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单词 blind
释义 blind noun  ➡ see also shade adjective | verb + blind | preposition adjective➤window百叶窗▸➤roller, venetian卷帘;软百叶帘verb + blind➤open, pull up, raise打开/卷起/拉起百叶窗▸➤close, draw, lower, pull down, shut (especially name) 关上/拉上/放低/拉下/合上遮帘preposition➤through a/the blind透过窗帘◆she saw a figure through the blinds.她透过窗帘看到一个身影。blind verbadverb➤almost, nearly几乎使眼盲;近乎使失明◆the strong light almost blinded him.强光照得他几乎什么都看不见了。➤momentarily, temporarily暂时失明➤completely完全失明blind adjective¹ 1unable to see失明verbs | adverb | phrases verbs➤be, be born失明;天生失明▸➤be registered (as)做了失明登记▸➤go丧失视力◆she went blind at the age of ten.她 10 岁的时候失明了。➤make sb使某人失明adverb➤completely, totally完全失明▸➤almost, nearly, virtually几乎/差不多/实际上失明▸➤partially半盲➤temporarily暂时失明➤legally (name) 法律意义上的失明phrases➤as blind as a bat视力很差▸➤be blind in one eye一只眼睛失明◆he is almost blind in one eye.他的一只眼几乎瞎了。blind adjective² 2blind to sth not willing to notice/admit sth无视;不愿承认verbs | adverb verbs➤be, seem没有察觉;好像看不见▸➤become变得认识不到▸➤make sb使某人无视⋯adverb➤completely, totally完全意识不到⋯◆his own problems have made him completely blind to the sufferings of others.他自己的烦恼使他完全看不见别人的痛苦。➤wilfully/willfully故意无视◆is the public wilfully / willfully blind to what is going on?难道公众对所发生的事情有意视而不见吗? blind [countable] a covering for a window, especially one made of a roll of fabric that is fixed at the top of the window and can be pulled up and down窗帘;(尤指)卷帘◆pull up the blinds and let some light in.把卷帘拉上去,进点儿光。ⓘ a venetian blind is a blind that has flat horizontal plastic or metal strips going across it that you can turn to let in as much light as you want. * venetian blind 指百叶窗帘,可调整叶片控制光线强度。 blind [not before noun] not noticing or realizing sth(对某事)视而不见的,未察觉的◆she's totally blind to her husband's faults.她完全看不到丈夫的过错。◆i must have been blind not to realize the danger we were in.我当时一定是眼瞎了,竟然没有意识到我们所处的危险。blind¹/blaɪnd ||; blaɪnd/adj1. unable to see 失明的;盲的;瞎的: ◇a blind person 盲人◇to be completely/partially blind 完全盲了;部份失明 ☞people are sometimes described as partially sighted or visually impaired rather than blind. 形容失明有时用 partially sighted(有部份视力)或 visually impaired(视障),不用 blind(瞎)。 2. blind (to sth) not wanting to notice or understand sth 不想注意或了解;视而不见: ◇he was completely blind to her faults. 对于她的过失,他完全视而不见。 3. without reason or thought 盲目的: ◇he drove down the motorway in a blind panic. 他在恐慌中盲目地驾车沿高速公路驶去。 4. impossible to see round 看不到四周的: ◇you should never overtake on a blind corner. 在死角处绝对不可超车。 ➔blindly adv ➔blindness noun [u] turn a blind eye (to sth) to pretend not to notice sth bad is happening so that you do not have to do anything about it 假装看不见;视若无睹 blind²/blaɪnd ||; blaɪnd/verb[t] 1. to make sb unable to see 使看不见;使失明: ◇her grandfather had been blinded in an accident (= permanently). 她祖父在一次意外中失明了。◇just for a second i was blinded by the sun (= for a short time). 阳光使我的双眼有片刻看不到东西。 2. blind sb (to sth) to make sb unable to think clearly or behave in a sensible way 使变得盲目 blind³/blaɪnd ||; blaɪnd/noun1. [c] a piece of cloth or other material that you pull down to cover a window 窗帘;百叶窗;卷帘 ☞picture at curtain 见 curtain 插图 2. the blind [pl] people who are unable to see 盲人 blindsee ⇨ see 10,11     • • •• ⇨ as blind as a bat☞ blind¹☞ blind²☞ blind³




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