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单词 prosecution
释义 prosecution noun¹ 1trying to prove sb's guilt in court起诉adjective | verb + prosecution | preposition | phrases adjective➤criminal, federal, private (bre) 刑事起诉;联邦起诉;自诉▸➤successful成功的起诉▸➤possible可能发生的起诉◆he faces possible prosecution.他有可能被起诉。verb + prosecution➤bring, initiate提起诉讼▸➤be liable to, face, risk有可能被起诉;面临起诉;有被起诉的危险▸➤avoid, escape避免/逃脱起诉▸➤lead to, result in导致被检控preposition➤prosecution against对⋯的起诉◆the police brought a prosecution against the driver involved.警方对涉案的司机提起了诉讼。➤prosecution for因⋯而起诉◆prosecutions for water pollution more than doubled.水污染引起的起诉增加了一倍多。phrases➤immunity from prosecution免于公诉prosecution noun² 2the prosecution lawyers trying to prove sb's guilt控方律师prosecution + verb | prosecution + noun | preposition prosecution + verb➤prove sth控方证实⋯▸➤allege sth, claim sth, present sth控方声称⋯◆the prosecution alleged that he murdered his wife.控方称他谋杀了自己的妻子。➤call sb控方称某人⋯prosecution + noun➤case, evidence原告提出的论据;控方提出的证据▸➤counsel, lawyer, team, witness原告律师;控方团队;控方证人▸➤costs (bre) 原告承担的费用preposition➤for the prosecution原告方的◆a witness for the prosecution原告证人 prosecution /prɒsɪkjuːʃn; name prɑːs-/ noun1. [countable, uncountable] the process of trying to prove in court that sb is guilty of a crime; the process of being officially accused of a crime in court (被)起诉,检举;诉讼◆the company paid the tax it owed in order to avoid prosecution. 这家公司支付了所欠税款以避免被起诉。the prosecution [singular + singular or plural verb] a person or an organization that prosecutes sb in a court, together with the lawyers, etc. 原告,控方(包括原告和原告律师等)◆she was a witness for the prosecution. 她是控方证人。☞ prosecutionprosecution /prɒsɪkjuːʃn; name prɑːsɪkjuːʃn/ [uncountable, countable] the process of trying to prove in court that sb is guilty of a crime; the process of being officially charged with a crime in court(被)起诉,检举;诉讼◆prosecution for a first minor offence rarely leads to imprisonment.对轻罪初犯者的起诉很少判处监禁。◆he threatened to bring a private prosecution against the doctor.他威胁要对医生提起民事诉讼。  ➡ see also prosecute → accuse prosecution/ˌprɒsɪˈkju:ʃn ||; ˌprɑsɪˈkjuʃən/noun1. [u] [c] the process of officially charging sb with a crime and of trying to show that he/she is guilty, in a court of law 检控;起诉: ◇to bring a prosecution against sb 对某人提诉◇failure to pay your parking fine will result in prosecution. 不缴交违规停车罚款会被检控。 2. the prosecution [sing] [with.sop] a person or group of people who try to show that sb is guilty of a crime in a court of law 控方;原告: ◇the prosecution claim/claims that lloyd was driving at 100 miles per hour. 控方声称劳埃德当时以每小时100英里的车速驾驶。 ☞look at defence. 参看defence。prosecution• ⇨ the prosecution pros·e·cu·tion /ˏprɑsɪ`kjuʃən; ˌprɒsɪˈkjuːʃən/n 1. the prosecution the lawyers who try to prove that someone is guilty of a crime in a court of law 控方律师:◇a witness for the prosecution 控方证人→ compare 比较 defence 2. [c,u] when someone is legally charged with a crime or judged in a court of law 起诉,检控




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