. 如果你想留下过夜,我妈妈和爸爸是不会介意的。 alex's mom does all his cooking, washing, and ironing for him! 亚历克斯的妈妈为他做饭、洗衣、烫衣,包揽了一切! sometimes it's difficult to get back into the job market after being a full-time mom. 当上全职妈妈后再要回到求职市场上是很难的。a single mum/mom a mother who looks after her children on her own, without a husband or partner 单身妈妈 being a single mum is never easy. 做单身妈妈绝非易事。a stay-at-home-mom american a mother who stays at home to take care of her children rather than working elsewhere 【美】全职妈妈2. what you call your mother 对母亲的称呼 mum british /mom american /mʌm, mɒmǁmɑːm/ [] spoken a name you use to talk to your mother 【口】妈妈 mum, where can we play? 妈妈,我们可以在什么地方玩? happy birthday, mom! 祝你生日快乐,妈妈! i told mum that i wasn't going to be home for dinner tonight. 我告诉妈妈今晚不回家吃饭。 mummy british /mommy american /ˈmʌmi, ˈmɒmiǁ ˈmɑːmi/ [] informal a name for your mother - used especially by young children or when you are talking to young children 【非正式】妈咪[尤为幼童所用或你跟幼童谈话时用] ‘good night mummy,’ said ben. “晚安,妈咪。”本说。 don't cry - mommy'll be back soon. 别哭,妈妈马上就回来了。 mother /ˈmʌðəʳ/ [] a formal way of talking to your mother 母亲[正式用词] i think i can make my own decisions, mother - i'm forty now you know! 我想我会自己作决定,母亲。我现在40岁了!3. the time when a woman is a mother 女性当上母亲时 motherhood /ˈmʌðəʳhʊd/ [uncountable noun] it is not easy trying to combine motherhood and a job. 要兼顾做母亲和工作并不是件容易的事。 women weren't expected to work in those days. the accepted pattern was marriage and motherhood. 那时候女性是不该出去工作的。普遍被接受的模式就是结婚和生儿育女。4. typical of a mother's feelings or behaviour 母亲的典型心理或行为 maternal /məˈtɜːʳnl/ [adjective only before noun] my oldest sister, roberta, used to fuss over me in a rather maternal manner. 我的大姐罗伯塔过去总是以母亲的方式对我宠爱有加。 lack of maternal love can have a profound effect on a child's psychological development. 缺少母爱会对孩子的心理成长产生深刻的影响。5. behaving in a kind and caring way like a mother 像母亲似的慈爱 maternal /məˈtɜːʳnl/ [adjective] aunt mary was a large, maternal woman who worked as a nurse in a children's hospital. 玛丽大妈是个体态肥胖,像母亲般慈祥的女人,她在一家儿童医院里当护士。maternal towards the older girls seemed to feel quite maternal towards the younger ones. 年长些的女孩对年龄较小的孩子非常呵护,像母亲似的。 motherly /ˈmʌðəʳli/ [adjective] behaving like a mother, especially by being very kind and looking after people 母亲般的;慈母般的 ‘don't worry,’ laura said in a gentle motherly way. “别担心。”劳拉以慈母般的语调轻声说道。 miss gilbert was motherly but firm, an excellent teacher for the lower forms. 吉尔伯特小姐像慈母一般但又很严格,是教低年级的好教师。☞ mother¹☞ mother²




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