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单词 surely
释义 surelyadverb◆surely you don't think i was responsible for this?你不会真的以为这事是我的责任吧?◆'they're getting married.' 'surely not!'“他们要结婚了。”“不会吧!”surelyadverb◆surely you don't think i was responsible for this?你不会真的以为这事是我的责任吧?◆'they're getting married.' 'surely not!'“他们要结婚了。”“不会吧!”surely/ˈʃɔ:li; us ˈʃʊərlɪ ||; ˈʃυrlɪ/adv1. without doubt 无疑: ◇this will surely cause problems. 这一定会带来问题。 2. used for expressing surprise at sb else's opinions, plans, actions, etc (表示惊讶): ◇surely you're not going to walk home in this rain? 下这么大雨,你怎么走路回家呀?◇‘meena's looking for another job.’ ‘surely not.’ “米纳正在找别的工作。”“不会吧。” 3. (us 美) (informal 非正式) yes; of course 可以;当然 surelysee ⇨ certainly/definitely 1     • • •• ⇨ slowly but surely sure·ly /`ʃrlɪ; ˈʃɔːli/adv 1. used to show that you are surprised at something 想必,谅必[表示惊讶]:◇surely you're not leaving so soon? 你该不会这么快就走吧? 2. used to show that you think something must be true 必定,无疑[表示认为某事一定正确]:◇this will surely result in more people losing their jobs. 这必将导致更多人失业。




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