标题 | 23例局灶脑皮质发育不良性癫痫患者GAD-65/67的表达分布 |
范文 | 饶英华 张训 秦明筠 [摘要]目的 探索局灶脑皮质发育不良(FCD)性癫痫病灶中GAD-65/67表达分布情况。方法 收集广州医科大学附属脑科医院和广州医科大学附属第二医院2017年10月~2019年10月手术中切除的病灶标本,23例FCD癫痫患者手术切除病灶为实验组,7例无癫痫发作正常脑组织为对照组,运用免疫组化染色方法,观察GAD-65/67的表达分布,利用电子显微镜对免疫组化载玻片进行拍照,用IEE 7.0软件进行图像色差分析。结果 实验组、对照组均可见GAD-65/67表达分布,对照组脑组织观测到GAD-65/67均匀分布于神经纤维及突触,实验组病理组织学观察到神经元形态异常、排列紊乱,GAD-65/67表达分布相应发生改变。结论 FCD由于发生大脑皮层发育异常,GAD-65/67分布异常,可能是导致γ-氨基丁酸的抑制功能减弱的重要原因。 [关键词]局灶脑皮质发育不良;GAD-65/67;癫痫;免疫组化 [中图分类号] R742.1 ? ? ? ? ?[文献标识码] A ? ? ? ? ?[文章編号] 1674-4721(2020)8(c)-0102-04 [Abstract] Objective To explore the expression and distribution of GAD-65/67 in patients with ?forcal cortical dysplasia (FCD) epilepsy. Methods Surgical focus specimen of inpatients were collected from the Affiliated Brain Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University and the Affiliated Second Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University from October 2017 to October 2019. The expression of GAD-65/67 was observed by immunohistochemical staining in 23 patients with FCD epilepsy who underwent surgical resection (the experimental group) and 7 normal brain tissues without epilepsy (the control group). All the stained sections were examined under a microscope and photographed with a digital camera and the image chromatic aberration was analyzed by IEE 7.0 software. Results The expression of GAD-65/67 was found in both the experimental group and the control group. In the control group, GAD-65/67 was found to be evenly distributed in nerve fibers and synapses in brain tissue. In the experimental group, abnormal morphology and arrangement of neurons were observed and the expression and distribution of GAD-65/67 were changed correspondingly. Conclusion This study suggests that the abnormal distribution of GAD-65/67 may be attributed to the abnormal development of cerebral cortex in FCD, resulting in the decrease of GABA inhibition. [Key words] Focal cortical dysplasia; GAD-65/67; Epilepsy; Immunohistochemistry 癫痫是常见的神经系统疾病,严重影响患者的生活质量,其中局灶脑皮质发育不良(FCD)是难治性癫痫的重要原因之一,其确切的发病机制仍不清楚,内科治疗及外科手术仍难以控制癫痫发作[1-2]。有学者认为,癫痫是由大脑皮层神经网络兴奋性和抑制性因素之间的不平衡引起的过度兴奋现象,再加上大量神经元群体中的强烈同步放电所引起[3],γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)是重要的中枢抑制性递质,分布于神经轴突和小神经元,GABA由谷氨酰胺通过谷氨酸脱羧酶(GAD)的催化下合成,GAD是GABA的限速酶,GAD存在GAD65和GAD67两种同工酶[4]。目前有研究表明GABA与癫痫、焦虑症、精神分裂症、僵硬综合症等疾病相关[5-6]。本研究拟通过FCD癫痫患者病灶处GAD-65/67的表达分布情况探讨FCD相关性癫痫的发病机制,现报道如下。 1资料与方法 1.1一般资料 收集广州医科大学附属脑科医院神经外科和广州医科大学附属第二医院癫痫中心2017年10月~2019年10月收治的FCD相关难治性癫痫患者手术中切除的病灶,运用磁共振、PET/CT、视频脑电图等进行术前评估和定位,术中脑电图定位切除病灶,术后病理诊断参考国际抗癫痫联盟的FCD诊断标准[7],共纳入FCD患者23例为实验组,其中ⅠA型4例,ⅠB型5例,ⅡA型6例,ⅡB型8例;女10例,男13例;年龄2~35岁,平均(11.6±4.6)岁。对照组7例,为无癫痫相关病史的正常脑皮层组织,为术中大脑皮层造瘘获取,女3例,男4例,年龄5~68岁,中位年龄35岁。 [13]Calcagnotto ME,Paredes MF,Tihan T,et al.Dysfunction of synaptic inhibitionin epilepsy associated with focal cortical dysplasia[J].J Neurosci,2005,25(42):9649-9657. [14]Seong EL,Yunjong L,Gum HL.The regulation of glutamic acid decarboxylases in GABA neurotransmission in the brain[J].Arch Pharm Res,2019,42(12):1031-1039. [15]Trung NL,Zhou QP,Inma C,et al.GABAergic interneuron differentiation in the basal forebrain is mediated through direct regulation of glutamic acid decarboxylase isoforms by dlx home box transcription factors[J].J Neurosci,2017,37(36):8816-8829. [16]Walls AB,Eyjolfsson EM,Smeland OB,et al.Knockout of GAD65 has major impact on synaptic GABA synthesized from astrocyte-derived glutamine[J].J Cereb Blood Flow Metab,2011,31(2):494-503. [17]Esclapez M,Houser CR.Up-regulation of GAD65 and GAD67 in remaining hippoampal GABA neurons in a model of temporal lobe epilepsy[J].J Comp Neurol,1999,412(3):488-505. [18]Medici V, Rossini L, Deleo F,et al.Different Parvalbumin and GABA Expression Inhuman Epileptogenic Focal Cortical Dysplasia[J].Epilepsia,2016,57(7):1109-1119. [19]Garbelli R,Meroni A,Magnaghi G,et al.Architectural(type IA) focal cortical dysplasia and parvalbum in immunostaining in temporal lobe epilepsy[J].Epilepsia,2006,47(6):1074-1078. [20]Guerrini R,Duchowny M,Jayakar P,et al.Diagnostic methods and treatment options for focal cortical dysplasia[J].Epilepsia,2015,56(11):1669-1686. [21]D′Antuono M,Louvel J,Kohling R,et al.GABA a receptor-dependent synchronization leads to ictogenesis in the human dysplastic cortex[J].Brain,2004,127(Pt 7):1626-1640 [22]Vincent M,Jonathan C,Andreas L,et al.KCC2 overexpression prevents the paradoxical seizure-promoting action of somatic inhibition[J].Nat Commun,2019,15,10(1):1225-1238. [23]Krsek P,Maton B,Korman B,et al.Different features of histopathological subtypes of pediatric focal cortical dysplasia[J].Ann Neurol,2008,63(6):758-769. [24]Tim JV,Banu S,Cyrille HF,et al.Long-term seizure outcome after epilepsy surgery in patients with mild malformation of cortical development and focal cortical dysplasia[J].Epilepsia Open,2019,4(1):170-175. (收稿日期:2020-03-30) |
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