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标题 派力奥局部应用治疗下颌智齿冠周炎疗效观察

    高秦 马东洋




    [中图分类号] R781.4+2? ? [文献标志码]A? ? [文章编号]1008-6455(2020)08-0155-02

    The Effect of Minocycline Hydrochloride Ointment on Pericoronitis

    of? Wisdom Tooth

    GAO? Qin1,MA Dong-yang2

    (1.Department of Ophthalmology and Otorhinolaryngology,People's Liberation Army 96604 Troop Hospital,Lanzhou 730030,Gansu,China; 2. Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, PLA Joint Logistic Support Force 940 Hospital, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu,China)

    Abstract: Objective To observe the effect of Minocycline Hydrochloride Ointment on pericoronitis of wisdom tooth. Methods Select our hospital from March 2018 to November 2019 were among the 92 cases of pericoronitis of? wisdom tooth as research object, 92 patients with pericoronitis were divided into 2 groups. One group was treated with Minocycline Hydrochloride Ointment and the other group was treated with iodoglycerin . Patients in the treatment group were treated with Minocycline Hydrochloride Ointment one time. Patients in the control group were treated with iodoglycerin one time daily. continuous treatment three days, 5days later. The effect of two groups was observed. Results? The clinical effect of two groups were 96% and 78%, The cilinical effect of the group treated with Minocycline Hydrochloride Ointment was much better than the group treated with iodoglycerin. Conclusion The treatment of pericoronitis of wisdom tooth with Minocycline Hydrochloride Ointment is effective, safe and worthy of promotion.

    Key words:palio;minocycline hydrochloride ointment; pericoronitis;topical remedy;tjerapy


    1? 资料和方法

    1.1 一般资料:选取笔者医院口腔门诊2018年3月-2019年11月诊治的急性下颌智齿冠周炎早期患者92例,其中男70例,女22例,年龄18~25岁,多表现为患侧智齿萌出不全(其中正中阻生9例、近中阻生54例、远中阻生29例),冠周软组织红肿疼痛,牙龈红肿糜烂,有深盲袋,袋内溢脓,张口受限等局部症状,均无明显间隙感染及全身症状,均未口服抗菌素。将患者随机分为派力奥组46例和对照组46例。





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